
ArcWest Provides an Exploration Update for Its Oweegee Porphyry Copper-Gold Project in B.C.'s Golden Triangle: An Initial 5,000 Metre Drill Program, Funded by Partner Sanatana Resources, is Planned for 2022

ArcWest Provides an Exploration Update for Its Oweegee Porphyry Copper-Gold Project in B.C.'s Golden Triangle: An Initial 5,000 Metre Drill Program, Funded by Partner Sanatana Resources, is Planned for 2022

ArcWest為其位於不列顛哥倫比亞省金三角的Oweegee斑巖銅金礦項目提供了勘探更新:由合作伙伴Sanatana Resources資助的初始5000米鑽探計劃計劃於2022年進行
newsfile ·  2022/05/05 20:39

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 5, 2022) - ArcWest Exploration (TSXV: AWX) is pleased to report positive copper (Cu) - gold (Au) assays from the Molloy Zone as well as progress on other targets at its Oweegee Porphyry Copper-Gold (Cu-Au) Project located within British Columbia's renowned Golden Triangle. ArcWest and partner Sanatana Resources (TSXV: STA) completed a substantial program of mapping, rock sampling, geochronology, petrography, spectrographic, induced polarization (IP) and airborne magnetic surveys at Oweegee in 2021. ArcWest optioned the Oweegee Project to Sanatana in July 2021; details of the earn-in agreement are available in ArcWest press release dated July 21, 2021. The discovery of intrusive hosted, porphyry Cu-Au-style veins at the Molloy Zone in 2021 was reported in ArcWest press release dated September 21, 2021. ArcWest partner Sanatana recently announced plans for 2022 exploration at Oweegee including an initial 5,000 metre drill program, scheduled to commence this June. In order to support Sanatana's 2022 exploration efforts on the Oweegee Dome project, well known Golden Triangle project generator Teuton Resources has completed a private placement in Sanatana.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年5月5日)-ArcWest Explore(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AWX)很高興地報告了來自莫洛伊區的陽性銅(銅)-金(Au)分析結果,以及位於不列顛哥倫比亞省著名的金三角內的Oweegee斑巖銅-金(銅-Au)項目的其他目標的進展。ArcWest及其合作伙伴Sanatana Resources(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:STA)於2021年在奧韋吉完成了一項實質性的測繪、巖石採樣、地質年代學、巖石學、光譜學、激發極化(IP)和航空磁測等項目。ArcWest於2021年7月將Oweegee項目授予Sanatana;收入協議的細節可在ArcWest日期為2021年7月21日的新聞稿中查閲。ArcWest於2021年9月21日在ArcWest新聞稿中報道了2021年在莫洛伊帶發現侵入型寄主斑巖銅金風格礦脈的情況。ArcWest合作伙伴Sanatana最近宣佈了2022年在Oweegee進行勘探的計劃,其中包括計劃於今年6月開始的5000米鑽探計劃。為支持Sanatana在奧維吉穹頂項目上的2022年勘探努力,知名金三角項目生產商Teuton Resources已在Sanatana完成私募。

The Oweegee Cu-Au Project covers a 152 square kilometer structural dome exposing a thick section of Stikine terrane. Stikine terrane is host to numerous large copper-gold deposits, including Red Chris (Newcrest Mining-Imperial Metals), Saddle North (Newmont Mining), Galore Creek (Newmont Mining-and Teck Resources), and KSM-Iron Cap (Seabridge Gold), among others The Oweegee project is approximately 45 km east of Seabridge Gold's giant KSM-Iron Cap porphyry Cu-Au deposits as well as Tudor Gold's Treaty Creek Au-Ag-Cu project. Collectively, the KSM-Iron Cap and Treaty Creek deposits represent one of the largest Au-Cu concentrations in North America. Contained metal within Proven plus Probable Reserves at KSM-Iron Cap total 38.8 million ounces (oz) Au, 183 million oz Ag and 10.2 billion pounds of copper. Tudor recently released a measured plus indicated resource estimate of 17 million oz Au and 93 million oz Ag.

