Hilo Mining Ltd. Commences IP Survey at Champ Property
Hilo Mining Ltd. Commences IP Survey at Champ Property
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 17, 2022) - Hilo Mining Ltd. (TSXV: HILO) ("HILO" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the commencement of the 2022 Induced Polarization ("IP") survey at its 100% owned Champ precious metals project (the "Property"), located in the West Kootenays near Castlegar, British Columbia.
不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞檔案公司,2022年11月17日)——希洛礦業有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:HILO)(“HILO” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,其100%持股的Champ貴金屬項目(“地產”)開始2022年誘導極化(“IP”)調查,該項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省卡斯爾加附近的西庫特尼斯。
SJ Geophysics Ltd. of Delta, BC will undertake 3D IP surveying at the Dirty Jack showing, which consists of massive sulfide fractures and disseminated sulfides in calc-silicate altered rocks. Historic grab sample highlights at Dirty Jack include 5.157 g/t Au, and a 2017/2018 soil geochemistry survey identified parallel northwest trending soil anomalies, suggesting mineralization may continue along strike.
位於不列顛哥倫比亞省德爾塔的SJ Geophysics Ltd.將在Dirty Jack展區進行三維IP測量,該展覽包括大量硫化物裂縫和鈣硅酸鹽蝕變岩石中的浸染硫化物。Dirty Jack的歷史採集樣本亮點包括5.157 g/t Au,2017/2018年的土壤地球化學調查發現了平行的西北趨勢土壤異常,這表明礦化可能會沿走向繼續。
"We are excited to embark our first significant exploration program for the Champ gold project," commented Jeremy Poirier, CEO of Hilo Mining. "There are a number of exciting high-grade prospects on the property and we look forward to being able to refine the targets further with the results from the IP survey early in the new year."
Champ is a precious metal project hosting two historic showings along with additional lesser explored showings and gold-in-soil anomalies located during the 2017 and 2018 exploration programs completed by Golden Independence Mining Corp. The Dirty Jack and Champs showings are described as follows:
Champ是一個貴金屬項目,在金獨立礦業公司完成的2017年和2018年勘探計劃期間舉辦了兩次歷史性展覽,還有其他較少勘探的展示和土中金異常。Dirty Jack和Champs的展出描述如下:
- The Dirty Jack showing consists of massive sulfide fractures and disseminated sulfides in calc-silicate altered rocks. Historic grab sample highlights include 5.157 g/t Au and a 2017/2018 soil geochemistry survey over the Dirty Jack showing showed parallel northwest trending soil anomalies, suggesting mineralization may continue along strike;
- The Champ showing is a zone of quartz veining and stock working associated with a granitic to more mafic intrusive rocks. Historic grab sample highlights include 3.353 g/t Au. 2017/2018 soil geochemistry over the Champ showing located several spot gold anomalies;
- Additional showings were located during the 2017 and 2018 programs, with one zone returned a highlight grab sample of 0.653 g/t Au and 24.3 g/t Ag.
- 所展示的 Dirty Jack 由巨大的硫化物裂縫和鈣硅酸鹽蝕變岩石中的浸染硫化物組成。歷史採集樣本亮點包括5.157 g/t Au和2017/2018年在Dirty Jack上進行的土壤地球化學調查,結果顯示出平行的西北趨勢土壤異常,這表明礦化作用可能會沿着走向繼續;
- Champ 展示的是石英脈和岩石的作用區域,與花崗岩到更具鎂鐵質侵入性的岩石有關。歷史採集樣本亮點包括3.353克/噸金。2017/2018年Champ上空的土壤地球化學顯示有多個現貨金異常;
- 在2017年和2018年的節目中發現了更多展品,其中一個區域返回了0.653克/噸金和24.3克/噸銀的精華採集樣本。
The IP survey was recommended in the Champ Property NI 43-101 Technical Report dated March 2021 which can be found under the Company's profile on SEDAR. The Company cautions investors grab samples are selected samples and are not necessarily representative of mineralization hosted on the property.
這項知識產權調查是在2021年3月的北愛爾蘭州Champ Property 43-101技術報告中推薦的,該報告可在公司在SEDAR的簡介下找到。該公司提醒投資者,抽取的樣本是精選樣本,不一定代表該物業上存在的礦化作用。
The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by R. Tim Henneberry, P.Geo. (BC), a Director of HILO.
本新聞稿的技術內容已經過P.Geo的R. Tim Henneberry的審查和批准。(BC),HILO 的董事。
About Hilo Mining Ltd.
Hilo Mining Ltd. is a junior mining company currently focussed on the Champ precious metal property near Castlegar, British Columbia. In addition, the Company is currently reviewing additional opportunities to increase shareholder value.
Hilo Mining Ltd.是一家初級礦業公司,目前專注於不列顛哥倫比亞省卡斯爾加附近的Champ貴金屬地產。此外,公司目前正在審查增加股東價值的其他機會。
Jeremy Poirier, CEO
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