
Galane Gold Ltd. Releases Financial and Operating Results for Q1

Galane Gold Ltd. Releases Financial and Operating Results for Q1

Galane Gold Ltd公佈第一季度財務和經營業績
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/05/27 05:05

TORONTO, May 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Galane Gold Ltd. ("Galane Gold" or the Company") (TSX-V: GG; OTCQB: GGGOF) is pleased to announce the release of its financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2022.

多倫多,2022年5月26日(環球通訊社)--Galane Gold Ltd.(以下簡稱“Galane Gold”或“公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GG;OTCQB:GGGOF)高興地宣佈公佈截至2022年3月31日的三個月的財務業績。

A copy of the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2022 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the corresponding Management's Discussion and Analysis are available under the Company's profile on . All references to "$" in this press release refer to United States dollars.


First Quarter 2022 Highlights


  • Produced 2,286 tonnes of concentrate containing 3,143 ounces of gold (Q4 2021 - 2,662 tonnes of concentrate containing 2,440 ounces of gold) at Galaxy.
  • 2,357 payable ounces of gold produced at an operating cash cost before royalties of $1,067 per ounce (Q4 2021 - 1,620 payable ounces at an operating cash cost before royalties of $1,677 per ounce) at Galaxy (1).
  • Positive cash flows from operating activities before working capital of $1.6 million (Q1 2021 - $1.5 million operating cash outflow).
  • $1.1 million of debt repaid, resulting in net debt of $0.8 million (Q4 2021 - $1.4 million).
  • 於Galaxy生產2,286噸含3,143盎司黃金的精礦(2021年第四季度至2,662噸含2,440盎司黃金的精礦)。
  • 銀河黃金2,357盎司,未支付特許權使用費前的運營現金成本為1,067美元(2021年第四季度-1,620盎司,特許權使用費前的運營現金成本為每盎司1,677美元) (1).
  • 營運資本前營運活動的正現金流量為160萬美元(2021年第一季度-150萬美元營運現金流出)。
  • 償還了110萬美元的債務,導致淨債務80萬美元(2021年第四季度-140萬美元)。

Galaxy Update


In April 2022, Durban, South Africa suffered severe flooding as a result of unseasonably high rain fall.  The Port of Durban was impacted by these floods including the warehouse that the Company uses to store its gold concentrate before it is exported overseas for smelting.  Subsequent to the floods, the Company has been able to physically verify over 99% of its concentrate that was in the warehouse at the time of the flood, meaning that there are no material loses anticipated, however, there has been a delay to the time it is taking to finalise, ship and receive any remaining payments for those concentrate lots that were not fully paid at the time of the flood.  A new warehouse facility has been set up on the outskirts of Durban which is accepting all new concentrate production from the Galaxy mine and payment for concentrate production going forward is not expected to be materially impacted(2).


Galane Gold CEO, Nick Brodie commented: "The results for Galaxy for the first quarter are very encouraging with production increasing and cash costs reducing. We will work to build on this trend in the second quarter as we progress with our ramp up and expansion plans (2).

Galane Gold首席執行官尼克·布羅迪表示:“隨着產量的增加和現金成本的降低,Galaxy第一季度的業績非常令人鼓舞。我們將在第二季度努力在這一趨勢的基礎上繼續推進我們的提升和擴張計劃(2).

With the sale of Mupane now completed we have recharged our balance sheet and are looking to push ahead at both Galaxy and Summit by leveraging off a much-strengthened financial position(2)."


Name Change and Consolidation


At the Company's annual and special meeting of shareholders on June 23, 2022, management will be seeking shareholder approval for (a) the change of the Company's name to "Golconda Gold Ltd." (the "Name Change") and (b) the consolidation of the Company's outstanding common shares on the basis of one new common share for every five existing common shares (the "Consolidation"). The effective date of the Name Change and Consolidation will be determined by the board of directors after all necessary approvals have been obtained.

在2022年6月23日召開的公司年度股東特別大會上,管理層將尋求股東批准:(A)公司更名為“Golconda Gold Ltd.”。(B)按每五股現有普通股配一股新普通股的基準合併本公司已發行普通股(“合併”)。更名和合並的生效日期將由董事會在獲得所有必要的批准後確定。

The Company believes the proposed new name, "Golconda Gold Ltd.", will more accurately represent the Company today and going forward. The name "Galane Gold Ltd." is associated with, and was chosen specifically to complement, the Mupane Gold Mine. With the divestment of Mupane, the Company believes a new name will make it clear to current stakeholders and future stakeholders that the Company no longer owns Mupane and is concentrating on progressing both Galaxy Gold and the Summit Mine and Banner Mill(2).

