
Westmount Minerals Completes Soil Sampling Program at the Douay East Gold Project

Westmount Minerals Completes Soil Sampling Program at the Douay East Gold Project

newsfile ·  2022/07/05 21:05

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 5, 2022) - Westmount Minerals Corp. (CSE: WMC) ("Westmount" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of a soil sampling program on the Douay East property (the "Property"), located in the Abitibi region of western Quebec. A total of 1,016 samples were collected and have been delivered to Activation Laboratories Ltd. ("Actlabs") for Soil Gas Hydrocarbon ("SGH") analyses and interpretation.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年7月5日)-Westmount Minerals Corp.(CSE:WMC) ("西山“或”公司“)很高興地宣佈完成了對Douay East物業的土壤採樣計劃(”屬性“),位於魁北克西部的Abitibi地區。總共收集了1,016個樣本,並已交付給激活實驗室有限公司(”Actlabs“)進行土壤氣體碳氫化合物(”SGH“)的分析和解釋。

The SGH geochemical exploration program is Phase 1 of a 2 Phase exploration program planned for 2022 and consists of 3 target areas on the property comprising 3 separate sampling grids. The targets are structures and structural complexities inferred from the interpretation of the 2021 high resolution airborne magnetic survey and which are assumed to be gold bearing based on historical drilling on the property as well as regional geological compilation. The Company anticipates receiving the results and interpretation report in early August and subject to identifying drill targets, anticipates a drill program to follow shortly thereafter.


David Tafel, CEO and Director of Westmount, commented: "Once we have received the sample results and interpretation of the SGH analyses we will be able to evaluate next exploration steps, which we believe should include an initial drilling program."


About the Douay East Property

關於Douay East物業

The Property, acquired by Westmount in 2021, covers an area of 4,868 hectares and is located in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt ("AGB"), western Québec. With over 100 years of mineral production, the AGB remains a very prolific gold mining district. The Property is located within the Casa Berardi Deformation Zone which hosts the currently producing Casa Berardi Gold Mine, past producing gold mines, and several active gold exploration projects. The Casa Berardi Gold Mine, located approximately 105 kilometres ("km") west of the Douay East property, has produced greater than 2 million ounces ("oz") Au, and has annual production of approximately 125,000 oz Au. The Property is contiguous to the west with Maple Gold Mines Ltd's property that hosts the Douay Project which contains an estimated 422,000 oz Au of indicated resources and 2,352,000 oz Au of inferred resources. The Vezza Gold Project, located approximateky 1.5 km from the northern boundary of the Property, contains an estimated 327,000 oz Au in the measured and indicated categories and estimated inferred resources of 68,500 oz Au.

該物業於2021年由Westmount收購,佔地4,868公頃,位於魁北克西部的Abitibi Greenstone Belt(“AGB”)。AGB擁有100多年的礦產生產,仍然是一個非常多產的金礦開採區。該礦藏位於Casa Berardi變形帶內,這裏有目前正在生產的Casa Berardi金礦、過去生產的金礦和幾個正在進行的金礦勘探項目。Casa Berardi金礦位於Douay East礦區以西約105公里(“公里”)處,金產量超過200萬盎司(“盎司”),年產量約125,000盎司金。該礦區西側毗鄰Maple Gold Mines Ltd的Douay項目所在地,該項目估計藴藏着422,000盎司Au的指示資源和2,352,000盎司Au的推斷資源。Vezza金礦項目位於距離該礦區北部邊界約1.5公里處,在測量和指示類別中估計含有327,000盎司金,估計推斷資源量為68,500盎司金。

About Westmount Minerals Corp.


Westmount is a newly listed company focused on gold exploration in Canada. The Company is focused on advancing the Douay East property to the drill stage and is evaluating other gold exploration opportunities.

Westmount是一家新上市的公司,專注於加拿大的金礦勘探。該公司專注於將Douay East礦藏推進到鑽探階段,並正在評估其他金礦勘探機會。

Qualified Person


Jamie Lavigne, P. Geo, a Qualified Person as defined in NI43-101 has reviewed and approved the technical information in this press release.


For more information, please refer to the Company's prospectus dated February 14, 2022, available on SEDAR ().


On Behalf of the Board of Directors


David Tafel
Chief Executive Officer and Director


For further information, please contact:


David Tafel
Chief Executive Officer and Director
(604) 683-1991

(604) 683-1991

Forward-Looking Statements:


This news release includes certain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding the commencement of trading of the Company's common shares on the Canadian Securities Exchange, future capital expenditures, anticipated content, commencement, and cost of exploration programs in respect of the Company's projects and mineral properties, anticipated exploration program results from exploration activities, resources and/or reserves on the Company's projects and mineral properties, and the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Often, but not always, forward looking information can be identified by words such as "pro forma", "plans", "expects", "will", "may", "should", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", "believes", "potential" or variations of such words including negative variations thereof, and phrases that refer to certain actions, events or results that may, could, would, might or will occur or be taken or achieved. In making the forward-looking statements in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including without limitation, that market fundamentals will result in sustained precious and base metals demand and prices, the receipt of any necessary permits, licenses and regulatory approvals in connection with the future exploration of the Company's properties, that the COVID-19 global pandemic will not affect the ability of the Company to conduct the exploration program on the Douay East Project, the availability of financing on suitable terms, and the Company's ability to comply with environmental, health and safety laws.

本新聞稿包括適用於加拿大證券法的某些前瞻性陳述和前瞻性信息(統稱為“前瞻性陳述”)。除有關歷史事實的陳述外,本文中包含的所有陳述,包括但不限於有關公司普通股在加拿大證券交易所的開始交易、公司項目和礦產勘探計劃的未來資本支出、預期內容、開工和成本、公司項目和礦產勘探活動的預期勘探計劃結果、資源和/或儲量,以及公司未來活動的預期業務計劃和時間的陳述,均為前瞻性陳述。儘管該公司相信這樣的陳述是合理的,但它不能保證這種預期將被證明是正確的。前瞻性信息通常但不總是可以用“形式”、“計劃”、“預期”、“將”、“可能”、“應該”、“預算”、“預定”、“估計”、“預測”、“打算”、“預期”、“相信”、“潛在”等詞語或這些詞語的變體,包括其負面變化,以及提及可能、可能、將、可能或將發生或將發生或將採取或實現的某些行動、事件或結果的短語來確定。在本新聞稿中作出前瞻性陳述時,公司應用了幾個重大假設,包括但不限於,市場基本面將導致貴金屬和賤金屬的需求和價格持續增長,獲得與未來勘探公司財產有關的任何必要的許可證、許可證和監管批准, 我們保證,新冠肺炎全球大流行不會影響公司開展鬥埃東部項目勘探計劃的能力、以合適的條款獲得融資的能力以及公司遵守環境、健康和安全法律的能力。

Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such risks and other factors include, among others, statements as to the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, including the Company's option to acquire the Douay East Project, the proposed expenditures for exploration work thereon, the ability of the Company to obtain sufficient financing to fund its business activities and plans, delays in obtaining governmental and regulatory approvals (including of the Canadian Securities Exchange), permits or financing, changes in laws, regulations and policies affecting mining operations, risks relating to epidemics or pandemics such as COVID-19, including the impact of COVID-19 on the Company's business, financial condition and results of operations, the Company's limited operating history, currency fluctuations, title disputes or claims, environmental issues and liabilities, as well as those factors discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's prospectus dated February 14, 2022, and other filings of the Company with the Canadian Securities Authorities, copies of which can be found under the Company's profile on the SEDAR website at .


Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements in this news release except as otherwise required by law.


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