
Podcast Watching Soars as YouTube Edges Out Spotify to Become the Most Used U.S. Podcast Platform According to Cumulus Media and Signal Hill Insights’ Podcast Download – Spring 2022 Report

Podcast Watching Soars as YouTube Edges Out Spotify to Become the Most Used U.S. Podcast Platform According to Cumulus Media and Signal Hill Insights’ Podcast Download – Spring 2022 Report

根據Cumulus Media和Signal Hill Insights的播客下載-2022年春季報告,YouTube超越Spotify成為美國使用最多的播客平臺,播客觀看人數飆升
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/05/18 02:43

"Podcast Watchers," Who Overwhelmingly Access Via YouTube, are Younger, Lean Male, and are Newer to Podcasts


Women Represent the Majority of New Podcast Listeners


Spotify and YouTube are the Most Used Platforms among New Podcast Listeners


Advertising Creative Opportunity: Podcast Listeners Prefer Funny and Entertaining Ads over Dry/Boring Ads That Communicate Features/Benefits


NEW YORK, May 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cumulus Media (NASDAQ: CMLS), in partnership with Signal Hill Insights, today released Cumulus Media and Signal Hill Insights' Podcast Download – Spring 2022 Report, a comprehensive evaluation of the podcast audience.

紐約,2022年5月17日(環球通訊社)--積雲傳媒(納斯達克:CMLS),與Signal Hill Insights合作,今日發佈了Cumulus Media和Signal Hill Insights的播客下載-2022年春季報告,對播客受眾進行了全面評估。

The eighth edition of the study that examines weekly podcast listeners is part of Cumulus Media's commitment to share insights and research findings with the podcast community. Topics covered in the Podcast Download Report include platform usage, content, and advertising.

這項研究的第八版調查了每週的播客聽眾,這是Cumulus Media承諾與播客社區分享見解和研究結果的一部分。Podcast下載報告中涵蓋的主題包括平臺使用情況、內容和廣告。

"Our new Podcast Download Report uncovers a major surge in video podcast audiences as YouTube becomes the most used platform to access podcasts," said Suzanne Grimes, EVP, Marketing for Cumulus Media and President, Westwood One.

Cumulus Media市場執行副總裁兼Westwood One總裁蘇珊娜·格里姆斯表示:“我們新的播客下載報告顯示,隨着YouTube成為訪問播客人數最多的平臺,視頻播客觀眾人數大幅增加。”

"Podcast advertising reaches millions of younger consumers who have abandoned linear television for advertising-free video streaming services."


"There is a major opportunity to enhance podcast advertising creative as the audience prefers a funny and entertaining approach to the current executions, they hear that are focused on features and benefits," said Jeff Vidler, President and Founder of Signal Hill Insights. "As Paul Feldwick says, 'Advertising is at least as much showmanship as it is salesmanship [and it] builds brands best when it is entertaining, popular and memorable, when it is not just a pitch, but a performance.' There's also, of course, a matter of fit with the podcast."

Signal Hill Insights總裁兼創始人傑夫·維德勒表示:“這是提高播客廣告創意的一個重要機會,因為觀眾更喜歡有趣、有趣的方式,而不是目前的執行方式,他們聽到的是專注於功能和好處的方式。”正如保羅·費爾德威克所説,‘廣告至少是表演技巧和推銷技巧一樣多[而且它]當它具有娛樂性、受歡迎和令人難忘的時候,它就能最好地塑造品牌,當它不僅僅是一次宣傳,而是一場表演。當然,這也是一個與播客相適應的問題。

The Spring 2022 edition reveals valuable insights for content creators and advertisers. Some highlights from the report:


