
Cassiar Gold Provides Mid-Season 2022 Exploration Campaign Update

Cassiar Gold Provides Mid-Season 2022 Exploration Campaign Update

Cassiar Gold提供2022年中期勘探活動更新
newsfile ·  2022/08/17 21:05

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - August 17, 2022) - Cassiar Gold Corp. (TSXV: GLDC) (OTCQX: CGLCF) ("Cassiar Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to provide a mid-season exploration program update at its flagship Cassiar Gold Project in northern British Columbia, Canada.

卡爾加里,艾伯塔省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年8月17日)-Cassiar Gold Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GLDC)(場外交易代碼:CGLCF)("卡西爾·金“或”公司)很高興為其位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的旗艦Cassiar金礦項目提供季節中期勘探計劃的最新情況。



  • Drill campaign ahead of schedule with over 13,000 metres completed of the planned 20,000-metre drill program, with initial results expected by early September.

    • 8,198 m of drilling has been completed at Cassiar North including:

      • 7,373 m of drilling completed at the Taurus Deposit at Cassiar North in 17 step-out and six infill holes; and

      • 825 m of drilling completed at Wings Canyon at Cassiar North.

    • 5,041 m of drilling have been completed at Cassiar South in seven step-out and two exploration holes.

  • Exploration is underway at regional target Wings Canyon with fieldwork planned at the Lucky and Snow Creek targets.

  • Geological and geochemical review of the gold mineralization at the Taurus Deposit is underway to support future metallurgical domaining.

  • The current rate of drill production may allow for the program to exceed 20,000 metres.

  • 提前進行鑽探活動,計劃的20,000米長的鑽探計劃已完成超過13,000米,預計9月初將取得初步成果。

    • 8198米的鑽探工作已經在卡西爾北部完成,包括:

      • 在卡薩爾北部的金牛座礦牀完成了7,373米的鑽探,鑽出了17個臺階和6個填充孔;以及

      • 825米的鑽探在卡西亞爾北部的翼峽谷完成。

    • 在卡西爾南部,已經完成了5,041米的鑽探,包括7個臺階和2個勘探孔。

  • 區域目標Wings Canyon的勘探正在進行中,計劃在Lucky和Snow Creek目標進行實地考察。

  • 目前正在對金牛座礦牀的金礦化進行地質和地球化學審查,以支持未來的冶金領域。

  • 目前的鑽探生產速度可能會使該項目超過2萬米。

"We are grateful to the tireless and dedicated team and crew at site for an extremely productive drill season to date," stated Marco Roque, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Due to high drill productivity and thanks to the closing of our recent insider-led private placement, we are well funded and evaluating opportunities to increase the number of metres drilled for our 2022 drill campaign. We look forward to reporting initial results from our program in the coming weeks and to updating the market on our final program once the drill campaign wraps up in October."

Marco Roque、總裁和首席執行官Marco Roque表示:“到目前為止,我們感謝現場不知疲倦、敬業的團隊和工作人員,為我們帶來了一個極具成效的演練季節。”由於鑽探生產率高,加上我們最近由內部人士主導的私募完成,我們資金充足,正在評估為我們的2022年鑽探活動增加鑽探米數的機會。我們期待着在未來幾週報告我們計劃的初步結果,並在10月份鑽探活動結束後更新市場最終計劃的最新情況。

2022 Drill Program Overview


The Company's 2022 drill campaign, which commenced on June 1st, remains ongoing with three active drill rigs and is projected to conclude by late October. The program consists of approximately 50 planned holes totalling 20,000 metres at both the Cassiar North and Cassiar South project areas including regional targets.


