
SIGA Technologies (NASDAQ:SIGA) Stock Price Up 10.6%

SIGA Technologies (NASDAQ:SIGA) Stock Price Up 10.6%

集團科技股價上漲 10.6%
Defense World ·  2022/11/06 17:21

SIGA Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIGA – Get Rating)'s stock price was up 10.6% during trading on Friday . The stock traded as high as $9.19 and last traded at $9.15. Approximately 52,632 shares changed hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 96% from the average daily volume of 1,258,051 shares. The stock had previously closed at $8.27.

SIGA 科技股份有限公司(納斯達克:SIGA-獲得評級)的股票價格上漲了 10.6% 在星期五交易期間。該股票交易高達 9.19 美元,最後交易價為 9.15 美元。大約 52,632 股股票在中間交易期間轉手,較每日 1258,051 股的平均成交量下降了 96%。該股票之前已收盤 8.27 美元。

SIGA Technologies Trading Up 11.4 %

SIGA 技術交易上漲 11.4%

The firm has a market cap of $672.51 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of 6.35 and a beta of 0.73. The stock's 50 day moving average is $10.90 and its 200 day moving average is $12.48.

該公司的市值為 672.51 萬美元,價格與收益比為 6.35,貝塔值為 0.73。該股票的 50 日移動平均線為 10.90 美元,其 200 日移動平均線為 12.48 美元。

SIGA Technologies

SIGA Technologies (NASDAQ:SIGA – Get Rating) last released its earnings results on Thursday, August 4th. The company reported $0.03 earnings per share for the quarter. The firm had revenue of $16.67 million during the quarter. SIGA Technologies had a return on equity of 48.79% and a net margin of 48.67%. On average, equities research analysts predict that SIGA Technologies, Inc. will post 0.66 EPS for the current year.

SIGA 技術(NASDAQ:SIGA-獲取評級)最近一次發布了 8 月 4 日(週四)的盈利業績。該公司報告了本季度每股盈利 0.03 美元。該公司在本季度的收入為 1667 萬美元。SIGA 科技的股本回報率為 48.79%,淨利潤率為 48.67%。平均而言,股票研究分析師預測 SIGA 科技股份有限公司將在本年度公布 0.66 每股盈利。

Institutional Investors Weigh In On SIGA Technologies

機構投資者權衡 SIGA 技術

Hedge funds have recently modified their holdings of the company. Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC acquired a new stake in SIGA Technologies during the 2nd quarter valued at approximately $3,782,000. Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd. bought a new position in shares of SIGA Technologies in the second quarter valued at $3,346,000. Kempen Capital Management N.V. increased its holdings in SIGA Technologies by 19.5% during the 1st quarter. Kempen Capital Management N.V. now owns 1,376,982 shares of the company's stock worth $9,763,000 after purchasing an additional 224,423 shares in the last quarter. Royce & Associates LP grew its holdings in SIGA Technologies by 154.1% during the third quarter. Royce & Associates LP now owns 327,027 shares of the company's stock worth $3,368,000 after buying an additional 198,345 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Hillsdale Investment Management Inc. bought a new stake in shares of SIGA Technologies in the 1st quarter worth $1,133,000. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 42.55% of the company's stock.
對沖基金最近修改了他們對該公司的持有量。立體派系統策略有限責任公司在第二季度收購了 SIGA 技術的新股份,價值約為 3,782,000 美元。康納克拉克倫投資管理有限公司在第二季度買入了 SIGA 科技股份的新倉位,價值為 3,346,000 美元。肯彭資本管理 NV. 在第一季度增加了其在 SIGA 技術的持有量 19.5%。在上一季度額外購買 224,423 股股票後,肯潘資本管理公司現在擁有該公司股票的 1,376,982 股,價值 9,763,000 美元。羅伊斯 & 聯營 LP 在第三季度增長了其在 SIGA 技術的持有量 154.1%。在上個季度額外購買了 198,345 股股票後,羅伊斯公司現在擁有該公司股票的 327,027 股價值 3,368,000 美元。最後,希爾斯代爾投資管理公司在第一季度購買了 SIGA 技術股份的新股份,價值 1,133,000 美元。機構投資者和對沖基金擁有公司股票的 42.55%。

SIGA Technologies Company Profile

SIGA 科技公司簡介

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SIGA Technologies, Inc, a commercial-stage pharmaceutical company, focuses on the health security and infectious disease markets in the United States. Its lead product is TPOXX, an oral formulation antiviral drug for the treatment of human smallpox disease caused by variola virus. SIGA Technologies, Inc has a strategic partnership with Cipla Therapeutics to deliver sustained innovation and access to antibacterial drugs primarily against biothreats.

SIGA Technologies, Inc 是一家商業階段的製藥公司,專注於美國的健康安全和傳染病市場。其主導產品是 TPOXX,一種口服配方抗病毒藥物,用於治療由天花病毒引起的人類天花病。SIGA Technologies 公司與 Cipla Theraptics 建立了戰略合作夥伴關係,旨在提供持續的創新並獲得主要針對生物威脅的抗菌藥物。

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