
Capitan Mining Drills 1.5m of 488.9 g/t Silver Eq & 1.5m of 328.2 g/t Silver Eq Within Wider Intervals and Provides Exploration Update for Jesus Maria Silver Zone

Capitan Mining Drills 1.5m of 488.9 g/t Silver Eq & 1.5m of 328.2 g/t Silver Eq Within Wider Intervals and Provides Exploration Update for Jesus Maria Silver Zone

newsfile ·  2022/06/29 19:05

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 29, 2022) - Capitan Mining Inc. (TSXV: CAPT) ("Capitan" or the "Company") is pleased to report continued exploration results from three (3) reverse circulation (RC) drillholes, as well provide an exploration update on the progress to date at its 100% owned Jesús María Silver Zone, at the Cruz de Plata Project (Formerly referred to as Peñoles), Durango, Mexico.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年6月29日)-Capitan礦業公司(TSXV:CAPT)(“Capitan”或“The Company”)我們很高興地報告了三(3)個反循環(RC)鑽孔的持續勘探結果,並提供了墨西哥杜蘭戈Cruz de Plata項目(前身為Peñoles)100%擁有的Jesús María銀區迄今勘探進展的最新情況。



  • Hole 22-JMRC-12: returned two high-grade intervals of 1.5m of 488.97 g/t AgEq and 1.5m of 328.25 g/t AgEq within 21.3m of 143.59 g/t AgEq
  • Hole 21-JMRC-07: returned 1.5m of 427.62 g/t AgEq within 22.9m of 76.98 g/t AgEq
  • Capitan Mining publishes first long section of Jesus Maria Silver Vein
  • Mineralization has been confirmed over 800m of strike length, with drilling continuing to confirm high-grade mineralization at depth
  • Assays are pending for 9 RC drill holes from the Jesus María zone, with 8 drilled to test down-dip extension of the vein
  • 22號孔-JMRC-12:返回了兩個高級間隔150萬/488.97 g/t AgEq150萬/328.25 g/t AgEq21.3m/143.59 g/t AgEq
  • 21號洞-JMRC-07:退貨150萬/427.62 g/t AgEq22.9米76.98克/噸AgEq
  • Capitan礦業出版首張耶穌·瑪麗亞銀脈長片
  • 礦化已證實走向長度超過800米,隨着鑽探繼續確認深部的高品位礦化
  • 來自耶穌瑪利亞地區的9個RC鑽孔的化驗正在進行中,鑽了8個以測試靜脈向下傾斜的延伸

Step-out and Infill holes Continue to Confirm Continuity of High-grade Mineralization

跳出和退出 充填孔繼續確認高品位礦化的連續性

The drill holes reported herein consist of both infill and step-out holes targeting the continuity of high-grade mineralization and the expansion of Jesus Maria style mineralization at depth.


Drillholes 22-JMRC-11 and 12 were both infill holes, targeting the eastern and western extents of high-grade mineralization associated with the Gully Fault, as shown on the long section below (Figure 1). 22-JMRC-11 intersected mine workings at the interpreted depth of high-grade mineralization associated with the Gully Fault and returned several zones of generally narrow mineralization thereafter at depth. Hole 22-JMRC-12 returned a stronger zone of high-grade mineralization near surface consisting of 21.3m of 143.59 g/t AgEq, including 1.5m of 488.97 g/t AgEq and 1.5 of 328.25 g/t AgEq. Of note, the high-grade intersections in hole 22-JMRC-12 extended the boundary of high-grade mineralization northeast along the Gully Fault structure and not along the Main Jesus Maria Vein (long section below), which trends east-west. The technical team is in the process of generating a long-section for the Gully Fault, as well as other sub-parallel zones at Jesus Maria. Figure 5 shows a 3D perspective view showing the relationship between the Jesus María Vein and the Gully Fault Zone.

