
Reported On Monday, The Very Good Food Company Announces U.S. Retail Expansion With Wegmans Food Markets And Significant Distribution Points Gains Across North America

Reported On Monday, The Very Good Food Company Announces U.S. Retail Expansion With Wegmans Food Markets And Significant Distribution Points Gains Across North America

週一報導,非常好的食品公司宣布與 Wegmans 食品市場進行美國零售業擴張,並在北美各地獲得顯著的分銷點增長
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/11/23 22:21

107 Wegmans Stores Now Carry The Very Good Butchers Products

107 家威格曼商店現在提供非常好的屠夫產品

VERY GOOD Adds Over 3,000 Points of Distribution Through Expanded Distribution at Save-On-Foods, Farm Boy, and The Giant Company

非常好通過擴大食品保存,農場男孩和巨型公司的分銷增加了 3,000 多個分銷點

VANCOUVER, BC, Nov. 21, 2022 /CNW/ - The Very Good Food Company Inc. (NASDAQ:VGFC) (TSXV:VERY) (FSE: OSI) ("VERY GOOD" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company's The Very Good Butchers brand products are now available at 107 Wegmans Food Markets stores in the United States.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省,2022 年 11 月 21 日 /CNW-非常好食品公司(納斯達克:VGFC)(TSXV:非常)(FSE:OSI)(」非常好「或」公司「) 很高興地宣布,該公司的非常好的屠夫品牌產品現已在美國 107 家 Wegmans 食品市場商店上市。

Additionally, VERY GOOD has expanded its product placements at existing retailers including Save-On-Foods, Farm Boy, and The Giant Company, adding over 3,000 points of distribution for the Company's brand across North America.

此外,非常好還擴大了其在現有零售商的產品展示範圍,包括食品保存,農場男孩和巨人公司,為該公司在北美的品牌增加了 3,000 多個分銷點。

Wegmans now carries 4 SKUs of The Very Good Butchers suite of products in 107 stores throughout Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington (D.C.), Virginia, and North Carolina, providing 324 new distribution points for VERY GOOD.

Wegmans 目前在麻薩諸塞州、紐約、紐澤西州、賓夕法尼亞州、馬里蘭州、華盛頓特區、維吉尼亞特區和北卡羅萊納州的 107 家門店中提供 4 個 SKU 產品套件,為「非常好」提供 324 個新的配送點。

Same store placement gains have been achieved at 168 locations of Save-On-Foods, one of Western Canada's largest grocery retailers, which has brought in additional SKUs of VERY GOOD specialty products, the brand's Very Good Steak, and Ribz, into their stores' produce section, increasing SKU count from 5 SKUs to 9, with a total of 1,260 distribution points.

在加拿大西部最大的雜貨零售商之一的 168 個地點獲得了相同的商店放置收益,該公司在其商店的生產部分中引入了非常好的特色產品,該品牌的非常好牛排和 Ribz 的額外 SKU,將 SKU 數量從 5 SKU 增加到 9 個,總共有 1,260 個分佈點。

In addition, Farm Boy, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sobeys with 44 locations in Ontario, has also increased their VERY GOOD SKU count from 7 SKUs launched in January 2021 to 14 SKUs and 616 distribution points by merchandising VERY GOOD's gluten and soy free Butcher's Select line in their stores' plant-based protein set.

此外,Sobeys 的全資子公司 Farm Boy 在安大略省擁有 44 個據點,也將其非常好的 SKU 數量從 2021 年 1 月推出的 7 個 SKU 增加到 14 個 SKU 和 616 個分銷點,通過在其商店的植物性蛋白質集中銷售非常好的無麩質和大豆屠夫精選系列。

VERY GOOD's existing in-store presence was also boosted at The Giant Company, a retailer with 135 stores located in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia that will be adding 5 original SKUs (British Banger, Smokin' Banger, Smokin' Burgers, Taco Stuff'er, and The Very Good Burger) to the current line of Butcher's Select SKUs (mmm Meatballs, Bratwurst and Cajun Sausage) for a total of 1,215 distributions that will be sold in 135 stores.

在賓夕法尼亞州,馬里蘭州,弗吉尼亞州和西弗吉尼亞州擁有 135 家商店的零售商,該公司將在當前的屠夫精選香腸 SKU(英國 Banger,Smokin' Banger,斯莫金漢堡,塔科東西和非常好的漢堡)添加 5 個原始 SKU(英國香腸,斯莫金漢堡,塔科東西,和非常好的漢堡)的 1,215 分佈,將在 135 家商店出售。

"The increased distribution of our products to new and current customers is a testament to our strong retailer relationships and their desire to build sustainable plant-based categories that offer products that are tasty, nutritious, and innovative to their customers. I am proud of the work that all our teams have undertaken to get our brands onto grocery shelves across North America" said Jordan Rogers, VERY GOOD's Chief Commercial Officer.

我們對新客戶和現有客戶的產品分銷增加證明了我們強大的零售商關係,以及他們希望建立永續植物類別的願望,從而為客戶提供美味,營養和創新的產品。我為我們所有團隊為將我們的品牌引入北美雜貨架所做的努力感到自豪。」非常 GOOD 的首席商務官 Jordan Rogers 說。

