美國OTC市場中國城超市股票所在的食品雜貨行業中,整體跌幅為0.40%。其相關個股中,Village Super Market Inc、安格萊斯市場、Sprouts Farmers Markets Inc漲幅較大,每日優鮮、克羅格、Sprouts Farmers Markets Inc較為活躍,換手率分別為0.54%、0.10%、0.07%,振幅較大的相關個股有每日優鮮、艾伯森、叮咚買菜,振幅分別為7.07%、2.22%、1.24%。
美國OTC市場中國城超市公司簡介:iFresh, Inc. engages in the management of grocery supermarket chain and online grocer.The company offers a range of food products such as vegetables, fruits, and seafood and other merchandise.It operates through the Wholesale and Retail segments.The company was founded in July 2016 and is headquartered in Long Island City, NY.
(以上內容為自選股智慧機器寫手Money Call完成,僅作為用戶看盤參考,不作為交易依據。)