該公司相信,擬議中的新名稱“Golconda Gold Ltd.”將更準確地代表公司今天和未來的情況。名稱為“Galane Gold Ltd.”與Mupane金礦有關,並被特別選中以補充Mupane金礦。隨着Mupane的撤資,公司相信一個新的名稱將向當前和未來的利益相關者清楚地表明,公司不再擁有Mupane,而是專注於開發Galaxy Gold和頂峯礦山和Banner Mill(2).

As a result of the Consolidation, the 356,366,541 common shares issued and outstanding prior to the Consolidation will be reduced to approximately 71,273,308 common shares. Each shareholder's percentage ownership in the Company and proportionate voting power will remain unchanged after the Consolidation, except for minor changes and adjustments resulting from the treatment of any fractional common shares.


The Company believes that the share price and the number of shares outstanding following the Consolidation will more appropriately reflect the Company's status as a junior gold producer. Based on investor feedback, management believes that while the higher share count and lower share price was appealing to certain investors, the new proposed capital structure will be more appealing to prospective institutional shareholders and will aid management in its efforts to expand and diversify the Company's shareholder base with an ultimate goal of more liquidity and a trading price that more accurately reflects the underlying value and future potential of the Company's operations(2).


Galane Gold CEO, Nick Brodie commented: "We have transitioned away from Mupane, and our core asset is now Galaxy. Galaxy has produced gold on some basis for over 130 years and we believe will continue as a multi-generational, low-cost operation. With the transformation of our balance sheet, cost structure, and asset base, we felt that it was important that the Company recognized this by changing its name to better represent its new status. Golconda was the name of a historic mine that was believed to be so productive that the word 'golconda' was adopted into the English language as a noun referring to a source of wealth, happiness and great fortune. We are optimistic that Golconda Gold will live up to its name as we continue to develop the Galaxy mine, advance the Summit Mine, and pursue other opportunities to leverage our experience and capabilities to deliver returns for shareholders(2)."

Galane Gold首席執行官尼克·布羅迪評論説:“我們已經從Mupane轉型,我們的核心資產現在是Galaxy。銀河黃金已經在一定程度上生產了130多年的黃金,我們相信它將繼續作為一個多代人的低成本運營。隨着我們資產負債表、成本結構和資產基礎的轉變,我們認為公司通過更改名稱來更好地代表其新地位來認識到這一點是很重要的。Golconda是一座歷史悠久的礦山的名字,人們認為它的產量非常高,以至於Golconda這個詞被英語作為名詞採用,指的是財富、幸福和巨大財富的來源。我們樂觀地認為,隨着我們繼續開發銀河礦,推進Summit礦,並尋求其他機會,利用我們的經驗和能力為股東帶來回報,Golconda Gold將名副其實(2)."

The Name Change and Consolidation are subject to various approvals, including approval by the Company's Shareholders and the TSX Venture Exchange.


About Galane Gold

關於Galane Gold

Galane Gold is an un-hedged gold producer and explorer with mining operations and exploration tenements in South Africa and New Mexico. Galane Gold is a public company and its shares are quoted on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "GG" and the OTCQB under the symbol "GGGOF". Galane Gold's management team is comprised of senior mining professionals with extensive experience in managing mining and processing operations and large-scale exploration programmes. Galane Gold is committed to operating at world-class standards and is focused on the safety of its employees, respecting the environment, and contributing to the communities in which it operates.

Galane Gold是一家無套期保值的黃金生產商和勘探商,在南非和新墨西哥州擁有采礦業務和勘探物業。Galane Gold是一家上市公司,其股票在多倫多證券交易所創業板上市,代碼為“GG”,OTCQB的股票代碼為“GGGOF”。Galane Gold的管理團隊由資深礦業專業人士組成,在管理採礦和加工業務以及大規模勘探計劃方面擁有豐富經驗。Galane Gold致力於以世界級標準運營,專注於員工的安全,尊重環境,併為其運營所在的社區做出貢獻。



(1)      Cash cost is a non-GAAP measure. Refer to "Supplemental Information to Management's Discussion and Analysis" in the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2022, for reconciliation to measures reported in the Company's financial statements.
(2)      This is forward-looking information and is based on a number of assumptions. See "Cautionary Notes".

(1) 現金成本是一種非公認會計準則的衡量標準。在截至2022年3月31日的三個月中,請參閲公司管理層討論和分析中的“管理層討論和分析的補充信息”,以與公司財務報表中報告的措施進行對賬。
(2) 這是前瞻性信息,基於多項假設。請參閲“警示説明”。

Cautionary Notes


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements". All statements other than statements of historical fact contained in this press release, including, without limitation, those regarding Company's ability to ramp up and expand operations at Galaxy, the Company's ability to recommence production at the Summit Mine, the Company's ability attain the necessary approvals for the Name Change and Consolidation, the Company's future financial position and results of operations, strategy, proposed acquisitions, plans, objectives, goals and targets, and any statements preceded by, followed by or that include the words "believe", "expect", "aim", "intend", "plan", "continue", "will", "may", "would", "anticipate", "estimate", "forecast", "predict", "project", "seek", "should" or similar expressions or the negative thereof, are forward-looking statements. These statements are not historical facts but instead represent only the Company's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual results may differ materially from what is expressed, implied or forecasted in such forward-looking statements.