22-JMRC-11和12號鑽孔都是填充孔,目標是與溝谷斷層有關的東部和西部高品位礦化,如下面的長節(圖1)所示。22-JMRC-11在與溝谷斷層有關的高品位礦化的解釋深度與礦井巷道相交,並在此後返回了幾個一般較窄的礦化帶。22號井-JMRC-12井返回了近地表較強的高品位礦化帶,包括21.3米143.59 g/t AgEq,包括1.5m/488.97 g/t AgEq和1.5/328.25 g/t AgEq. 值得注意的是,22-JMRC-12孔的高品位交叉點沿着溝谷斷裂構造向東北延伸了高品位礦化的邊界,而不是沿着東西走向的主耶穌瑪利亞脈(下圖長段)。技術團隊正在為峽谷斷層以及耶穌瑪麗亞的其他次平行區製作長剖面。圖5顯示了耶穌·瑪麗亞靜脈和溝谷斷裂帶之間的關係的3D透視圖。

Drillhole 22-JMRC-07 was a step-out hole that was designed to extend the Jesus Maria zone to depth, along section. The hole successfully intersected the Jesus Maria zone at 112.8m downhole, returning 22.9m of 76.98 g/t AgEq including 1.5m 427.62 g/t AgEq and extending the zone down-dip approximately 25m, (see long-section and cross section below).

22-JMRC-07號鑽孔是一個斜井,其設計目的是將耶穌瑪利亞帶延伸到深度,沿着剖面。該井在井下112.8米處成功與耶穌瑪利亞帶相交,返回22.9米76.98克/噸AgEq包括150萬427.62 g/t AgEq並向下延伸約25米(見下文的長截面和橫截面)。

Exploration Update: Drilling at Jesus María Continues to Define High-Grade Silver Mineralization and Extend Zone at Depth

勘探更新:Jesse María鑽探繼續確定高品位銀礦化並延伸深部地帶

The Jesus María vein is part of a larger trend of silver-mineralized veins that occur on a 3-km east-northeast trend, between the zones of Jesus Maria and San Rafael, with most of that trend covered by the Capitan Mining mineral concessions.


The Jesus Maria vein has been drill tested over a strike length of 800m, including new drilling, with most of this drilling focused over a 475m strike length, from the Gully Fault structure eastward, with the remaining 325m to the west remaining shallowly drilled. The entire zone remains open at depth. The current drill program has focused on two objectives:

Jesse Maria礦脈已進行了800米的鑽探測試,包括新的鑽探,其中大部分鑽探集中在475米的鑽探長度上,從峽谷斷層構造向東,其餘325米向西仍然是淺層鑽探。整個區域在深度上保持開放。目前的演習計劃側重於兩個目標:

  1. To extend mineralization along strike and at depth through step-out drilling
  2. To better define high-grade shoots along the Jesus Maria and Gully-Fault structures through infill drilling
  1. 利用步進鑽進沿走向和深部延伸礦化
  2. 通過加密鑽探更好地確定耶穌瑪利亞和溝谷斷裂構造沿線的高品位炮點

The long section shown below in Figure 1, illustrates the distribution of high-grade mineralization along the main Jesus Maria Vein, indicated by the red, magenta, and purple shading. Of note, is the clustering of high-grade mineralization coincident with and adjacent to, the trace of the Gully Fault. Recent infill drilling within this corridor has confirmed that the Gully Fault exhibits a strong control on the distribution of high-grade mineralization along Jesus Maria vein, with additional high-grade mineralization hosted along the Gully Fault structure itself. The current drill program has been successful in showing that the high-grade mineralization at surface continues at depth, forming a continuous zone of high-grade Ag-mineralization along the central and eastern portions of the Jesus Maria Vein.

下面的圖1所示的長條部分説明瞭沿耶穌瑪利亞主脈的高品位礦化的分佈,由紅色、洋紅色和紫色陰影表示。值得注意的是,與溝谷斷裂遺蹟重合並毗鄰的高品位礦化聚集。最近在這條走廊內進行的加密鑽探證實,溝谷斷裂顯示出對沿Jesse Maria礦脈分佈的高品位礦化的強烈控制,並沿着溝谷斷裂結構本身承載了額外的高品位礦化。目前的鑽探計劃成功地表明,地表的高品位礦化繼續深入,沿着耶穌瑪利亞礦脈的中部和東部形成了一個高品位銀礦化的連續帶。

In addition, high-grade mineralization has been expanded to the south and east through recent step-out drilling, indicating that mineralization continues to remain strong and open at depth.


Going forward, an additional 9 holes are pending assays, with their respective locations shown on the long section below. Most of these holes are step-outs down-dip, with only two designated as infill. In addition, the long-section presented below in Figure 1 represents one of two main zones currently being targeted in the current drill program. A long-section for the Gully Fault target is currently in process and should be ready in the coming weeks.


