
Silver Range Resources Ltd. Provides an Update on Southwest U.S. Operations

Silver Range Resources Ltd. Provides an Update on Southwest U.S. Operations

Silver Range Resources Ltd.提供美國西南航空業務的最新情況
Accesswire ·  2022/11/17 21:35

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / November 17, 2022 / Silver Range Resources Ltd. (TSXV:SNG) ("Silver Range" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on recent property exploration and other activities in the Southwest U.S.

温哥華,BC/ACCESSWIRE/2022年11月17日/Silver Range Resources Ltd.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SNG)(“Silver Range”或“公司”)很高興提供美國西南部最近的房地產勘探和其他活動的最新情況。

Bankroll Property


In early September, Silver Range staked the Bankroll Property in the Jessup Mining District, Churchill County. Bankroll covers the former Gold Ore Claims approximately 5 km west-southwest of the Jessup Deposit, currently held by Torrent Gold Inc. Historical sampling by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology and Westcord Mines returned assays up to 22.90 g/t Au and 300 g/t Ag. Cursory sampling by Silver Range during staking returned assays up to 2.90 g/t Au and 149 g/t Ag. There are numerous shafts on the property, the most significant of which is the Wednesday Mine. Mineralization there has been explored to a depth of 300 feet on four levels with some production from a near-surface stope. High-grade low sulphidation gold and silver mineralization at Bankroll is hosted in an altered sulphide-bearing tuff unit. Silver Range believes that this unit may be laterally extensive and that there is potential to discover a large stratabound mineralized horizon on the property. More information on this property including a short presentation may be found at on our website.

9月初,Silver Range收購了丘吉爾郡Jessup礦區的資金財產。Branroll涵蓋了傑賽普礦藏西南偏西約5公里處的前金礦,目前由Torrent Gold Inc.持有。內華達州礦產和地質局和WestCord Mines的歷史採樣返回的分析結果最高可達22.90克/噸Au300克/噸銀。在賭注返回化驗過程中按銀色範圍進行粗略採樣Au 2.90g/t,Ag 149g/t。這處房產上有許多豎井,其中最重要的是星期三礦。那裏的礦化已在四個層面上勘探到300英尺深,一些礦化是從近地表採場開採出來的。本部高品位低硫化金銀礦化賦存於蝕變含硫化物凝灰巖單元中。Silver Range認為,該單元的橫向範圍可能很廣,並有可能在該物業上發現大型層控礦化層。有關該物業的更多信息,包括簡短的演示,可在我們的網站上找到。

New discovery at the Steptoe Project


Silver Range discovered a significant mineralized jasperoid breccia in the northern portion of the Steptoe Project earlier this year, following-up results from a large-scale stream sediment survey program and subsequent ridge and spur soil sampling. The Handsome Jack showing is a mosaic-breccia cemented with limonite, hematite and quartz in inferred Hamburg Dolomite. The breccia is exposed in intermittent outcrops for 700 m along a ridge in a remote, relatively inaccessible area in the Egan Range. A 1.5 m chip sample of this unit returned 1.94 g/t Au. There is an extensive gold-in-soil anomaly associated with the breccia which returned a peak response of 249 ppb Au. Silver Range intends to follow-up this discovery with hand trenching and systematic sampling in the new year. A brief video describing the results from the Handsome Jack showing may be found at

Silver Range於今年早些時候在斯特普託項目北部發現了一個重要的礦化茉莉狀角礫巖,這是大規模水系沉積物調查計劃以及隨後的脊狀和短刺土壤採樣的後續結果。英俊的傑克展示的是一塊鑲嵌角礫巖,由褐鐵礦、赤鐵礦和石英膠結在推斷的漢堡白雲巖中。角礫巖沿着伊根山脈偏遠、相對難以到達的地區的山脊,以斷續的露頭形式暴露在700米長的地方。該裝置的1.5m芯片樣品返回1.94g/t Au。與角礫巖有關的廣泛的土壤中金異常返回了249ppb的Au的峯值響應。Silver Range打算在新的一年裏用手挖溝和系統取樣來跟進這一發現。一段描述英俊傑克表演結果的簡短視頻可以在

Other work


Silver Range recently completed a geological mapping and sampling program at the Roughrider Property near Tule Canyon in Esmeralda County. Preliminary results indicate that silver mineralization on the Roughrider Property and gold mineralization on the Strongbox Property are related and contiguous. The two properties occur on a regional-scale flexure in the aeromagnetic field, likely associated with a feature in the underlying Sylvania Pluton.