Cassiar North


To date, a total of 23 holes totalling 7,373 metres have been completed and one hole is in progress at the Taurus Deposit located at the Cassiar North project area. Of the holes completed, 17 holes were step-out holes designed to expand the deposit and six were infill holes designed to confirm continuity of mineralization and to reduce drillhole spacings. While results remain pending for all drill holes, a summary of objectives is presented below by zone (see Figure 1):

到目前為止,位於卡西爾北部項目區的金牛座礦藏共完成了23個洞,共計7 373米,一個洞正在進行中。在已完成的孔中,17個孔是為擴大礦牀而設計的臺階孔,6個是填充孔,旨在確認礦化的連續性並減少鑽孔間距。雖然所有鑽孔的結果仍然懸而未決,但按區域列出的目標摘要如下(見圖1):

  • Sable Zone: Two drillholes totaling 535 m were completed. Infill hole 22TA-148 was designed to test the extent/continuity of sulphide mineralization encountered in 1993-era historical drill holes as well as distribution of lithologies included in the current geological model. Step-out hole 22TA-159 was drilled 50 m along strike of 2020 drill hole 20TA-116 which intersected 18.2 m of 5.43 g/t Au[1] to test the extent and continuity of the mineralization and potential for near-surface mineralized features parallel to known veining/alteration and accompanying mineralization.
  • 黑貂區: 完成了兩個總長535米的鑽孔。22TA-148加密孔的設計是為了測試1993年代歷史鑽孔中遇到的硫化物礦化的程度/連續性,以及當前地質模型中包含的巖性分佈。步出孔22TA-159沿2020年20TA-116孔走向鑽進50m,與5.43g/t Au相交18.2m[1]測試礦化的範圍和連續性,以及與已知礦脈/蝕變和伴生礦化平行的近地表礦化特徵的潛力。
  • Taurus Gap: Four drillholes totaling 1,400 m were completed. Infill holes 22TA-149, 22TA-150, 22TA-152 and 22TA-153 were designed to confirm the presence of near-surface sulphide mineralization reported in adjacent 1995/96-era drillholes and test a large gap in the 0.3 g/t Au gradeshell.[2]
  • 金牛座缺口: 完成了4個總長1400米的鑽孔。22TA-149、22TA-150、22TA-152和22TA-153填充孔的設計是為了確認在相鄰的1995/96年代鑽孔中報告的近地表硫化物礦化的存在,並測試0.3g/t Au梯度層中的一個大缺口。[2]
  • Taurus Northwest: Four drillholes totaling 1,250 m were completed. Two holes (infill hole 22TA-151 and step-out hole 22TA-157) tested the continuity of the north-south mineralized trend both 80 m up-dip to the west and 70 m down-dip to the east of mineralization encountered in 21TA-134 (35.5 m of 1.59 g/t Au[3]) and adjacent 1995-era drillholes. Another two step-out holes (22TA-154 and 22TA-156) aimed to test down-dip of the Highway Zone mineralized trend, validate the 2022 Highway Fault model interpretation and confirm the depth of a sediment base contact at this location. Hole 22TA-154 also evaluated the potential for near-surface mineralization in the hanging wall of the Highway Fault.
  • 金牛座西北: 完成了4個總長1250米的鑽孔。兩個鑽孔(充填孔22TA-151和跳出孔22TA-157)測試了21TA-134(1.59g/t Au的35.5m)礦化遇到的南北走向的連續性,即礦化向西上傾80m,向東下傾70m[3])和毗鄰的1995年的鑽孔。另外兩個臺階孔(22TA-154和22TA-156)旨在測試駭維金屬加工帶礦化趨勢的向下傾斜,驗證2022年駭維金屬加工斷裂模型解釋,並確認該位置的沉積物基面接觸深度。22TA-154孔還評估了駭維金屬加工斷裂上盤的近地表成礦潛力。
  • Taurus Southwest: Five drillholes totaling 2,126 m were completed. Three infill holes (22TA-147, 22TA-155, 22TA-158) were designed to infill gaps from previous widely spaced drilled holes and two large step-out holes (22TA-160, 22TA-161) were designed to extend near-surface mineralization southward in the hangingwall of the Taurus West Fault to follow up from 2021 drill results in previously untested or sparsely tested areas.
  • 金牛座西南: 完成了5個總長2126米的鑽孔。設計了三個填充孔(22TA-147、22TA-155、22TA-158),以填補先前大間距鑽孔的缺口,並設計了兩個大的臺階孔(22TA-160、22TA-161),以將金牛座西斷層懸掛牆的近地表礦化向南延伸,以跟進2021年在先前未測試或稀疏測試地區的鑽探結果。