Additional factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially include, but are not limited to: the Company's dependence on two mineral projects; gold price volatility; risks associated with the conduct of the Company's mining activities in South Africa and New Mexico; regulatory, consent or permitting delays; risks relating to the Company's exploration, development and mining activities being situated in South Africa and New Mexico; risks relating to reliance on the Company's management team and outside contractors; risks regarding mineral resources and reserves; the Company's inability to obtain insurance to cover all risks, on a commercially reasonable basis or at all; currency fluctuations; risks regarding the failure to generate sufficient cash flow from operations; risks relating to project financing and equity issuances; risks arising from the Company's fair value estimates with respect to the carrying amount of mineral interests; mining tax regimes; risks arising from holding derivative instruments; the Company's need to replace reserves depleted by production; risks and unknowns inherent in all mining projects, including the inaccuracy of reserves and resources, metallurgical recoveries and capital and operating costs of such projects; contests over title to properties, particularly title to undeveloped properties; laws and regulations governing the environment, health and safety; the ability of the communities in which the Company operates to manage and cope with the implications of COVID-19; the economic and financial implications of COVID-19 to the Company; operating or technical difficulties in connection with mining or development activities; lack of infrastructure; employee relations, labour unrest or unavailability; health risks in Africa; the Company's interactions with surrounding communities and artisanal miners; the Company's ability to successfully integrate acquired assets; risks related to restarting production; the speculative nature of exploration and development, including the risks of diminishing quantities or grades of reserves; development of the Company's exploration properties into commercially viable mines; stock market volatility; conflicts of interest among certain directors and officers; lack of liquidity for shareholders of the Company; risks related to the market perception of junior gold companies; and litigation risk. Management provides forward-looking statements because it believes they provide useful information to investors when considering their investment objectives and cautions investors not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Consequently, all of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements and other cautionary statements or factors contained herein, and there can be no assurance that the actual results or developments will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on, the Company. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect subsequent information, events or circumstances or otherwise, except as required by law.

其他可能導致實際結果、業績或成就大不相同的因素包括但不限於:公司對兩個礦產項目的依賴;金價波動;與公司在南非和新墨西哥州進行採礦活動有關的風險;監管、同意或許可延遲;與公司位於南非和新墨西哥州的勘探、開發和採礦活動有關的風險;與對公司管理團隊和外部承包商的依賴有關的風險;與礦產資源和儲量有關的風險;公司無法在商業合理的基礎上獲得保險,以承保所有風險;貨幣波動;未能從運營中產生足夠現金流的風險;與項目融資和股權發行有關的風險;公司對礦產權益賬面價值的公允價值估計產生的風險;礦業税制度;持有衍生工具產生的風險;公司需要替換因生產而耗盡的儲量;所有采礦項目固有的風險和未知因素,包括儲量和資源、冶金回收以及此類項目的資本和運營成本的不準確;關於財產所有權,特別是未開發財產所有權的爭論;管理環境、健康和安全的法律法規;公司經營社區管理和應對新冠肺炎影響的能力;新冠肺炎對公司的經濟和財務影響;與採礦或開發活動有關的經營或技術困難;缺乏基礎設施;員工關係, 這些風險包括但不限於以下方面的風險:勞工動盪或不可用;非洲的健康風險;公司與周邊社區和個體礦工的互動;公司成功整合收購資產的能力;與重啟生產相關的風險;勘探和開發的投機性,包括儲量數量或品位減少的風險;將公司勘探財產開發成具有商業價值的礦山的風險;股市波動;某些董事和高級管理人員之間的利益衝突;公司股東缺乏流動性;與初級黃金公司的市場看法相關的風險;以及訴訟風險。管理層提供前瞻性陳述,因為它認為這些陳述在考慮其投資目標時為投資者提供了有用的信息,並告誡投資者不要過度依賴前瞻性信息。因此,本新聞稿中的所有前瞻性陳述都受到這些警示聲明和其他警示聲明或本文中包含的因素的限制,不能保證實際結果或發展將會實現,或者即使實質上實現了,也不能保證它們將對公司產生預期的後果或影響。這些前瞻性陳述是截至本新聞稿發佈之日作出的,公司沒有義務更新或修改這些陳述,以反映後續信息、事件或情況或其他情況,除非法律要求。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


For further information please contact:
Nick Brodie
CEO, Galane Gold Ltd.
+ 44 7905 089878

Galane Gold Ltd.首席執行官
+ 44 7905 089878