Silver Range最近在埃斯梅拉達縣圖勒峽谷附近的Roughrider地產完成了地質測繪和採樣計劃。初步研究結果表明,Roughrider礦化與Strongbox礦化具有相關性和鄰接性。這兩個性質發生在航空磁場的區域尺度彎曲上,很可能與下面的Sylvania Pluton的一個特徵有關。

At the East Goldfield Project, additional chip sampling and four shallow packsack drill holes were completed at Steve's Showing where previous surface sampling by ATAC Resources Ltd. returned 4.16 g/t Au over 8.0 m. Assays are pending for samples collected at both projects. Silver Range also completed reconnaissance programs in Utah and Arizona, examining and sampling 16 targets. Favourable results will be followed up with staking.

在東部金礦項目,額外的芯片採樣和四個淺包裝鑽孔在Steve‘s Show上完成,其中ATAC Resources Ltd.以前的地面採樣在8.0米範圍內獲得了4.16克/噸的Au。這兩個項目採集的樣品正在等待分析。Silver Range還在猶他州和亞利桑那州完成了偵察項目,對16個目標進行了檢查和採樣。有利的結果將隨之而來。

At the Bankroll Property, 11 grab samples were collected during staking, none of which returned analyses greater than 5 g/t Au and one of which returned greater than 100 g/t Ag. At the Steptoe Property, 171 soil samples and 40 chip and grab samples were collected. None of the rock samples returned greater than 5 g/t Au and 4 soil samples returned analyses in excess of 100 ppb Au. Samples were secured and transported under chain of custody to ALS Minerals facilities in Reno, Nevada for sample preparation and analysis. At the laboratory, rock samples were crushed to progressively to < 2 mm (ALS Code CR-32) and a 1 kg aliquot was pulverized to 85% passing a 75 mm mesh (Code PUL-32). A 50 g subsample was then fire assayed with an atomic absorption finish (Code Au-AA26). In addition, induced coupled plasma analysis for 35 elements was performed on the samples (Code ME-ICP41). Soil samples were screened to -180 mm and a 50 g aliquot was analyzed for 41 elements with induced coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (Code AuME-ST44). ALS Minerals documents a 0.1 ppb Au detection limit for this technique.

在BANCROLL地產,在立樁過程中收集了11個抓取樣本,沒有一個樣本的分析結果超過5g/t Au,其中一個樣本的分析結果超過100g/t Ag。在斯特普托地產,收集了171個土壤樣本和40個碎屑和抓取樣本。沒有一個巖石樣本返回的Au超過5g/t,4個土壤樣本返回的分析結果超過100ppb Au。樣品在保管鏈的保護下被運送到位於內華達州里諾的ALS Minerals設施進行樣品準備和分析。在實驗室,巖石樣本被粉碎,以逐步達到

Historical data on the Bankroll Property is contained in Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology district files and cannot be independently confirmed by Silver Range. Technical information in this news release has been approved by Mike Power, M.Sc., CPG, President and CEO of Silver Range Resources Ltd. and a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.

資金財產的歷史數據包含在內華達州礦業和地質局的文件中,不能由Silver Range獨立確認。本新聞稿中的技術信息已經Mike動力、M.SC、中央人民政府、總裁、銀嶺資源有限公司首席執行官和一名國家儀器43-101合格人士批准。

About Silver Range Resources Ltd.

關於Silver Range Resources Ltd.

Silver Range is a precious metals prospect generator working in Nevada and Northern Canada. It has assembled a portfolio of 43 properties, of which 11 are currently under option to others. Four other properties have been converted to royalty interests. Silver Range is actively seeking other joint venture partners to explore the high-grade precious metals targets in its portfolio.

Silver Range是一家在內華達州和加拿大北部工作的貴金屬前景生產商。它已經整合了43個物業組合,其中11個目前正在向其他公司出售。另外四處房產已被轉換為特許權使用費權益。Silver Range正在積極尋找其他合資夥伴,以探索其投資組合中的高品位貴金屬目標。



"Michael A. Power"
President and Chief Executive Officer


For further information concerning Silver Range or its exploration projects please contact:

有關Silver Range或其勘探項目的更多信息,請聯繫:

Investor Inquiries
Richard Drechsler
Vice-President, Communications
Tel: (604) 687-2522
NA Toll-Free: (888) 688-2522


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SOURCE: Silver Range Resources Ltd.


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