An additional seven holes are planned for the Taurus deposit area (see Figure 1). Four drill holes will be added to Taurus SW with two holes stepping back from drill holes 22TA-158 and 22TA-149 to test the Taurus West zone to the east and south, respectively, of the current 0.3 g/t Au gradeshell. The remaining two Taurus SW holes will be drilled in the southern end of Taurus SW to test the zone at depth and to the south of the current 0.3 g/t Au gradeshell. A fifth hole will be drilled west of the Taurus West Fault, which is believed to have occurred at the same time as gold mineralization, to test for the potential extension of mineralization in the footwall of the Taurus West Fault. A sixth hole is planned at the southeast portion of the Sable Zone to test for the southeastward extension of the mineralization. Finally, a seventh hole will be drilled to test for the eastward extension of mineralization from the historic Taurus Mine.


The Company may expand its exploration program by drilling additional metres at the Taurus Deposit, if seasonal considerations and logistics permit, and is fully funded for an expanded exploration campaign.


Cassiar South


A total of 10 holes have been completed at priority vein targets at the Cassiar South project area on Table Mountain with all drill results pending. A summary of completed and planned holes is presented below, broken down by target vein locations (see Figure 2 for drillhole locations):

在桌山Cassiar South項目區的優先礦脈目標上共完成了10個孔,所有鑽探結果尚待解決。已完成和計劃中的鑽孔彙總如下,按目標礦脈位置細分(鑽孔位置見圖2):

  • East Bain Extension: Five drillholes were completed and one abandoned, for a total of 1,984 m drilled. Drilling was designed to test the potential presence of pyrite-mineralized quartz veining 95 m east of 2021 drilling and tested the downdip extension of a 16.87 g/t Au sample in historical drillhole C90-344 (hole 22EBX-102). Additional drillholes were designed to test for potential new offset segments of the Bain vein system along strike to the east, including a 75 m step-out hole from 2021 drilling (hole 22EBX-103) which was subsequently followed up by testing for a downdip extension of the step-out hole (hole 22EBX-104A) and an additional step-out of 50 m to the east (hole 22EBX-105).
  • 東貝恩分部:完成了五個鑽孔,一個廢棄了,總共鑽了1,984米。鑽探的目的是在2021年鑽探以東95m處測試潛在的黃鐵礦礦化石英脈的存在,並測試歷史鑽孔C90-344(22EBX-102孔)16.87g/t金樣品的向下延伸。設計了更多的鑽孔,以測試貝恩礦脈系統沿向東走向的潛在新的偏移段,包括從2021年鑽井開始的一個75米的臺階孔(22EBX-103號孔),隨後是對臺階孔向下延伸的測試(22EBX-104A號孔)和向東50米的額外臺階(22EBX-105號孔)。
  • Vollaug: Two drillholes were completed, one abandoned, for a total of 1,061 m drilled. Drilling was designed to test for: (1) potential shear veins in the mafic volcanic package below the Vollaug vein (holes 22VOL-701A and 22VOL-702), (2) the continuity of different listwanite horizons identified to the north and south as controlling structures to adjacent veins, (3) the potential for repetition of favourable stratigraphic host rocks to host quartz veins through thrust stacking, and (4) the westward continuation of the Vollaug vein (hole 22VOL-701A).
  • 沃爾勞格:完成了兩個鑽孔,其中一個被廢棄,總共鑽了1061米。鑽探的目的是測試:(1)伏爾洛格脈(22VOL-701A孔和22VOL-702號孔)下方鎂鐵質火山巖包中潛在的剪切礦脈,(2)被確定為控制相鄰礦脈的南北不同層位的連續性,(3)通過逆衝疊加,有利的地層容礦巖石重複賦存石英脈的可能性,以及(4)沃爾洛格脈(22VOL-701A孔)向西延續的可能性。
  • Cusac Area: Two drillholes have been completed and one abandoned for a total of 974 m drilled, with two drillholes in progress and one planned for an additional 1,150 m pending. Drill holes are designed to: (1) test for potential downdip extensions of known veins, (2) evaluate potential for parallel vein sets between the Cusac and adjacent vein systems, and (3) test the potential for thrust stacking of mafic volcanic panels that may host additional, blind underlying quartz veins, as was developed at the Main Mine.
  • Cusac地區:兩個鑽孔已經完成,一個廢棄,共鑽了974米,兩個正在進行中,一個計劃再鑽1150米。設計鑽孔的目的是:(1)測試已知礦脈的潛在向下延伸,(2)評估Cusac與相鄰礦脈系統之間平行礦脈的潛力,以及(3)測試可能包含主礦開發的額外隱伏下伏石英脈的鎂鐵質火山巖面板的逆衝堆積潛力。
  • West Bain: One drillhole is planned at the West Bain area for a total of 425 m. The drillhole is planned in an area of sparse drill data and is designed to: (1) test for potential parallel veins northwest of the Bain vein system, (2) test for the possible downdip extension of the West Bain vein, undercutting a historical surface sample that returned 51 g/t Au, and (3) potentially extend a listwanite sill beyond the extent of the current model as a controlling structure to additional underlying veins.
  • 西貝恩:西貝恩地區計劃進行一個鑽探,總長度為425米。該鑽探計劃在鑽探數據稀少的地區進行,旨在:(1)測試貝恩礦脈系統西北方向潛在的平行礦脈,(2)測試西貝恩礦脈可能向下傾斜的延伸,切開一個歷史地表樣品,獲得51克/噸的金,以及(3)潛在地將列表鉛礦巖牀延伸到當前模型範圍之外,作為控制結構延伸到更多的下伏礦脈。