奧維吉銅金項目覆蓋了152平方公里的結構穹頂,暴露出一段厚厚的斯蒂金地體。Stikine地體是許多大型銅金礦的所在地,包括Red Chris(Newcrest Mining-Imperial Metals)、Saddle North(Newmont Mining)、Galore Creek(Newmont Mining-and Teck Resources)和KSM-Iron Cap(Seabbridge Gold),其中Oweegee項目位於Seabbridge Gold巨大的KSM-Iron Cap斑巖型銅金礦以及都鐸黃金的Treaty Creek Au-Ag-Cu項目以東約45公里處。總體而言,KSM-Iron Cap和Treaty Creek礦藏是北美最大的Au-Cu礦藏之一。在KSM的已探明儲量和可能儲量中包含金屬-鐵帽總計3880萬盎司(盎司)金、1.83億盎司銀和102億磅銅。都鐸最近公佈了1700萬盎司Au和9300萬盎司銀的測量加指示資源量估計。



  • ArcWest partner Sanatana recently announced plans for 2022 exploration at Oweegee including a 5,000 m drill program with an initial focus on porphyry Cu-Au targets at the Molloy Zone.
  • ArcWest合作伙伴Sanatana最近宣佈了2022年在Oweegee進行勘探的計劃,其中包括一項5000米的鑽探計劃,最初的重點是莫洛伊區的斑巖銅金礦目標。
  • During the 2021 field program, porphyry-style quartz-chalcopyrite B veins were discovered in latite porphyry outcrops in the undrilled Molloy Zone, with fifteen rock sample assays ranging from 0.021 to 3.82 grams per tonne (g/t) Au, 0.043 to 1.09% Cu and 0.16 to 16.15 g/t silver (Ag), averaging 0.83 g/t Au, 0.343% Cu and 4.2 g/t Ag. This highly prospective target for porphyry Cu-Au mineralization will be the initial focus of the 2022 drill program.
  • 在2021年野外工作中,在未鑽探的粗麪斑巖露頭中發現了斑巖型石英-黃銅礦B脈。莫洛伊區,15個巖石樣品分析結果為0.021-3.82克/噸(克/噸)金、0.043-1.09%銅和0.16-16.15克/噸銀,平均金0.83g/t,銅0.343%,銀4.2g/t。這一極具前景的斑巖銅金礦化目標將是2022年鑽探計劃的最初重點。
  • Similar porphyry-style veins were documented in clasts in Cu-Au mineralized breccias in the historical Delta A Zone drill hole DC07-03, which intercepted 0.10% Cu and 0.225 g/t Au over 89.43 m (57.79-147.22m). This drill hole is approximately 350 meters southeast of the Molloy Zone. The presence of porphyry vein bearing clasts suggests a potential porphyry source may underlie the breccias at depth below historical drilling.
  • Widespread outcrops and angular float of strongly altered latite porphyry dykes and polymictic breccias with elevated Cu and molybdenum (Mo) values were mapped in the Snowpatch Zone, 1.6 kilometers west of the Molloy Zone.
  • 在歷史上,銅-金礦化角礫巖的碎屑中也發現了類似的斑巖型礦脈。德爾塔A區DC07-03鑽孔,在89.43m(57.79-147.22m)範圍內截留0.10%的銅和0.225克/噸的金。這個鑽孔位於莫洛伊區東南約350米處。含斑巖脈狀碎屑的存在表明,在歷史鑽探深度以下的角礫巖下可能存在潛在的斑巖源。
  • 廣泛露頭和角狀漂浮強烈蝕變的粗麪斑巖巖脈和多相角礫巖,銅和鉬(鉬)值升高。雪片地帶,莫洛伊區以西1.6公里處。
  • Newly acquired petrographic (thin section) and spectrographic (Terraspec mineral analyzer) data demonstrate that relict potassic (K-feldspar-biotite) alteration is present in mineralized intrusive rocks and breccias in the Molloy and Snowpatch Zones, consistent with multiple porphyry targets.
  • 新獲得的巖相學(薄片)和光譜分析(Terraspec礦物分析儀)數據表明,在莫洛伊和雪斑巖帶的礦化侵入巖和角礫巖中存在殘餘鉀質(鉀長石-黑雲母)蝕變,與多個斑巖靶區一致。
  • Outcropping zinc (Zn)-Cu enriched skarn-like magnetite-chalcopyrite and quartz-magnetite-hematite-chalcopyrite veins were discovered near a bullseye magnetic high at the Tarn Zone in the relatively unexplored northern part of the project area; limited sampling returned assays up to 5.72% Zn and 0.44% Cu.
  • 在該區牛眼高地附近發現了露頭鋅(鋅)銅富集型矽卡巖型磁鐵礦-黃銅礦和石英-磁鐵礦-赤鐵礦-黃銅礦礦脈。塔恩區在項目區相對未勘探的北部地區;有限採樣返回的化驗結果最高可達含鋅5.72%,含銅0.44%。
  • An induced polarization (IP) survey outlined significant chargeability anomalies to depths of 200-400 meters at the Delta Zone, north of the Molloy Zone, and within the Snowpatch Zone. Only the Delta Zone has been drill tested to date.
  • 激發極化(IP)測量概述了三角洲帶、莫洛伊帶以北和雪片帶內200-400米深處的顯著可充電性異常。到目前為止,只有三角洲地區進行了鑽探測試。