  • Six in ten weekly podcast listeners say they prefer podcasts with video: When asked how they prefer listening to podcasts, 28% say they like a podcast video they actively watch while listening and 29% indicate they have the video in the background/minimized while listening. 43% say they use audio only with no video.
  • Podcast video has greater "eyes on" advertising attentiveness than linear television: 58% of weekly podcast listeners say they their eyes are on the screen when podcast ads are playing ("some, most, or all of the time") compared to only 39% for linear TV, based on Nielsen studies.
  • Podcast platform wars: YouTube is now the leading audience destination: When asked which platform they listen to the most to access podcasts, 24.2% say YouTube, followed by Spotify (23.8%) and Apple Podcasts (16%).
  • The big three platforms (Apple, Spotify, YouTube) grow: Since 2019, the big three podcast platform oligarchy now has a 64% listening share, up from 55% in 2019.
  • Podcast listeners spend nearly half of all video-viewing time with ad-free content: Weekly podcast listeners spend 42% of their video time (TV, video streaming, etc.) with ad-free video content.
  • Younger demos and women are the majority of new listeners: More than half of Podcast Newcomers who have started listening in the last year are 18-34, and more than half are women.
  • The greater the time spent with podcasts, the more the podcast ads generate consumer response and business outcomes: As a result of hearing a podcast ad, heavy podcast listeners (those who listen 6+ hours per week) are more likely to have searched online for a product, discovered a new product/service, made a purchase, used a promo code, or followed a brand on social media.
  • Funny and entertaining ads offer a creative opportunity: While podcast listeners remain highly receptive to podcast ads, they say they prefer funny and entertaining podcast ads to the features/benefits ads they say they currently hear more often.
  • Podcast listeners are looking to interact and engage with their favorite podcasts: Weekly podcast listeners often follow hosts on social media, plan to attend live in-person podcast events, and place exclusive content or access ahead of an ad-free experience.
  • 每週有60%的播客表示,他們更喜歡有視頻的播客:當被問及他們更喜歡聽播客時,28%的人説他們喜歡在收聽時積極觀看的播客視頻,29%的人表示他們在收聽時將視頻放在背景中/最小化。43%的受訪者表示,他們只使用音頻,而不使用視頻。
  • 與線性電視相比,播客視頻對廣告的關注度更高:尼爾森的研究顯示,58%的播客每週都會在看美國存托股份的時候盯着屏幕看(“有一部分、大部分時間或所有時間”),相比之下,只有39%的人在看線性電視。
  • 播客平臺大戰:YouTube現在是主要的收視目的地:當被問及他們通過哪個平臺收聽播客最多時,24.2%的人説YouTube,其次是Spotify(23.8%)和蘋果的播客(16%)。
  • 三大平臺(蘋果、Spotify、YouTube)正在增長:自2019年以來,三大播客平臺寡頭現在擁有64%的收聽份額,高於2019年的55%。
  • 播客聽眾將近一半的視頻觀看時間花在了無廣告內容上:每週播客聽眾花費42%的視頻時間(電視、視頻流等)沒有廣告的視頻內容。
  • 年輕的演示者和女性是新聽眾的大多數:在去年開始收聽的播客新人中,超過一半的人年齡在18歲到34歲之間,其中超過一半是女性。
  • 花在播客上的時間越長,美國存托股份產生的消費者反應和商業成果就越多:作為收聽播客廣告的結果,重度播客聽眾(每週收聽6小時以上的人)更有可能在網上搜索產品、發現新產品/服務、進行購買、使用促銷代碼或在社交媒體上關注某個品牌。
  • 搞笑娛樂的美國存托股份提供了一個創造性的機會:雖然播客聽眾仍然很容易接受播客美國存托股份,但他們表示,與他們現在更經常聽到的美國存托股份的功能/好處相比,他們更喜歡有趣有趣的播客美國存托股份。
  • 播客聽眾希望與他們最喜歡的播客互動和互動:每週播客聽眾經常在社交媒體上關注主持人,計劃參加現場直播播客活動,並將獨家內容或訪問置於無廣告體驗之前。

Cumulus Media and Signal Hill Insights' Podcast Download – Spring 2022 Report is available in full for download at

Cumulus Media和Signal Hill Insights的播客下載-2022年春季報告可在CumulusPodCastNetwork.com下載完整版本。

The study was executed from a nationally representative sample of weekly podcast listeners who represent 26% of the U.S., according to Edison's Infinite Dial study. The report also examines heavy podcast listeners (those who listen 6+ hours per week) as well as when consumers started to listen to podcasts – Podcast Pioneers (4+ years ago), Podcast Newcomers (past 12 months).


