
China Keli Provides Further Corporate Update on Take-Over Target PT Hydrotech Metal Indonesia

China Keli Provides Further Corporate Update on Take-Over Target PT Hydrotech Metal Indonesia

中國科力提供收購目標PT Hypotech Metals印尼的進一步企業最新情況
newsfile ·  2022/09/20 04:40

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 19, 2022) - China Keli Electric Company Ltd. (TSXV: ZKL.H) (the "Company" or "China Keli") is pleased to provide a further corporate update on PT Hydrotech Metal Indonesia ("HMI"), the acquisition target of the Company's proposed reverse take-over transaction (the "Transaction").

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年9月19日)-中國科力電氣股份有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ZKL.H)(The公司“或”中華科力“)很高興提供有關PT Hypotech Metals印度尼西亞公司的進一步公司最新情況(”人機界面“),公司擬進行的反向收購交易的收購目標“交易”).

HMI is pleased to announce that PT STAL Ecopark Pratama ("SEP"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of HMI, announced on August 19, 2022, that it had signed a cooperation agreement with the WIKA - ETI Consortium, which was formed by PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. ("WIKA") and PT Enviromate Technology International ("ETI"), for the design, engineering, procurement, construction, start-up, testing, and commissioning of the STAL One Ecopark ("STAL One") in Citeureup, Bogor, in the greater Jakarta area of Indonesia.

HMI很高興地宣佈PT Stal Ecopark Pratama(“9月HMI的全資子公司)於2022年8月19日宣佈,已與由PT Wijaya Karya(Persero)Tbk組成的WIKA-ETI財團簽署合作協議。WIKA“)和PT Enviromate Technology International(”ETI),用於Stal One生態園區的設計、工程、採購、建造、啟動、測試和調試(Stal One“)在印度尼西亞大雅加達地區茂物的Citeureup。

The STAL One processing plant is planned to start construction in Q4 2022, with completion expected in Q4 2024. The site will not only produce 2,450 tpa of nickel but will also become HMI's main R&D facility to conduct research and development of new STAL applications and downstream materials technology for nickel and nickel by-products. STAL One's feasibility and licensing have already been completed, and HMI expects the financing component to be finalized soon.

Stal One加工廠計劃於2022年第四季度開工建設,預計2024年第四季度完工。該工廠不僅將生產2450噸鎳,還將成為HMI的主要研發設施,為鎳和鎳副產品進行新的Stal應用和下游材料技術的研發。Stal One的可行性和許可已經完成,HMI預計融資部分很快就會敲定。

WIKA is a large Indonesian state-owned company engaged in the construction and EPC sector with experience constructing nickel smelters. ETI is an environmental technology company focused on natural gas infrastructure development, natural gas transportation, renewable energy, and independent power production operations.


"We are excited to see the progress HMI is making with the development of its STAL One Ecopark and IGNITE Ecopark projects", said Philip Lo, CEO of China Keli. "The development of these two projects adds tremendous value to HMI and de-risks its business model moving forward. HMI has received strong government support in all facets of operations, from technological validation to land acquisition, permitting, construction, and infrastructure. We look forward to completing our transaction with HMI and launching the next phases of these projects as our STAL processing facilities move towards construction and production. We are also pleased to hear that the Indonesian government will be showcasing HMI and its STAL nickel processing capabilities as an "Indonesian National Technological Innovation" at the upcoming G20 summit in Bali this coming November."

中國科力首席執行官菲利普·羅表示:“我們很高興看到HMI在開發Stal One生態公園和點燃生態公園項目方面取得的進展。”這兩個項目的開發為HMI增加了巨大的價值,並降低了其商業模式向前發展的風險。HMI在運營的各個方面都得到了政府的大力支持,從技術驗證到土地獲取、許可、建設和基礎設施。我們期待着完成我們與HMI的交易,並隨着我們的Stal加工設施走向建設和生產而啟動這些項目的下一階段。我們也很高興聽到印度尼西亞政府將在即將於今年11月在巴釐島舉行的G20峯會上展示HMI及其Stal鎳加工能力,將其視為“印尼國家技術創新”。

About China Keli


China Keli is currently without an active business and is listed on the NEX Board of the TSX Venture Exchange.


About HMI


HMI is an emerging technology company domiciled in the Republic of Indonesia, and a subsidiary of the Trinitan group of companies. HMI's proprietary Step Temperature Acid Leach ("STAL") Technology enables flexible and scalable processing of nickel in an innovative, highly-efficient, and environmentally-friendly manner. It operates at safer atmospheric pressure, eliminating the need for expensive high-pressure autoclaves and associated infrastructure, significantly lowering the capital intensity and operating costs compared to other current technologies. STAL Technology also provides a net zero waste solution, negating the current, and controversial, smelter waste disposal methods such as tailings dams, deep-sea tailings, and dry-stack tailings that are prevalent within today's nickel mining industry.

HMI是一家註冊在印度尼西亞共和國的新興科技公司,是特里尼坦集團公司的子公司。HMI專有的階梯温度酸洗(“Stal“)技術能夠以創新、高效和環保的方式靈活和可擴展地處理鎳。它在更安全的大氣壓力下運行,不需要昂貴的高壓滅菌器和相關的基礎設施,與其他當前技術相比,顯著降低了資本強度和運營成本。Stal Technology還提供了淨零廢物解決方案,消除了目前和有爭議的冶煉廠廢物處理方法,如尾礦壩、深海尾礦和乾式尾礦,這些方法在當今的鎳採礦業中很普遍。

Developed over 15 years of research and development, HMI's STAL Technology is a Class 1 Nickel extraction breakthrough technology that produces Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate ("MHP") nickel for use in the rapidly growing, nickel-based, electric vehicle battery market. The industry is currently facing a rapidly growing supply deficit.


Indonesia has the largest untapped supply of nickel laterite deposits in the world. STAL Technology allows nickel mining and smelting operations to start small and expand easily due to its modular design that is ideally suited to Indonesia's low-grade laterite ore and small-scale mining operations. STAL Technology can easily be applied at nickel mines in other parts of the world to accommodate the growing demand for Class 1 Nickel production. HMI is also developing a robust Green PLUS certification program to ensure ESG compliance for all of HMI's nickel products across its value chain.

印尼是世界上未開發的紅土鎳礦最多的國家。Stal Technology允許鎳開採和冶煉業務從小規模起步並輕鬆擴展,因為其模塊化設計非常適合印尼的低品位紅土礦石和小規模採礦業務。Stal Technology可以很容易地應用於世界其他地區的鎳礦,以滿足日益增長的一級鎳生產需求。HMI還在制定一項強大的Green plus認證計劃,以確保HMI的所有鎳產品在其價值鏈上符合ESG標準。

HMI was incorporated under the laws of Indonesia on August 5, 2020, and acquired the STAL Technology from PT Trinitan Metals and Minerals Tbk.

HMI於2020年8月5日根據印尼法律註冊成立,並從PT Trinitan Metals and Minerals Tbk收購了Stal Technology。

The Trinitan group of companies is a global and socially conscious family-owned operation that spans multiple public and private entities involved in the metals, minerals, energy storage, solar, and renewable energy segments in Indonesia and around the world.


For further information, please contact:




Philip Lo, Chief Executive Officer
Tel. No.: (852) 5138 1632


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