
Enerev5 Metals Updates Private Placement and Acquires Mining Claims

Enerev5 Metals Updates Private Placement and Acquires Mining Claims

Enerev5 Metals更新私募並獲得採礦權利
newsfile ·  2022/11/18 20:35

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - November 18, 2022) - Enerev5 Metals Inc. (TSXV: ENEV) (OTCQB: ENEVF) ("Enerev5" or the "Company") announces that it expanded its nickel exploration project, named "Barbara Bay" in Quebec, to about 33,200 hectares; and, staked a separate nickel project, named "Goals Met", also in Quebec. To fund the staking costs and for continued working capital, the Company closed a second tranche of its previously announced financing raising to date a total of $292,500.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年11月18日)-Enerev5 Metals Inc.(TSXV:ENEV)(OTCQB:ENEVF)(“能源5“或”公司“)宣佈將其在魁北克的鎳勘探項目”Barbara Bay“擴大到約33,200公頃;並在魁北克投資了一個單獨的鎳項目,名為”Goals Met“。為了支付標的成本和持續的營運資金,該公司完成了之前宣佈的融資的第二批,迄今總計292,500美元。

The Goals Met claims were acquired through the staking of 135 mining claims comprising approximately 7,290 hectares in the Province of Quebec using arms-length stakers.

Goals Met的索賠是通過在魁北克省使用袖珍裝箱機對135個採礦索賠進行標樁獲得的,面積約為7,290公頃。

The expansion of Barbara Bay is an acquisition of claims by way of an agreement between the Company and arms-length parties (the "Vendors") to acquire a 100% interest in 171 mining claims comprising approximately 9,234 hectares in the Province of Quebec, for a total consideration of 5,000,000 common shares of the Company (the "Consideration Shares"). These claims are in addition to the acquisition through staking of 447 Quebec mining claims totalling 24,000 hectares announced on October 11, 2022. Barbara Bay now totals 33,200 hectares of contiguous claims.

Barbara Bay的擴張是通過公司與公平各方(“賣方”)之間的協議收購債權,以收購魁北克省171項採礦主張的100%權益,總代價為公司5,000,000股普通股(“對價股份“)。這些主張是對2022年10月11日宣佈的447個魁北克採礦主張的補充,總計24,000公頃。Barbara Bay現在共有33,200公頃的連續主張。

Summarizing the property, geophysical consultant Steve Balch, one of the Vendors, commented, "the Company has staked almost the entire contact of an anorthosite intrusion that has strong similarities to that of the Go Metals HSP project. There are several historic showings of copper, nickel and cobalt at the interpreted contact which is derived from a high resolution magnetic and EM survey flown in the 1990s. There are several EM conductors at the contact. The strategy is to refly the intrusion using modern technology and to setup a direct drilling program that could commence this summer." Steve Balch is a qualified person within the meaning of NI 43-101 and is responsible for the technical information contained in this press release.

供應商之一、地球物理顧問史蒂夫·鮑爾奇對這處房產進行了總結,他評論説:“公司已經確定了與Go Metals HSP項目有很大相似之處的斜長巖侵入體的幾乎整個觸點。在解釋的觸點上有幾次歷史上銅、鎳和鈷的顯示,這是從20世紀90年代飛行的高分辨率磁力和電磁調查得出的。觸點上有幾個電磁導體。戰略是使用現代技術來抵禦侵入體,並建立一個直接鑽探計劃,可能會在今年夏天開始。”Steve Balch是符合NI 43-101標準的合格人員,他對本新聞稿中包含的技術信息負責。

The Company will release more information regarding the geo-significance of the Barbara Bay and Goals Met properties when available. All of the claims were acquired in keeping with the Company's focus on exploration and development potential related to energy metals such as nickel, copper, cobalt and other strategic battery minerals, and the Company's increasing focus on projects in mining friendly and politically stable jurisdictions.

