
HKGB RGB 2505 (04252.HK) Subdued on Debut, Closes at $99.7

HKGB RGB 2505 (04252.HK) Subdued on Debut, Closes at $99.7

香港綠色紅綠 2505 (04252. HK) 首次亮相受制,收市價 99.7 元
阿斯達克財經 ·  2022/05/19 16:58

HKGB RGB 2505 (04252.HK) remained subdued on debut, after opening slightly low at $99.95 this morning. Once bottoming at $99.55, the bonds closed the day at $99.7, down 0.3% against the offer price of $100 per unit, on a volume of 12.89 million units. Excluding the handling fees, a book loss of $30 was reported per board lot of 100 units.

香港綠色紅綠 2505(04252)於今早首次亮相後,繼續低於 99.95 元開盤後仍然疲弱。一旦觸底為 99.55 美元,該日債券以 99.7 美元收盤,相對於每單位 100 美元的賣出價下跌 0.3%,交易量為 1289 萬單位。撇除手續費外,每手 100 個單位的帳面損失 30 元。