Figure 1. Long section along Main Jesus María Vein: Image is oriented 270o, looking 0o degrees. Zone has a dip of -45o to the south.


Capitan's CEO, Alberto Orozco, stated: "Our understanding of the silver potential at the Cruz de Plata has grown greatly since our drilling started in the Jesus Maria vein last year. We have not only demonstrated the scale potential for that vein by expanding on the main mineralized plunges within it, but have also identified additional structures or veins that hold further potential. This includes the Gully-Fault Zone, the Upper Jesus María vein, Jesus-Maria stye mineralization underneath the Capitan oxide gold deposited (as reported in hole 21-CARC-29) and new mineralization and alteration zones in the footwall of the Jesus Maria vein. We are excited to see results for upcoming holes testing the down-dip component of Jesus Maria, as well as to continue our drill program testing further targets."

Capitan的首席執行官阿爾貝託·奧羅斯科表示:"自從我們去年在耶穌瑪利亞礦脈開始鑽探以來,我們對Cruz de Plata的銀礦潛力的瞭解有了很大的提高。我們不僅通過擴大該礦脈內的主要礦化凹陷展示了該礦脈的規模潛力,而且還發現了具有進一步潛力的其他結構或礦脈。這包括溝谷斷裂帶、上Jesse María脈、在Capitan氧化物型金礦牀(見第21-CARC-29號孔)下的Jesse-Maria礦化,以及Jesse Maria礦脈下盤的新礦化和蝕變帶。我們很高興看到即將到來的鑽孔測試耶穌·瑪麗亞向下傾斜組件的結果,以及繼續我們的鑽探計劃測試更多的目標。“

Figure 2. Plan map of Jesus Maria Silver Zone showing drillhole and long section location at the Jesus Maria Zone.


Figure 3. Cross section of hole 21-JMRC-07


Figure 4. Cross section of hole 22-JMRC-12


Figure 5. 3D view of Jesus María vein (red) and the intersecting, mineralized Gully Fault zone (yellow). Mineralized intercepts shown for the Gully Fault mineralized zone are drilled length and not true width.


Table 1. Table of drill results for hole 21-JMRC-07, 22-JMRC-11 and 22-JMRC-12


21-JMRC-07 From (m) To (m) Interval
AgEq (g/t)* Ag (g/t) Au
Zn (%)
Interval 71.6 73.2 1.5 32.49 20.00 0.08 0.04 0.125
Interval 112.8 135.6 22.9 76.98 56.91 0.10 0.13 0.219
including 115.8 117.3 1.5 103.51 96.30 0.04 0.05 0.060
including 131.1 132.6 1.5 427.62 342.00 0.39 0.65 0.942
22-JMRC-11 From (m) To (m) Interval (m) AgEq (g/t)* Ag (g/t) Au (g/t) Pb (%) Zn (%)
3.0  4.6  1.5  Mine workings
Interval 4.6 15.2 10.7 98.50 53.04 0.25 0.14 0.577
Interval 29.0 30.5 1.5 155.40 18.70 0.11 0.21 3.290
 30.5  32.0 1.5  Mine workings
Interval 32.0 33.5 1.5 83.63 24.80 0.11 0.37 1.060
Interval 50.3 51.8 1.5 103.51 30.30 0.22 0.82 0.839
Interval 62.5 67.1 4.6 48.63 17.90 0.21 0.20 0.224
Interval 112.8 115.8 3.0 145.74 28.10 1.16 0.17 0.534
Interval 138.7 143.3 4.6 86.41 45.50 0.30 0.23 0.280
22-JMRC-12 From (m) To (m) Interval
AgEq (g/t)* Ag (g/t) Au
Zn (%)
Interval 15.2 36.6 21.3 143.59 100.50 0.25 0.25 0.421
including 21.3 22.9 1.5 488.97 383.00 0.58 0.94 0.842
including 24.4 25.9 1.5 328.25 239.00 0.33 0.96 0.917
Interval 44.2 54.9 10.7 76.05 25.77 0.14 0.40 0.730
including 48.8 51.8 3.0 146.87 42.15 0.16 0.94 1.715
Interval 111.3 112.8 1.5 46.46 16.90 0.16 0.14 0.347
Interval 158.5 160.0 1.5 31.74 13.80 0.22 0.00 0.006
Interval 185.9 190.5 4.6 27.67 6.30 0.18 0.13 0.079
21-JMRC-07 發件人(M) 至(M) 間隔
AgEq(克/噸)* 銀(克/噸) Au