該公司將公佈更多關於芭芭拉灣和Goals Met物業的地理意義的信息。收購所有債權是為了配合本公司專注於與鎳、銅、鈷及其他戰略性電池礦物等能源金屬有關的勘探及開發潛力,以及本公司愈來愈重視礦業友好及政治穩定司法管轄區的項目。

The Consideration Shares, when issued shall be fully paid and non-assessable shares of the Company at a deemed price of $0.05 per share. The Consideration Shares shall be subject to escrow provisions requiring the shares to be released from escrow, 50% on closing of this agreement, subject to a four month hold period, and a further 50%, 6months from the date of closing, or such greater period as may be required by the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV"). This agreement and the issuance of the shares is conditional upon any required regulatory approval and acceptance by the TSXV. The Company is also required to reimburse the Vendors for their staking fees and costs. The total cost being paid by the Company to acquire the previously announced claims and the claims announced in this press release is $51,768 for government filing fees and $3,000 for staking costs. There are no other payments or royalties.


Enerev5 also announces the extension of up to 30 days for completion of the balance of the Company's brokered private placement through IBK Capital Corp. of up to $500,000 of units first announced on September 23, 2022, subject to the approval of the TSXV. Each unit is priced at $0.05 and consists of one common share and one common share purchase warrant. Each common share purchase warrant entitles the holder to acquire one additional common share at a price of $0.05 for a period of five years from the closing date.

Enerev5還宣佈,如果獲得多倫多證券交易所的批准,2022年9月23日首次宣佈的公司通過IBK Capital Corp.進行的經紀私募餘額最多可延長30天,最高可達50萬美元。每單位定價為0.05美元,由一股普通股和一股普通股認購權證組成。每股普通股認購權證使持有者有權在截止日期起五年內以0.05美元的價格額外獲得一股普通股。

In addition to the first tranche representing gross proceeds of $105,000 of the private placement previously announced, the Company has completed a second tranche of the private placement, subject to final acceptance by the TSXV, with the issue and sale of 3,750,000 Units at a price of $0.05 per Unit for gross proceeds of $187,500 (the "Second Tranche"). The Company paid the Agent a cash fee of $16,875 and issued to the Agent 3,750,000 non-transferable broker warrants (the "Broker Warrants") in connection with the completion of the Second Tranche. Each Broker Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Unit of the Company (having the same terms as those issued in the Second Tranche) at a price of $0.05 until November 9, 2027. IBK Capital Corp. acquired 2,750,000 Units sold in the Second Tranche and William F. White acquired 1,000,000 Units sold in the Second Tranche. The subscribers are "connected issuers" and "related issuers" of the Company, as defined in Canadian securities legislation, by virtue of the ownership of securities of the Company by the Agent and its directors and officers.

除先前公佈的第一批私人配售總收益105,000元外,本公司已完成第二批私人配售,待多倫多證券交易所最後接納後,以每單位0.05元的價格發行及出售3,750,000個單位,總收益187,500元(“第二批“)。本公司向代理人支付現金費用16,875元,並向代理人發出3,750,000份不可轉讓的經紀認股權證(”經紀人認股權證每份經紀認股權證使持有人有權以0.05美元的價格收購本公司的一個單位(條款與第二批發行的相同),直至2027年11月9日。IBK Capital Corp.收購了在第二批出售的2,750,000個單位,William F.White收購了1,000,000個在第二批出售的單位。由於代理人及其董事和高級管理人員對公司證券的所有權,認購人是加拿大證券法定義的公司的“關連發行人”和“相關發行人”。

Net proceeds from the Second Tranche will be used for government filing fees and staking costs in connection with the acquisition of mineral claims, retirement of debt, and administrative expenses. All securities issued in the Second Tranche are subject to a 4-month hold period.


The Company is continuing to pursue the completion of the balance of the private placement.


About Enerev5 Metals Inc.

關於Enerev5 Metals Inc.

Enerev5 Metals Inc. (TSXV: ENEV) (OTCQB: ENEVF) is a Canadian resource company focusing on exploration and development potential related to energy metals such as nickel, copper, cobalt, and other strategic battery minerals, as well as other net zero related assets.

Enerev5 Metals Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ENEV)(場外交易市場代碼:ENEVF)是一家加拿大資源公司,專注於與鎳、銅、鈷和其他戰略電池礦物等能源金屬相關的勘探和開發潛力,以及其他淨零相關資產。

For more information on the Company, investors should review the Company's filings at .


For additional information, please contact:


John F. O'Donnell
CEO and Chairman of the Board
Enerev5 Metals Inc.
Telephone: +1-647-966-3100

Enerev5 Metals Inc.

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