
Satori Reports 29.06 g/t Gold over 5.85 Metres in Latest South Zone Drill Holes

Satori Reports 29.06 g/t Gold over 5.85 Metres in Latest South Zone Drill Holes

newsfile ·  2022/08/11 21:15

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 11, 2022) - Satori Resources Inc. (TSXV: BUD) ("Satori" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the latest drill results from the spring exploration drilling at the 100%-owned Tartan Lake deposit near Flin Flon, Manitoba. Satori's winter drill program focused on shallow holes targeting extensions of the South Zone mineralization down plunge to the west and initial drilling of the McFadden target, a broad area of intense quartz carbonate veining located approximately 1,600 metres south of the South Zone.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年8月11日)-薩託裏資源公司。(TSXV:BUD)(《薩託裏》“公司”)很高興地宣佈了馬尼託巴省弗林弗隆附近100%擁有的Tartan Lake礦藏春季勘探鑽探的最新鑽探結果。Satori的冬季鑽探計劃側重於淺孔,目標是南區礦化向西傾斜的延伸,以及McFadden目標的初步鑽探,McFadden目標是位於南區以南約1,600米的一大片密集的石英碳酸鹽脈狀礦脈。

Table 1.0 summarizes the drill results from the South Zone drill holes. The most significant intersection was reported in hole TLSZ22-21 which intersected 29.06 g/t Au over 5.85 metres and included 198.5 g/t Au over 0.80 metres. Coarse visible gold was observed in the drill core.


The intersection, which has been named "SZHW Zone", appears to be a distinct new zone of gold mineralization and is located approximately 75 metres south of the interpreted South Zone. The SZHW Zone is well defined by historical surface and underground drilling. The same hanging wall mineralization was intersected in holes TLSZ21-06 and TLSZ21-07, drilled earlier in 2021. TLSZ21-06 intersected 3.00 g/t Au at a depth of 8.0 metres from surface averaged over 4.75. TLSZ21-07 intersected 4.91 g/t over 3.75 metres at a depth of 9.75 metres from surface. The three holes define an east-west striking zone that dips 70-80 degrees to the north and it appears as if it may converge with the south dipping South Zone mineralization approximately 250 metres below the current limit of drill coverage. The SZHW mineralization is open at depth to the east.

該交叉路口已被命名為“SZHW帶”,似乎是一個獨特的新金礦帶,位於解釋的南帶以南約75米處。SZHW區由歷史上的地面和地下鑽探很好地界定。同樣的上盤礦化在2021年早些時候鑽探的TLSZ21-06和TLSZ21-07孔中相交。TLSZ21-06相交3.00g/t Au在離地面8.0米深的地方平均超過4.75。TLSZ21-07相交4.91克/噸完畢3.75米在離地面9.75米的深度。這三個孔界定了一個東西走向的走向帶,向北傾斜70-80度,似乎可能與南傾斜南帶礦化匯合,低於目前鑽探覆蓋範圍約250米。SZHW礦化向東深部敞開。

Jennifer Boyle, Chief Executive Officer, states that, "The high-grade intersection and multiple sites of visible gold observed in hole TLSZ21-21 were exciting on their own but the indication that this new zone of mineralization may converge with the historically defined South Zone mineralization at depth isolates a premium exploration opportunity for follow up drilling. The interpreted convergence of the two zones is only 450 metres from surface and the hanging wall mineralization is open to the east. The eastern extension is not truncated by Tartan Lake, which means it can be accessed for drilling on a year round basis. I am pleased to report that we have delivered on ALL our key exploration objectives at the Main and South Zones. Our limited drilling program has returned some of the highest grades ever reported at Tartan Lake. We have demonstrated continuity of high-grade mineralization down plunge at the Main Zone where drilling also intersected a potential new hanging wall zone averaging 47.56 g/t over 5.80 metres. We expanded the mineralization limits of the South Zone which remains open at depth, and we have now identified a potential new hanging wall opportunity at the South Zone. These outstanding exploration results were returned from a modest exploration drill program at a site which is road accessible in a premium mining jurisdiction. That's what I call a successful exploration program. We are currently designing a follow up drill program to extend the newly identified hanging wall zones at the Main and South Zone as soon as possible."