Regional Exploration


At the regional Wings Canyon target located approximately 500 m to the southeast of the Taurus Deposit on Cassiar North, the Company has completed three drill holes totaling 825 m, designed to evaluate and expand known mineralization. The Company plans to drill additional holes to the target to the east in the hangingwall of the interpreted Decline Fault.

在地區性Wings Canyon目標位於Cassiar North的金牛座礦牀東南約500米處,本公司已完成三個總計825米的鑽孔,旨在評估和擴大已知礦化。該公司計劃在解釋的下沉斷層的上盤向東的目標上鑽更多的孔。

Additional fieldwork is also planned at the Lucky and Snow Creek regional prospects which may include prospecting, sampling and mapping.


Geological and geochemical characterization at Taurus


An initial phase of work is underway to support efforts to better understand the metallurgy of the Taurus deposit by updating geological domains within the deposit. This work involves drill core and assay review to identify mineralization-associated multi-element enrichment and depletion patterns, along with characterization of the mineralogy and structural geology of the deposit to determine controls on gold mineralization. Preliminary results from this phase of work are anticipated this fall and will be followed by a secondary phase of LECO sulphur analysis and cyanide soluble gold analysis to support a geological domain model and provide a foundation for future metallurgical testwork design.


Qualified Person


The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Jill Maxwell, P.Geo., Cassiar Gold Corp.'s Exploration Manager, who is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已由Cassiar Gold Corp.勘探經理Jill Maxwell,P.Geo審查和批准,他是National Instrument 43-101定義的合格人員。

About Cassiar Gold Corp.


Cassiar Gold Corp. is a Canadian gold exploration company holding a 100% interest in its flagship Cassiar Gold Property located in British Columbia, Canada. The Cassiar Gold property spans 590 km2 and consists of two main project areas: Cassiar North, which hosts a NI 43-101-compliant inferred resource estimate of 1.4Moz at 1.14 g/t Au (cutoff grade of 0.5 g/t) known as the as the Taurus Deposit (see National Instrument 43-101 Technical report on the Cassiar Gold property, April 28, 2022, by S. Zelligan, J. Moors, C. Jolette, posted to SEDAR); and Cassiar South which hosts numerous gold showings, historical workings, and exploration prospects. Historical underground mines in the Cassiar South area have yielded over 315,000 oz of Au at average head grades of between 10 and 20 g/t Au (BC Minfile), underscoring the high potential for further discovery and expansion of high-grade orogenic gold veins.

