
Apple's Split With Steve-Jobs-Era Legendary Designer Jony Ive Is Now Complete

Apple's Split With Steve-Jobs-Era Legendary Designer Jony Ive Is Now Complete

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/07/13 21:05

Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) has ended the consulting agreement with its former design lead Jony Ive.

蘋果納斯達克(Sequoia Capital:AAPL)終止與前設計負責人的諮詢協議喬尼·艾夫。

What Happened: The end of the agreement comes three years after Ive quit Apple to start his own design company, reported The New York Times.


Apple and Ive reportedly ended the agreement just as it was up for renewal. Some executIve at Apple had questioned the amount Apple was paying to Ive, who leads his own firm called LoveFrom.


Ive was the designer responsible for Apple's iconic candy-colored desktop computers and the iPhone's rounded edges.
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Why It Matters: The move to end the agreement puts to an end Ive's three-decade-long design influence at the Cupertino, California-based tech giant, the Times noted.


The multi-year contractual agreement was reportedly worth more than $100 million and was signed in 2019 when Ive left to start LoveFrom.

據報道,這份多年合同協議的價值超過1億美元並於2019年簽約,當時我已經離開,創辦了Love From。

The contract restricted Ive from working with Apple's rivals and extended his influence on the development of future Apple products such as an expected augmented-reality headset, people familiar with the matter told the Times.


Some executIve had reportedly expressed frustration that several Apple designers left to join Ive's firm, while Ive wanted the freedom to bring on board clients without seeking approval from the iPhone maker.


Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, had told his biographer Walter Issacson that Ive had more "operational power than anyone at Apple, except me," according to the Times.


Price Action: Apple shares traded 1.76% lower at $143.30 in the premarket session on Wednesday.


Benzinga's Take: Ive's last product at Cupertino was the Apple Watch, launched in 2015. He was considered instrumental in moving the company from the Steve Jobs era into the Tim Cook era. The Times noted that the designer had told Cook that he was exhausted from the building consensus required to produce the Apple Watch and it was then that Cook agreed to let Ive work part time. With this move, Ive's break with Apple is now complete.

本辛加的觀點:艾維在庫比蒂諾的最後一款產品是Apple Watch,於2015年推出。他被認為是將公司從史蒂夫·喬布斯時代帶入蒂姆·庫克時代。《泰晤士報》指出,這位設計師告訴庫克,他對生產Apple Watch所需的共識感到筋疲力盡,就在那時,庫克同意讓Ive兼職工作。有了這一舉動,Ive與蘋果的決裂現在已經完成。

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Photo: Courtesy of  Michael Johnston via Wikimedia


