
Press Release for Early Warning Report Regarding ARCpoint Inc. - John Constantine

Press Release for Early Warning Report Regarding ARCpoint Inc. - John Constantine

關於ARCpoint Inc.早期預警報告的新聞稿-約翰·康斯坦丁
newsfile ·  2022/10/25 03:45

Greenville, South Carolina--(Newsfile Corp. - October 24, 2022) - On October 21, 2022, ARCpoint Inc., formerly RSI International Systems Inc. (the "Issuer") completed a series of business combination transactions with ARCpoint Group LLC ("ARCpoint Group"), ARCpoint Finance Corp. ("ARC Finco"), 1000151427 Ontario Inc., John Constantine, as a securityholder of ARCpoint Group, and the other securityholders of ARCpoint pursuant to the business combination agreement dated April 27, 2022, as amended, which resulted in the reverse takeover of the Issuer by the members of ARCpoint Group (the "Transaction").

南卡羅來納州格林維爾--(Newsfile Corp.-2022年10月24日)-2022年10月21日,ARCpoint Inc.(前身為RSI International Systems Inc.)發行人“)完成了與ArCpoint Group LLC的一系列業務合併交易(”弧點編組)、ARCpoint Finance Corp.(Arc Finco),1000151427安大略省公司,約翰·康斯坦丁作為ARCpoint Group的證券持有人,以及ArCpoint的其他證券持有人,根據日期為2022年4月27日的經修訂的商業合併協議,該協議導致ArCpoint Group(The交易記錄").

Pursuant to the Transaction, Mr. Constantine acquired 53,056 Class B Proportionate Voting Shares ("PVS") in exchange for 53,056 Class A Common Units of ARCpoint Group at a deemed price of CAD$225 per PVS for an aggregate deemed price of CAD$11,937,600. Immediately following the Transaction, Mr. Constantine, in his capacity as a newly appointed director of the Issuer, received 20,000 options ("Options") of the Issuer with each Option exercisable to acquire one (1) Class A Subordinate Voting Shares ("SVS") of the Issuer a price of CAD$0.45 until October 21, 2027.

根據交易,康斯坦丁先生收購了53,056股B類比例投票權股份(“PVS“)以53,056股ARCpoint Group A類普通股換取ARCpoint Group的A類普通股,每股作價為225加元,總作價為11,937,600加元。交易完成後,康斯坦丁先生以新任命的董事發行人的身份,獲得了20,000份期權(”選項“),每項可行使購入一(1)股A類附屬投票權股份的認購權(”SVS“)向發行商報價0.45加元,直至2027年10月21日。

Mr. Constantine also acquired 76,111 subscription receipts ("Subscription Receipts") of ARC Finco at a price of $0.45 per Subscription Receipt for an aggregate purchase price of CAD$34,249.95 in a concurrent private placement to the Transaction that was completed on October 17, 2022, which were exchanged for 76,111 SVS and 38,055 warrants ("Warrants") of the Issuer at the closing of the Transaction on October 21, 2022. Each Warrant is exercisable to acquire one (1) SVS of the Issuer at a price of CAD$0.675 until October 21, 2025.

康斯坦丁先生還獲得了76,111份認購收據(“認購收據“)ARC Finco的認購收據,每張認購收據的價格為0.45美元,總購買價為34,249.95加元,與2022年10月17日完成的交易同時私募,換得76,111 SVS和38,055份認股權證(”認股權證“)。每份認股權證可在2025年10月21日之前以0.675加元的價格收購發行人的一(1)個SVS。

Prior to the Transaction, Mr. Constantine did not own, control or have direction over any securities of the Issuer. In connection with the Transaction, Mr. Constantine acquired 53,056 PVS, 76,111 SVS, 38,055 Warrants and 20,000 Options of the Issuer (the "Acquired Securities"), representing 29.81% of the total issued and outstanding SVS of the Issuer on a non-diluted basis and 29.85% on a partially diluted basis (assuming all of the PVS are converted into SVS on a 500 to 1 basis pursuant to the terms of the Articles of the Issuer, and for the partial dilution calculation, assuming all of the Warrants and Options held by FHA and Mr. Constantine, respectively, are exercised in full).


Mr. Constantine acquired the Acquired Securities for investment purposes and may, depending on the market and other conditions, increase or decrease his beneficial ownership of securities of the Issuer, whether in the open market, by privately negotiated agreements or otherwise, subject to general market conditions and other available investment and business opportunities.


This press release is issued in connection with the filing of an early warning report by Mr. Constantine pursuant to the requirements of National Instrument 62-103 - The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bids and Insider Reporting Issues. A copy of the early warning report filed by Mr. Constantine can be viewed at the Issuer's SEDAR profile at .


For more information, or to obtain a copy of the early warning report, please contact:


John Constantine
c/o ARCpoint Inc.
101 North Main St., Suite 301,
Greenville, South Carolina, USA 29601

C/o ArCpoint Inc.
郵箱:jstantine@arcpoint tCorporation

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