All three holes also intersected the South Zone as planned, approximately 50-75 metres below the previous deepest holes. All three holes intersected typical quartz-carbonate-tourmaline veining but gold grades were low tenor with the best result intersected in hole TLSZ22-20 which reported 5.00 metres averaging 1.22 g/t Au.


Table 1.0 - Summary of South Zone Results


Hole ID From To Interval Au Zone
(m) (m) (m) (g/t)
TLSZ22-20 72.00 74.10 2.10 2.11 SZ HW
and 329.00 338.00 9.00 0.78 SZ Main
including 331.00 336.00 5.00 1.22 SZ Main
TLSZ22-21 177.65 183.50 5.85 29.06 SZ HW
including 177.65 178.45 0.80 198.50 SZ HW
TLSZ22-22 24.10 26.95 2.85 2.66 SZ HW
and 54.00 57.00 3.00 2.21 SZ HW
孔ID 從… 間隔 Au 分帶
(m) (m) (m) (克/噸)
TLSZ22-20 72.00 74.10 2.10 2.11 深圳硬件
329.00 338.00 9.00 0.78 SZ Main
包括 331.00 336.00 5.00 1.22 SZ Main
TLSZ22-21 177.65 183.50 5.85 29.06 深圳硬件
包括 177.65 178.45 0.80 198.50 深圳硬件
TLSZ22-22 24.10 26.95 2.85 2.66 深圳硬件
54.00 57.00 3.00 2.21 深圳硬件

The Company also completed seven (7) shallow holes testing a broad exposure of quartz-carbonate-tourmaline veining exposed at surface at the McFadden Zone, approximately 1,600 metres south of the South Zone. The McFadden target is preferably accessible during winter. No significant intersections were reported.


Wes Hanson P.Geo., Director of Satori, is the qualified person who has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release.

董事的Wes Hanson P.Geo是審閲和批准本新聞稿內容的合格人員。


關於Satori Resources Inc.(TSXV:BUD)

Satori is a Toronto-based mineral exploration and development company whose primary property is expanding the resource at the past producing Tartan Lake Gold Mine Project, located in the prolific Flin Flon Greenstone Belt, Manitoba.

Satori是一家總部位於多倫多的礦產勘探和開發公司,其主要資產是擴大過去生產塔爾坦湖金礦項目的資源,該項目位於馬尼託巴省多產的Flin Flon Greenstone帶。

The Tartan Lake Project (2,670 Ha.) is located approximately 12 kilometres northeast of Flin Flon, Manitoba, and includes the Tartan Lake Mine (1986-1989) which produced 36,000 ounces of gold before the mine was shut down due to, in part, the price of gold falling below USD$390. Remaining infrastructure includes: an indicated resource estimate of 240,000 ounces averaging 6.32 g/t Au (see news release February 23, 2017), an all-season access road, grid connected power supply, mill, mechanical, warehouse and office buildings, tailing impoundment and a 2,100 metre decline and developed underground mining galleries to a depth of 300 metres from surface. Gold mineralization is associated with anastomosing quartz-carbonate veins hosted in east-west striking, steeply dipping shear zones up to 30 metres in width. The veins vary from several centimetres to several metres in width and gold grades vary from 1.0 to +100 g/t. Satori believes the mineral resources of the project are currently limited by drill coverage.

塔爾坦湖項目(2670公頃)位於馬尼託巴省Flin Flon東北約12公里處,包括Tartan Lake礦(1986-1989年),該礦在關閉之前生產了36,000盎司黃金,部分原因是金價跌破390美元。剩餘的基礎設施包括:指示資源量估計為240,000盎司,平均為6.32克/噸Au(見2017年2月23日新聞稿),一條全季通路,併網供電、工廠、機械、倉庫和辦公樓,尾礦庫和下坡處2,100米,並開發地下采礦走廊至地表300米深。金礦化與賦存於東西走向的陡峭剪切帶中的網狀石英-碳酸鹽礦脈有關,剪切帶寬度可達30米。礦脈的寬度從幾釐米到幾米不等,黃金品位從1.0克/噸到+100克/噸不等。Satori認為,該項目的礦產資源目前受到鑽探覆蓋範圍的限制。



Jennifer Boyle, B.A., LL.B.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Satori Resources Inc.
(416) 904-2714

(416) 904-2714

Mr. Pete Shippen
Chair, Satori Resources Inc.
(416) 930-7711

主席,Satori Resources Inc.
(416) 930-7711

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