
Highmark Interactive Inc. Reports Fiscal First Quarter 2022 Financial Results

Highmark Interactive Inc. Reports Fiscal First Quarter 2022 Financial Results

Highmark Interactive Inc.報告2022財年第一季度財務業績
Accesswire ·  2022/05/28 04:30

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / May 27, 2022 / Highmark Interactive Inc. (TSXV:HMRK) ("Highmark"), a global leader in digital health technologies, today reported its fiscal quarter end results for the three months ended March 31, 2022. All results are reported under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise specified.

多倫多,於/ACCESSWIRE/2022年5月27日/亞洲網加利福尼亞州聖何塞3月23日電數字健康技術的全球領先企業Highmark Interactive Inc.(TSXV:HMRK)今天公佈了截至2022年3月31日的三個月的財務季度末業績。除另有説明外,所有業績均按國際財務報告準則(“IFRS”)及加元報告。

Key Highlights and Developments During Fiscal First Quarter 2022


On February 3, 2022 Highmark announced the roll-out of its EQ Remote Monitoring solution to US Orthopedic Alliance ("USOA"), an organization committed to delivering robust health information technologies and practice management resources to orthopedic-specific group practices, ambulatory surgery centers and specialty surgery hospitals. The EQ Remote Monitoring platform will enable the physician to monitor a patient before and after surgery and between clinical visits to inform and personalize the patient's treatment plan. Remote physiologic monitoring (RPM) is a recently added reimbursement code by Medicare in the United States. It enables physicians to add remote monitoring to their services to improve patient outcomes. The Highmark EQ Remote Monitoring platform is a mobile application downloaded to a patient's smart device. Highmark has continued to build on its strategic partnership with USOA. The evolution of the relationship has led to a robust sales pipeline. In addition, Highmark's direct to clinician (i.e. orthopedic surgical centers and medical offices) activities has added to the RPM pipeline, with the expectation being that Highmark will begin deployment before end of the second quarter of 2022.

2022年2月3日,Highmark宣佈向美國整形外科聯盟(USOA)推出其EQ遠程監控解決方案,該組織致力於向整形外科特定的團體診所、門診手術中心和專科外科醫院提供強大的健康信息技術和實踐管理資源。情商遠程監測平臺將使醫生能夠在手術前和手術後以及在臨牀就診之間監測患者,以告知並個性化患者的治療計劃。遠程生理監測(RPM)是美國聯邦醫療保險最近增加的一種報銷代碼。它使醫生能夠將遠程監控添加到他們的服務中,以改善患者的預後。Highmark EQ遠程監控平臺是下載到患者智能設備上的移動應用程序。Highmark繼續加強與Usoa的戰略夥伴關係。這種關係的發展帶來了強勁的銷售渠道。此外,Highmark直接面向臨牀醫生(即整形外科中心和醫療辦公室)的活動增加了RPM管道,預計Highmark將在2022年第二季度末之前開始部署。

Subsequent Developments


On May 19, 2022 Highmark announced further traction in the Canadian market for its EQ and BrainFx assessment platform through their adoption by sport and neurorehabilitation clinics. In addition to the Company expanding its footprint in the Ottawa region amateur sports leagues, Highmark was added to the preferred provider networks of several disability management firms including Acclaim Ability Management, a national provider of disability management services, and Organizational Solutions Inc.. In addition, Highmark has continued to leverage the Highmark assessment suite to differentiate its services in the neurorehabilitation market and this year to date had received more than CAD$260,000 in new clinical services referrals that will be delivered over the course of 2022. This technology-enabled model of care facilitates not only new growth within Highmark itself but serves as the model for adoption by other neurorehabilitation services.

2022年5月19日,Highmark宣佈其EQ和BrainFx評估平臺通過被運動和神經康復診所採用,在加拿大市場獲得進一步的吸引力。除了擴大其在渥太華地區業餘體育聯盟的足跡外,Highmark還加入了幾家殘疾管理公司的首選提供商網絡,其中包括全國殘疾管理服務提供商AcClaim Capability Management和組織解決方案公司。此外,Highmark繼續利用Highmark評估套件來區分其在神經康復市場的服務,今年迄今已收到超過260,000加元的新臨牀服務轉介,將在2022年期間提供。這種技術驅動的護理模式不僅促進了Highmark本身的新增長,也成為其他神經康復服務機構採用的模式。

By fusing proprietary digital clinical decision support technology with virtual and traditional models of healthcare service, Highmark is committed to delivering better outcomes for people struggling with brain health and mental health.


Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, CEO of Highmark, noted, "We're pleased that integration of the three acquisitions completed in 2021 has gone as well as it has, as the Company is beginning to see wins collaboratively in the marketplace. We expect operational synergies to enable ongoing strong organic growth, both in Canada and the broader US market." Furthermore, said Sharma, "While operating within a difficult macroeconomic climate is challenging, the Company has never had as robust a sales pipeline as it does today. The primary driver of that is Highmark's software has been deemed reimbursable as per regulations of the largest purchaser of health care on the planet; the

Highmark首席執行官Sanjeev Sharma博士指出:“我們很高興在2021年完成的三項收購的整合進展順利,因為公司開始在市場上看到合作的勝利。我們預計運營協同效應將使加拿大和更廣泛的美國市場持續強勁的有機增長。”此外,夏爾馬説:“雖然在艱難的宏觀經濟環境下運營是具有挑戰性的,但該公司從未像今天這樣擁有強大的銷售渠道。這其中的主要驅動因素是Highmark的軟件被認為是可以報銷的,根據地球上最大的醫療保健購買者的規定;

United States Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Highmark's FDA cleared software is a net income generator for clinicians, with its cost being covered for patients. As such, the company is excited about being able to begin executing against its robust RPM pipeline, with deployment targeted for the second quarter of 2022."


Financial Highlights


The financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2022 include the results of BrainFx Inc. following the May 17, 2021 acquisition and the results of Complex Injury Rehab following the November 9, 2021 acquisition.

截至2022年3月31日的三個月的財務結果包括BrainFx Inc.在2021年5月17日收購後的結果和2021年11月9日收購後複雜損傷康復的結果。

For the first fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2022, revenue was $669,685, a 446% increase over 2021 first quarter revenue of $122,596. The revenue increase included the revenue from Complex Injury Rehab and BrainFx. First quarter operating expenses increased from $867,708 to $1,446,179 for the three months ended March 31, 2022 compared to the same period last year. In comparison to the first quarter of 2021, the company has increased headcount by just over 328%, and is continuing to grow to meet expected sales demand over the balance of the year. Offsetting the inclusion of BrainFx and of Complex Injury Rehab expenses during the first quarter of 2022, the Company incurred lower legal and accounting expenses associated with the costs of the Qualifying Transaction with Stormcrow and the acquisitions of BrainFx, Complex Injury and Highmark Health. Other expenses increased from $13,542 to $197,582 for the three months ended March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021 respectively. The increase is attributable to interest costs and the deferred finance costs associated with the bridge loan and convertible debt added in the second quarter of 2021. Comprehensive loss for the three months ended March 31, 2022 was $1,476,350 and $842,538 for the three months ended March 31, 2021.

在截至2022年3月31日的第一財季,收入為669,685美元,比2021年第一季度的122,596美元增長了446%。收入增長包括複雜傷害康復和BrainFx的收入。與去年同期相比,截至2022年3月31日的三個月,第一季度的運營費用從867,708美元增加到1,446,179美元。與2021年第一季度相比,該公司的員工人數增加了328%多一點,並將繼續增長,以滿足今年剩餘時間的預期銷售需求。在2022年第一季度,由於與Stormcrow的合格交易以及收購BrainFx、Complex Damage和Highmark Health的成本,公司產生了較低的法律和會計費用,抵消了BrainFx和複雜傷害康復費用的影響。截至2022年3月31日和2021年3月31日的三個月,其他費用分別從13,542美元增加到197,582美元。增加的原因是利息成本以及與2021年第二季度增加的過橋貸款和可轉換債務相關的遞延融資成本。截至2022年3月31日的三個月的綜合虧損為1,476,350美元,截至2021年3月31日的三個月的綜合虧損為842,538美元。

Selected Consolidated Financial Information


The following tables set forth selected financial information derived from the Company's unaudited condensed interim financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021. The following information should be read in conjunction with the financial statements and management discussion and analysis, which are available under the Company's SEDAR profile at .


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SOURCE: Highmark Interactive Inc.

資料來源:Highmark Interactive Inc.

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