
FuelCell Energy Launches New Carbon Savings Calculator

FuelCell Energy Launches New Carbon Savings Calculator

FuelCell Energy推出新的碳節約量計算器
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/08/04 20:07

DANBURY, Conn., Aug.  04, 2022  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- $FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCEL.US)$ -- a global leader in manufacturing stationary fuel cell energy platforms for decarbonizing power, and producing hydrogen to enable a world empowered by clean energy – today announced a new Carbon Savings Calculator for companies looking to gain greater insight into how the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by their operation across Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions can be recycled and used in their business. This approach provides an alternative to purchasing CO2, often times from much higher polluting sources such as ethanol facilities, as many businesses do today, and can help avoid the business risk of rapidly rising CO2 prices and scarcity of supply.

康涅狄格州丹伯裏,2022年8月4日(環球通訊社)$FuelCell Energy,Inc.(FCEL.US)$--一家制造固定燃料電池能源平臺的全球領先者,該公司用於脱碳發電,並生產氫氣,使世界得到清潔能源的支持--今天宣佈推出一款新的碳節省計算器,供希望更深入瞭解二氧化碳(CO)的公司使用2範圍1和範圍2的排放物可以回收利用。此方法提供了購買CO的替代方案2,通常來自更高的污染源,如乙醇設施,就像今天的許多企業所做的那樣,可以幫助避免快速上升的CO的商業風險2價格和供應的稀缺性。

CO2, the most commercially produced greenhouse gas, plays a crucial role in our everyday products and supply chain that can often go unnoticed to the everyday consumer. The gas is used in a variety of processes including refrigeration, dry ice for pharmaceuticals, pH balancing of drinking water, food security (extending the shelf life of food), carbonated beverages, water purification and more.


As society looks to reduce emissions, businesses are setting more aggressive net-zero targets. FuelCell Energy presents a compelling opportunity for manufacturers, food processors, hospitals, and a broad range of commercial and industrial customers to recycle CO2. Once captured and concentrated by fuel cells that sit on the manufacturing site, the CO2 has many potential uses. Examples of common use cases for CO2 are beverage grade CO2, meat processing, enabling food transportation and extending food shelf life. It can also be used to make dry ice, applied to water treatment processes, or aid in the production of cement and plastics.

隨着社會尋求減少排放,企業正在設定更激進的淨零目標。FuelCell Energy為製造商、食品加工商、醫院以及廣泛的商業和工業客户提供了回收CO的誘人機會2. 一旦被位於製造現場的燃料電池捕獲並濃縮,CO2有很多潛在的用途。CO的常見用例示例2 飲料級CO2肉類加工,使食品運輸成為可能,並延長食品保質期。它還可以用來製造乾冰,應用於水處理過程,或者輔助水泥和塑料的生產。

"In the food and beverage industry there is tremendous and ever-growing demand for beverage grade CO2, however, traditional CO2 suppliers currently are and will continue to be challenged for the foreseeable future to meet that demand," said Bob Yeoman, Executive Vice President of B&R Compliance Associates. "Working with FuelCell Energy to upcycle CO2 for food and beverage applications could provide dramatic benefits like cost savings, independence from traditional sources, and availability."

在食品和飲料行業,對飲料級CO的需求巨大,而且還在不斷增長2, 然而,傳統的CO2B&R Compliance Associates執行副總裁鮑勃·約曼表示,供應商目前正面臨挑戰,在可預見的未來將繼續面臨滿足這種需求的挑戰。2對於食品和飲料應用,可以提供顯著的好處,如節省成本、獨立於傳統來源和供應。

"As a company dedicated to propagating global clean energy, we are pleased to offer this unique tool for businesses to gain greater insight into how they can recycle their CO2, reduce emissions and save money at the same time," said Mark Feasel, FuelCell Energy's Chief Commercial Officer.

作為一家致力於推廣全球清潔能源的公司,我們很高興為企業提供這一獨特的工具,以更好地瞭解他們如何回收他們的CO2, 在減少排放的同時節省資金,“FuelCell Energy首席商務官Mark Feasel説。

About FuelCell Energy, Inc.


FuelCell Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: FCEL): FuelCell Energy is a global leader in sustainable clean energy technologies that address some of the world's most critical challenges around energy, safety and global urbanization. As a leading global manufacturer of proprietary fuel cell technology platforms, FuelCell Energy is uniquely positioned to serve customers worldwide with sustainable products and solutions for businesses, utilities, governments and municipalities. Our solutions are designed to enable a world empowered by clean energy, enhancing the quality of life for people around the globe.

燃料電池能源公司(納斯達克代碼:FCEL):燃料電池能源公司是可持續清潔能源技術的全球領先者,這些技術解決了圍繞能源、安全和全球城市化的一些世界上最關鍵的挑戰。作為全球領先的專有燃料電池技術平臺製造商,FuelCell Energy的獨特定位是為全球客户提供面向企業、公用事業、政府和市政當局的可持續產品和解決方案。我們的解決方案旨在實現一個由清潔能源驅動的世界,提高全球人民的生活質量。



FuelCell Energy, Inc.