間隔 71.6 73.2 1.5 32.49 20.00 0.08 0.04 0.125
間隔 112.8 135.6 22.9 76.98 56.91 0.10 0.13 0.219
包括 115.8 117.3 1.5 103.51 96.30 0.04 0.05 0.060
包括 131.1 132.6 1.5 427.62 342.00 0.39 0.65 0.942
22-JMRC-11 發件人(M) 至(M) 間隔(M) AgEq(克/噸)* 銀(克/噸) Au(克/噸) PB(%) 鋅(%)
3.0  4.6  1.5  礦井工作面
間隔 4.6 15.2 10.7 98.50 53.04 0.25 0.14 0.577
間隔 29.0 30.5 1.5 155.40 18.70 0.11 0.21 3.290
 30.5  32.0 1.5  礦井工作面
間隔 32.0 33.5 1.5 83.63 24.80 0.11 0.37 1.060
間隔 50.3 51.8 1.5 103.51 30.30 0.22 0.82 0.839
間隔 62.5 67.1 4.6 48.63 17.90 0.21 0.20 0.224
間隔 112.8 115.8 3.0 145.74 28.10 1.16 0.17 0.534
間隔 138.7 143.3 4.6 86.41 45.50 0.30 0.23 0.280
22-JMRC-12 發件人(M) 至(M) 間隔
AgEq(克/噸)* 銀(克/噸) Au

間隔 15.2 36.6 21.3 143.59 100.50 0.25 0.25 0.421
包括 21.3 22.9 1.5 488.97 383.00 0.58 0.94 0.842
包括 24.4 25.9 1.5 328.25 239.00 0.33 0.96 0.917
間隔 44.2 54.9 10.7 76.05 25.77 0.14 0.40 0.730
包括 48.8 51.8 3.0 146.87 42.15 0.16 0.94 1.715
間隔 111.3 112.8 1.5 46.46 16.90 0.16 0.14 0.347
間隔 158.5 160.0 1.5 31.74 13.80 0.22 0.00 0.006
間隔 185.9 190.5 4.6 27.67 6.30 0.18 0.13 0.079

Note: Only drill intercept lengths are reported in the table. Drill holes are designed to cut the mineralized zones as close to true width as possible, with true widths ranging from 70-95% of the reported drilled length.


* Silver equivalent calculated using the following equation AgEq = Ag g/t + (80 x Au g/t) + (0.003 x Pb g/t) + (0.0037 x Zn g/t).

*使用以下公式計算的銀當量AgEq=Agg/t+(80 x Au g/t)+(0.003 x Pbg/t)+(0.0037 x Zn g/t)。

About the Jesus María Silver Project


The Jesus Maria (JM) Silver Project is located approximately 280m to the northeast of the Capitan's Oxide Gold deposit on its 100% owned Cruz de Plata property. It has been traced by surface trenching and diamond drilling over a strike length of 800m and to a depth of 200m, with the majority of drilling focused over 475m of strike length and less than 150m below surface.

Jesse Maria(JM)白銀項目位於Capitan的氧化金礦東北方向約280米處,該金礦位於其100%擁有的Cruz de Plata地產上。已通過地面挖溝和鑽石鑽探在800米的走向長度和200米的深度進行追蹤,大多數鑽探集中在475米以上的走向長度和低於地表150米的深度。

The Jesus Maria Silver Project has a long mining history going back to the late 1800's, when the Penoles Mining company constructed several shafts and drifts to exploit the high-grade silver veins in the area. In recent years, work programs conducted by previous operators has demonstrated significant potential at the Jesus Maria silver deposit. The work to date has identified Two (2) distinct styles of silver mineralization:


  1. High-grade silver polymetallic veins (Silver gold lead-Zinc)
  2. High-grade silver with gold veins
  1. 高品位銀多金屬礦脈(銀、金、鉛、鋅)
  2. 高品級金紋白銀

Highlights of trenching and diamond drilling by previous operators are presented below:


Prior Trenching Highlights - Jesus Maria (2011-2013)