Cassiar Gold Corp.是一家加拿大黃金勘探公司,持有其位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的旗艦Cassiar Gold地產的100%權益。卡西爾黃金地產綿延590公里2該礦區由兩個主要項目區組成:凱薩爾北部礦藏符合NI 43-101標準,推斷資源估計值為1.4莫茲,Au的儲量為1.14克/噸(截止品位為0.5克/噸),該礦藏被稱為金牛座礦牀(見S.Zelligan,J.Moors,C.Jolette於2022年4月28日發佈的《關於卡西爾金礦的國家儀器43-101技術報告》);以及凱薩爾南部礦藏,該地區有大量金礦露頭、歷史開採和勘探前景。卡西爾南部地區的歷史地下礦山已產出超過315,000盎司的金,平均頭品位在10至20克/噸金(BC Minfile)之間,這突顯了進一步發現和擴大高品位造山帶金礦脈的巨大潛力。

The Company also holds a 100% interest in the Sheep Creek gold camp located near Salmo, BC. The Sheep Creek gold district ranks as the third largest past-producing orogenic gold district in BC with historical gold production of 742,000 ounces gold at an average grade of 14.7 g/t gold from 1900 to 1951. Minimal exploration work has been conducted since the 1950s.

該公司還持有位於不列顛哥倫比亞省薩爾莫附近的Sheep Creek金礦營地的100%權益。Sheep Creek金礦區是公元前第三大過去產的造山金礦區,從1900年到1951年,歷史黃金產量為74.2萬盎司黃金,平均品位為14.7克/噸黃金。自20世紀50年代以來,一直在進行最低限度的勘探工作。

Cassiar Gold acknowledges, respects, and supports the rights of Traditional First Nations in the lands and communities where we operate.

Cassiar Gold承認、尊重和支持傳統原住民在我們運營的土地和社區中的權利。



Cassiar Gold Corp.
Shirley Anthony
VP Investor Relations & Communications


Forward-Looking Statements


This press release may contain forward-looking statements including those describing Cassiar's future plans and the expectations of management that a stated result or condition will occur. Any statement addressing future events or conditions necessarily involves inherent risk and uncertainty. Actual results can differ materially from those anticipated by management at the time of writing due to many factors, the majority of which are beyond the control of Cassiar and its management. In particular, this news release contains forward-looking statements pertaining, directly or indirectly, to the Company's exploration plans and work commitments.


Although Cassiar believes that the expectations and assumptions on which the forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties, actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. These include, but are not limited to, general economic, market or business conditions, risks associated with the exploration and development industry in general (e.g., operational risks in development, exploration and production; the uncertainty of mineral resource estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production, costs and expenses, and health, safety and environmental risks), constraint in the availability of services, commodity price and exchange rate fluctuations, the current COVID-19 pandemic, changes in legislation impacting the mining industry, adverse weather conditions and uncertainties resulting from potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures.


Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of risk factors should not be construed as exhaustive. These statements speak only as of the date of this release or as of the date specified in the documents accompanying this release, as the case may be. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements except as expressly required by applicable securities laws.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.



[1]見2020年12月8日的公司新聞稿(Cassiar Gold宣佈不列顛哥倫比亞省Cassiar金礦項目的額外鑽探結果;包括18.22米5.43 G/T黃金和83.42米1.20 G/T黃金-Cassiar Gold Corp.)

[2] Zelligan, Moors, Jolette April 28, 2022. National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report on the Cassiar Gold Property, prepared for Cassiar Gold Corp.

[2]澤利根,摩爾人,朱萊特,2022年4月28日。National Instrument 43-101為Cassiar Gold Corp.編寫的Cassiar Gold Property技術報告。

[3] See Corporate Press Release from November 15, 2021 (Cassiar Gold Intersects 45.5 m of 2.40 g/t Au, 45.6 m of 1.83 g/t Au and 35.5 m of 1.59 g/t Au from Bulk-Tonnage Taurus Deposit at Cassiar North - Cassiar Gold Corp.)


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