
Short Interest in Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund (NYSE:JRS) Expands By 226.0%

Short Interest in Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund (NYSE:JRS) Expands By 226.0%

Nuveen 房地產收益基金(紐約證券交易所代碼:JRS)的短期利息擴展了 226.0%
kopsource ·  2022/12/15 07:21

Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund (NYSE:JRS – Get Rating) was the recipient of a large increase in short interest in November. As of November 30th, there was short interest totalling 33,900 shares, an increase of 226.0% from the November 15th total of 10,400 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 94,100 shares, the short-interest ratio is presently 0.4 days.


Institutional Trading of Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund


Several institutional investors and hedge funds have recently modified their holdings of JRS. Atria Wealth Solutions Inc. purchased a new stake in shares of Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund in the 1st quarter valued at about $1,529,000. Cornerstone Advisors LLC purchased a new position in shares of Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund during the 3rd quarter valued at about $722,000. Advisors Asset Management Inc. raised its holdings in shares of Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund by 13.8% during the 3rd quarter. Advisors Asset Management Inc. now owns 647,140 shares of the company's stock valued at $5,002,000 after buying an additional 78,369 shares in the last quarter. Shaker Financial Services LLC purchased a new position in shares of Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund during the 3rd quarter valued at about $531,000. Finally, Private Advisor Group LLC raised its holdings in shares of Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund by 36.0% during the 2nd quarter. Private Advisor Group LLC now owns 224,923 shares of the company's stock valued at $2,114,000 after buying an additional 59,494 shares in the last quarter.

幾家機構投資者和對沖基金最近調整了對JRS的持股。Atria Wealth Solutions Inc.在第一季度購買了Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund的新股,價值約1,529,000美元。基石顧問有限責任公司在第三季度購買了Nuveen房地產收入基金的新頭寸,價值約722,000美元。Advisors Asset Management Inc.在第三季度將其持有的Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund股票增加了13.8%。Advisors Asset Management Inc.現在持有該公司647,140股股票,價值5,002,000美元,上個季度又購買了78,369股。Shaker Financial Services LLC在第三季度購買了Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund的新頭寸,價值約531,000美元。最後,Private Advisor Group LLC在第二季度將其持有的Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund股票增加了36.0%。Private Advisor Group LLC現在擁有224,923股該公司股票,價值2,114,000美元,上個季度又購買了59,494股。

Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund

Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund Stock Performance


Shares of NYSE:JRS traded down $0.28 on Wednesday, hitting $8.15. The company's stock had a trading volume of 114,092 shares, compared to its average volume of 89,249. The company has a 50-day simple moving average of $7.90 and a 200 day simple moving average of $8.93. Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund has a 1 year low of $7.02 and a 1 year high of $12.90.

紐約證券交易所:JRS的股價週三下跌0.28美元,觸及8.15美元。該公司股票的成交量為114,092股,而其平均成交量為89,249股。該公司的50日簡單移動均線切入位為7.90美元,200日簡單移動均線切入位為8.93美元。Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund的一年低點為7.02美元,一年高位為12.90美元。

Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund Announces Dividend


The firm also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, December 30th. Shareholders of record on Thursday, December 15th will be issued a $0.209 dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Wednesday, December 14th. This represents a $0.84 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 10.26%.

Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund is a closed-ended equity mutual fund launched by Nuveen Investments Inc The fund is managed by Security Capital Research & Management Incorporated. It invests in the public equity markets of the United States. The fund makes its investments in stocks of companies operating in the real-estate sector.

Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund是由Nuveen Investments Inc.推出的封閉式股票共同基金,由Security Capital Research&Management Inc.管理。它投資於美國的公開股票市場。該基金投資於在房地產行業運營的公司股票。

Further Reading


  • Get a free copy of the research report on Nuveen Real Estate Income Fund (JRS)
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