  • 22m of 224g/t Ag, 1.08 g/t Au, 2.5% Pb and 1.7% Zn (2011)
  • 8.3m of 144 g/t Ag, 1.68 g/t Au, 2.4% Pb and 2.2% Zn (2011)
  • 13.4m of 309 g/t Ag, 1.7 g/t Au. 2.4% Pb and 0.6% Zn (2011)
  • 2m of 2,152.2 g/t Ag and 0.48 g/t Au, within a wider interval of 15.4m of 420.8 g/t Ag, 0.15 Au (2013)
  • 2m of 378.9 g/t Ag and 0.97 g/t Au,within a wider interval of 15.8m of 129.8 g/t Ag and 0.16 g/t Au (2013)
  • 22米224克/噸銀、1.08克/噸金、2.5%鉛和1.7%鋅(2011年)
  • 83m,144克/噸銀,1.68克/噸金,2.4%鉛和2.2%鋅(2011年)
  • 134m,309g/t銀,1.7g/t Au。2.4%鉛和0.6%鋅(2011)
  • 2米2,152.2克/噸銀和0.48克/噸金,在15.4米的較寬間隔內,420.8克/噸銀,0.15金(2013年)
  • 2m,378.9 g/t Ag和0.97g/t Au,在129.8 g/t Ag和0.16g/t Au(2013年)15.8m的較大間隔內

Prior Diamond Drill Highlights - Jesus Maria (2013-2014)


High-grade Silver Polymetallic veins


  • JM-DDH-13-06: 0.9m of 3,409.1 g/t Ag, 0.9 Au, 3.4% Pb and 7.1% Zn within a wider interval of 11.85m of 320.3 g/t Ag and 0.17 Au
  • JM-DDH-13-07: 2.1m of 279.5 g/t Ag, 0.21 g/t Au, 4.09% Pb and 7.57% Zn
  • JM-DDH-14-10: 2.3m of 113.8 g/t Ag, 0.82 g/t Au, 4.3% Pb and 1.8% Zn
  • JM-DDH-13-06:3.409.1g/t銀、0.9Au、3.4%鉛和7.1%鋅的0.9m在320.3 g/t銀和0.17Au的11.85m的較大間隔內
  • JM-DDH-13-07:2.1M含279.5克/噸銀、0.21克/噸金、4.09%鉛和7.57%鋅
  • JM-DDH-14-10:2.3m,113.8克/噸銀,0.82g/噸金,4.3%鉛和1.8%鋅

High Grade Silver & Gold Veins


  • JM-DDH-14-24: 7.15m of 988 g/t Ag and 1.24 g/t Au within a wider interval of 70.8m of 147.8 g/t Ag, 0.37 g/t Au
  • JM-DDH-14-10: 4.25m of 732.2 g/t Ag, 1.2 g/t Au, within a wider interval of 40.6m of 123.9g/t Ag and 0.54 g/t Au
  • JM-DDH-13-07: 2m of 988.5 g/t Ag, 0.23 g/t Au within an interval of 4m of 533 g/t Ag and 0.16 g/t Au
  • JM-DDH-14-27: 4.7m of 398 g/t Ag and 1.33 g/t Au within a wider interval of 47m of 125 g/t Ag and 0.4 g/t Au
  • JM-DDH-14-24:7.15米988克/噸銀和1.24克/噸金,在70.8米的較寬間隔內147.8克/噸銀,0.37克/噸金
  • JM-DDH-14-10:4.25米,732.2克/噸銀,1.2克/噸金,在40.6米的較寬間隔內,123.9克/噸銀和0.54g/噸金
  • JM-DDH-13-07:2M為988.5克/噸銀,0.23克/噸金,間隔4M為533克/噸銀和0.16克/噸金
  • JM-DDH-14-27:4.7m,398 g/t Ag和1.33 g/t Au,在較寬的47 m間隔內,125 g/t Ag和0.4 g/t Au

Approximately 3,100m of diamond drilling were completed by previous operators at the Jesus Maria silver deposit (2011-2014), which were used to complete an initial 43-101 compliant, Inferred resource in 2015 consisting of 7.5 million tonnes at an average grade of 62 g/t Ag (15 million contained ounces) and 0.1 g/t Au (26,000 contained ounces). Capitan has submitted an updated 43-101 report on the Cruz de Plata project inferred resource (formerly called Peñoles project), with an effective date of January 12, 2020. The report was authored by Derrick Strickland, P. Geo. And Robert Sim, P. Geo. The report can be found in SEDAR.

