
Shares of Companies in the Broader Industrials Space Are Trading Lower Amid Overall Market Weakness as Investors Digest Jerome Powell's Speech From the Jackson Hole Symposium. Aggressive Monetary Policy Could Continue to Weigh on Economic Sentiment and Co

Shares of Companies in the Broader Industrials Space Are Trading Lower Amid Overall Market Weakness as Investors Digest Jerome Powell's Speech From the Jackson Hole Symposium. Aggressive Monetary Policy Could Continue to Weigh on Economic Sentiment and Co

投資者摘要傑羅姆·鮑威爾(Jerome Powell)在傑克遜霍爾研討會上的演講,在整體市場疲軟的情況下,更廣泛的工業領域中公司的股份積極的貨幣政策可能繼續權衡經濟信心和公司
Benzinga ·  2022/08/27 03:40

Shares of companies in the broader industrials space are trading lower amid overall market weakness as investors digest Jerome Powell's speech from the Jackson Hole Symposium. Aggressive monetary policy could continue to weigh on economic sentiment and consumer spending.

由於投資者消化傑羅姆·鮑威爾(Jerome Powell)在傑克遜霍爾研討會上的演講,因此在整體市場疲軟中,更廣泛的工業領域中公司的股積極的貨幣政策可能會繼續對經濟情緒和消費者支出造成壓力。