Report Methodology
Cumulus Media | Westwood One, in partnership with Signal Hill Insights, commissioned a study of weekly podcast listeners with MARU/Matchbox, a nationally recognized leader in consumer research. The eighth installment in the series, this report includes questions trended back to the inaugural 2017 study. This study was fielded online using a nationally representative sample of 604 respondents who were adults, age 18 and older, spent at least one hour listening to podcasts within the past week, and not employed in the advertising, public relations, marketing, market research, radio, television, digital, or podcasting industries. Surveys were conducted between April 1 -7, 2022.

Cumulus Media|Westwood One與Signal Hill Insights合作,委託全國公認的消費者研究領先者Maru/Matchbox對每週播客聽眾進行了一項研究。這是該系列的第八期,本報告包括了從2017年第一次研究以來的趨勢問題。這項研究使用了604名具有全國代表性的受訪者作為在線樣本,他們是18歲及以上的成年人,在過去一週內至少聽了一小時播客,並且沒有受僱於廣告、公關、營銷、市場研究、廣播、電視、數字或播客行業。調查是在2022年4月1日至7日之間進行的。

About Signal Hill Insights
Signal Hill Insights specializes in audio research, partnering with publishers, broadcasters, and advertisers to tap new opportunities in audio. Clients include many of North America's leading broadcasters and podcast networks.

關於Signal Hill Insights
Signal Hill Insights專門從事音頻研究,與出版商、廣播公司和廣告商合作,挖掘音頻領域的新機會。客户包括北美許多領先的廣播公司和播客網絡。

Cumulus Media (NASDAQ: CMLS) is an audio-first media company delivering premium content to over a quarter billion people every month — wherever and whenever they want it. Cumulus Media engages listeners with high-quality local programming through 406 owned-and-operated radio stations across 86 markets; delivers nationally syndicated sports, news, talk, and entertainment programming from iconic brands including the NFL, the NCAA, the Masters, CNN, the AP, the Academy of Country Music Awards, and many other world-class partners across more than 9,500 affiliated stations through Westwood One, the largest audio network in America; and inspires listeners through the Cumulus Podcast Network, its rapidly growing network of original podcasts that are smart, entertaining and thought-provoking. Cumulus Media provides advertisers with personal connections, local impact and national reach through broadcast and on-demand digital, mobile, social, and voice-activated platforms, as well as integrated digital marketing services, powerful influencers, full-service audio solutions, industry-leading research and insights, and live event experiences. Cumulus Media is the only audio media company to provide marketers with local and national advertising performance guarantees. For more information visit .

積雲媒質納斯達克(Youku Tudou:CMLS)是一家音頻優先的媒體公司,每月向超過25億人提供優質內容-隨時隨地他們想要的內容。Cumulus Media通過86個市場擁有和運營的406個廣播電臺,為聽眾提供高質量的本地節目;通過美國最大的音頻網絡Westwood One,向全國提供來自NFL、NCAA、大師賽、CNN、美聯社、鄉村音樂學院獎和許多其他世界級合作伙伴等標誌性品牌的辛迪加體育、新聞、談話和娛樂節目;並通過美國最大的音頻網絡Westwood One,激勵聽眾;通過Cumulus Podcast Network,其快速增長的原創播客網絡,智能、娛樂和發人深省。Cumulus Media通過廣播和點播數字、移動、社交和語音激活平臺,以及集成的數字營銷服務、強大的影響力、全方位服務音頻解決方案、行業領先的研究和見解以及現場活動體驗,為廣告商提供個人聯繫、本地影響力和全國覆蓋。Cumulus Media是唯一一家為營銷者提供地方和全國廣告表現保證的音頻媒體公司。有關更多信息,請訪問。

Contact: Karen Glover | Westwood One |

聯繫方式:凱倫·格洛弗|Westwood One|kglover@westwood

