
Fifth Third Bancorp Increases Quarterly Cash Dividend On Its Common Shares 3 Cents, From $0.30 To $0.33 Per Share

Fifth Third Bancorp Increases Quarterly Cash Dividend On Its Common Shares 3 Cents, From $0.30 To $0.33 Per Share

Five Third Bancorp將普通股季度現金股息增加3美分,從每股0.30美元增加到0.33美元
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/09/13 03:34

Also declares preferred dividends


Today Fifth Third Bancorp announced the declaration of cash dividends on its common shares, Series I preferred shares, Series J preferred shares, Series K preferred shares, Series L preferred shares, and Class B Series A preferred shares.

今天,Five Third Bancorp宣佈對其普通股、系列I優先股、J系列優先股、K系列優先股、L系列優先股和B類A系列優先股進行現金分紅。

Fifth Third Bancorp (NASDAQ:FITB) today declared a cash dividend on its common shares of $0.33 per share for the third quarter of 2022. The dividend is payable on October 17, 2022 to shareholders of record as of September 30, 2022.


Fifth Third also declared a cash dividend on its 6.625% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series I (NASDAQ:FITBI), at the rate of $414.06 per preferred share, which equates to approximately $0.41406 for each depositary share. Each depositary share represents a 1/1000th ownership interest in a share of Series I Preferred Stock. The Series I dividend is payable on September 30, 2022 to shareholders of record as of September 28, 2022.

Five Third還宣佈按每股優先股414.06美元的速度派發現金股息,每股優先股414.06美元,相當於每股存托股份約0.41406美元。每一股存托股份代表第一系列優先股的千分之一所有權權益。第一系列股息將於2022年9月30日支付給截至2022年9月28日登記在冊的股東。

Fifth Third also declared a cash dividend on its 4.90% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series J (quarterly rate of 3 month LIBOR plus 3.129% per preferred share), at the rate of $343.62 per preferred share, which equates to approximately $13.7448 for each depository share. Each depositary share represents a 1/25th ownership interest in a share of Series J Preferred Stock. The Series J dividend is payable on September 30, 2022 to shareholders of record as of September 28, 2022.

Five Third還宣佈對其4.90%的固定利率到浮動利率的非累積永久優先股J系列(季度利率為3個月的倫敦銀行同業拆借利率加每股優先股3.129%)按每股優先股343.62美元的比率派發現金股息,這相當於每股存托股票約13.7448美元。每一股存托股份代表J系列優先股的1/25所有權權益。J系列紅利將於2022年9月30日支付給截至2022年9月28日登記在冊的股東。

Fifth Third also declared a cash dividend on its 4.95% Fixed Rate Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series K (NASDAQ:FITBO), at the rate of approximately $309.375 per preferred share, which equates to approximately $0.30938 for each depositary share. Each depositary share represents a 1/1000th ownership interest in a share of Series K Preferred Stock. The Series K dividend is payable on September 30, 2022 to shareholders of record as of September 28, 2022.

Five Third還宣佈向其4.95%的固定利率非累積永久優先股K系列(納斯達克股票代碼:FITBO)派發現金股息,每股優先股約309.375美元,相當於每股存托股份約0.30938美元。每一股存托股份代表K系列優先股的千分之一所有權權益。K系列紅利將於2022年9月30日支付給截至2022年9月28日登記在冊的股東。

Fifth Third also declared a cash dividend on its 4.50% Fixed-Rate Reset Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series L, at the rate of $281.25 per preferred share, which equates to approximately $11.25 for each depositary share. Each depositary share represents a 1/25th ownership interest in a share of Series L Preferred Stock. The Series L dividend is payable on September 30, 2022 to shareholders of record as of September 28, 2022.

Five Third還宣佈,其4.50%的固定利率重置非累積永久優先股L系列的現金股息為每股優先股281.25美元,相當於每股存托股票約11.25美元。每一股存托股份代表L系列優先股的1/25所有權權益。L系列股息將於2022年9月30日支付給截至2022年9月28日登記在冊的股東。

Fifth Third also declared a cash dividend on its 6.00% Non-Cumulative Perpetual Class B Preferred Stock, Series A (NASDAQ:FITBP), at the rate of $15.00 per preferred share, which equates to approximately $0.3750 for each depositary share. Each depositary share represents a 1/40th ownership interest in a share of Class B Series A Preferred Stock. The Class B Series A dividend is payable on September 30, 2022 to shareholders of record as of September 28, 2022.