Jesse Maria銀礦於二零一一年至二零一四年完成約3,100米的鑽石鑽探,於二零一五年初步完成符合43-101標準的推斷資源,包括750萬噸平均品位為62克/噸銀(1,500萬含盎司)和0.1克/噸金(26,000含盎司)。Capitan已經提交了關於Cruz de Plata項目推斷資源(以前稱為Peñoles項目)的更新的43-101報告,生效日期為2020年1月12日。這份報告是由P.Geo的德里克·斯特里克蘭撰寫的。和羅伯特·西姆,P.Geo。該報告可在SEDAR中找到。

Qualified Person & QA/QC:


The scientific and technical data contained in this news release pertaining to the Peñoles Project was reviewed and approved by Marc Idziszek, P.Geo, a non-independent qualified person to Capitan Mining, who is responsible for ensuring that the technical information provided in this news release is accurate and who acts as a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中包含的與Peñoles項目有關的科學和技術數據已由Capitan Mining的非獨立合格人員Marc Idziszek,P.Geo審核和批准,他負責確保本新聞稿中提供的技術信息是準確的,並根據National Instrument 43-101礦物項目披露標準擔任“合格人員”。

Capitan Mining Inc. has a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program that includes insertion and verification of control samples including standard reference material, blanks and duplicates consistent with industry standards.


RC drill samples from the Peñoles Project are collected and split at the drill site using a Gilson Universal Splitter. The samples are stored in either plastic bags (dry) or micropore bags (wet) and secured with plastic zip-ties and then transported to the preparation laboratory of Bureau Veritas in Hermosillo, Sonora. The sample pulps are then transported to the Bureau Veritas' laboratory in Vancouver, where they are assayed for gold by fire assay with atomic absorption finish (FA430 assay method code; 0.005 to 10 ppm detection limit). Samples over 10 ppm Au and over 100 ppm Ag are assayed with gravimetric finish (Assay code FA530). All samples are also assayed by ICP-ES (code AQ300) for a suite of 33 elements. Samples over 1%Pb and Zn are assayed by Aqua regia Ore Grade ICP-ES (AQ 370).

Peñoles項目的RC鑽探樣品在鑽探現場使用Gilson萬能分離器進行分離。樣品被儲存在塑料袋(乾的)或微孔袋(濕的)中,並用塑料拉鍊固定,然後運輸到位於索諾拉Hermosillo的Bureau Veritas的製備實驗室。然後,樣品紙漿被運送到温哥華Veritas局的實驗室,在那裏用原子吸收光譜分析火分析金(FA430分析方法代碼;檢測下限為0.005至10ppm)。超過10ppm的Au和超過100ppm的Ag的樣品用重量法測定(分析代碼FA530)。所有樣品還用電感耦合等離子體發射光譜儀(代碼AQ300)對一套33種元素進行分析。鉛和鋅含量超過1%的樣品用王水礦石級電感耦合等離子體發射光譜儀(AQ 370)測定。

All summarized intervals reported in this press release were calculated using a 25 ppm Ag equivalent (AgEq) cut-off grade with AgEq including Ag, Au, Pb and Zn and calculated as follows: AgEq = Ag g/t + (80x Au g/t) + (0.003 x Pb g/t) + (0.0037 x Zn g/t). Intervals contain no more than 3 metres of internal dilution. High grades have not been capped. 100% recovery for all metals is assumed.

本新聞稿中報告的所有彙總區段均採用25ppm銀當量(AgEq)與AgEq(包括銀、金、鉛和鋅)的邊際品位計算,計算公式如下:AgEq=Agg/t+(80x Au g/t)+(0.003 x Pbg/t)+(0.0037 x Zn g/t)。井段內部稀釋度不超過3米。高分還沒有被封頂。假設所有金屬的回收率為100%。

About Capitan Mining Inc.:


Capitan Mining is a well-funded junior exploration company focused on its 100% owned gold and silver Peñoles Project in Durango, Mexico. The company is led by a management team that has successfully advanced and developed several heap leach operations in Mexico over the past 16 years. More information for the Company can be found at .




"Alberto Orozco"
Alberto Orozco, CEO

Alberto Orozco,首席執行官

For additional information contact:


Alberto Orozco
Capitan Mining Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
Fax: (778) 327-6675


Raffi Elmajian
Corporate Communications
Capitan Mining Inc.
Phone: (604) 358-2601


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