
Menard Financial Group LLC Buys Shares of 49,938 ProShares Short MSCI EAFE (NYSEARCA:EFZ)

Menard Financial Group LLC Buys Shares of 49,938 ProShares Short MSCI EAFE (NYSEARCA:EFZ)

梅納德金融集團股份有限責任公司購買 49,938 股普安股份短線摩根士丹利 EAFE(紐約證券代碼:EFZ)
Financial News Live ·  2022/12/02 01:31

Menard Financial Group LLC bought a new stake in ProShares Short MSCI EAFE (NYSEARCA:EFZ – Get Rating) during the second quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The fund bought 49,938 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $1,064,000. ProShares Short MSCI EAFE comprises approximately 1.7% of Menard Financial Group LLC's portfolio, making the stock its 10th biggest position.

根據其最近向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交的文件,梅納德金融集團有限責任公司在第二季度購買了普安股 MSCI 短線 MSCI EAFE(紐西爾卡:EFZ-獲得評級)的新股份。該基金買入了該公司股票的 49,938 股,價值約 1,064,000 元。盈豐短線 MSCI EAFE 佔美納金融集團有限責任公司投資組合的約 1.7%,使該股成為其第十大地位。

Other hedge funds and other institutional investors have also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Selective Wealth Management Inc. purchased a new stake in shares of ProShares Short MSCI EAFE during the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $53,000. Belpointe Asset Management LLC purchased a new stake in shares of ProShares Short MSCI EAFE during the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $133,000. Aurora Private Wealth Inc. purchased a new stake in shares of ProShares Short MSCI EAFE during the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $204,000. NewEdge Advisors LLC purchased a new stake in shares of ProShares Short MSCI EAFE during the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $278,000. Finally, Northern Trust Corp purchased a new stake in shares of ProShares Short MSCI EAFE during the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $284,000.

其他對沖基金和其他機構投資者最近也增加或減少了他們在公司的股份。選擇性財富管理股份有限公司於第二季度購入普安證短線 MSCI 溢安股份的新股份,價值約為 $53,000。貝邦資產管理有限責任公司在第二季度購買了普安股短期 MSCI EAFE 股份的新股份,價值約為 133,000 美元。震旦私人財富股份有限公司在第二季度購入普安股短期 MSCI EAFE 股份的新股份,價值約為 204,000 美元。新際顧問有限責任公司在第二季度購買了普安股短期 MSCI EAFE 股份的新股份,價值約為 278,000 美元。最後,北方信託股份有限公司在第二季度購入了普安證短線 MSCI EAFE 股份的新股份,價值約為 284,000 美元。

ProShares Short MSCI EAFE
保證短線 MSCI 投資安全

ProShares Short MSCI EAFE Stock Performance

保證短線摩根士丹利 EAFE 股票表現

ProShares Short MSCI EAFE stock traded down $0.11 during midday trading on Thursday, reaching $19.58. 575 shares of the stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 230,939. The company's fifty day moving average is $22.03 and its 200-day moving average is $21.29. ProShares Short MSCI EAFE has a 52 week low of $17.48 and a 52 week high of $24.46.

盈豐短線摩根士丹利盈安股票在周四中午交易期間下跌 0.11 美元,達到 19.58 美元。該股票的交易量為 575 股,相比其平均成交量 230,939。該公司的五十天移動平均線為 22.03 美元,其 200 天移動平均線為 21.29 美元。保證短線摩根士丹利透明安科技有 52 周低點 17.48 美元,52 周新高為 24.46 美元。

ProShares Short MSCI EAFE Profile


(Get Rating)

ProShares Short MSCI EAFE (the Fund) seeks daily investment results that correspond to the inverse (opposite) of the daily performance of the MSCI EAFE Index. The MSCI EAFE Index (Europe, Australasia, Far East) adjusts the market capitalization of index constituents for free float and targets for index inclusion 85% of free float-adjusted market capitalization in each industry group, in developed market countries, excluding the United States and Canada.

盈豐短線 MSCI 前安基金(本基金)尋求與 MSCI 淨安指數每日反向(相反)表現相對應的每日投資業績。MSCI EAFE Index(歐洲、澳大拉西亞、遠東)調整指數成份股的市值,以及在發達市場國家(美國和加拿大除美國和加拿大除外)每個行業組別的自由流通調整市值的 85% 納入指數成份股的目標。

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