ArcWest President & CEO Tyler Ruks commented: "ArcWest is excited to work with the top notch team at Sanatana in order to advance our Oweegee Cu-Au Project. The 2021 exploration program at Oweegee has demonstrated unequivocally that the project contains one of the largest underexplored porphyry Cu-Au systems in northwestern British Columbia. Very rarely has our team observed outcropping zones of porphyry Cu-Au style stockwork veining that have yet to be drilled. Not only do these zones exist at Oweegee, but more copper occurrences remain to be found, as evidenced by our recent discovery at the Tarn Zone. Our 2021 exploration program has demonstrated that, like the giant KSM-Iron Cap porphyry Cu-Au deposits to the west, the Oweegee Dome project contains potential for the discovery of multiple porphyry Cu-Au centres. We are eagerly anticipating the commencement of Sanatana's recently announced 5,000 metre drill program on the project, which is scheduled for early June 2022. ArcWest thanks Sanatana for funding an aggressive exploration program on the project. ArcWest also thanks Dino Cremonese, Ken Konkin and the team at Teuton for providing funding to Sanatana in support of the 2022 Oweegee exploration program. Dino and Ken have a track record of tremendous success in the Golden Triangle, and their backing is an excellent endorsement of the Oweegee project."

ArcWest公司總裁兼首席執行官泰勒·魯克斯表示:“ArcWest公司很高興能與Sanatana的頂尖團隊合作,以推進我們的Oweegee CuAu項目。Oweegee的2021年勘探計劃明確表明,該項目包含不列顛哥倫比亞省西北部最大的未勘探斑巖銅-金系統之一。我們的團隊很少觀察到尚未鑽探的斑巖銅金風格網脈的露頭帶。這些帶不僅存在於Oweegee,而且還有更多的銅礦有待發現,我們最近在Tarn帶的發現證明瞭這一點。我們的2021年勘探計劃表明,與西面巨大的KSM-Iron Cap斑巖型銅金礦牀一樣,Oweegee穹頂項目具有發現多個斑巖型銅金中心的潛力。我們熱切期待着Sanatana最近宣佈的該項目5000米鑽探計劃的開始,該計劃定於2022年6月初開始。ArcWest感謝Sanatana為該項目積極的勘探計劃提供資金。ArcWest還感謝Dino Cremonese、Ken Konkin和Teuton的團隊為Sanatana提供資金,支持2022年Oweegee勘探計劃。迪諾和肯在金三角地區有巨大成功的記錄,他們的支持是對Oweegee項目的極好支持。“

The August 2021 program at Oweegee focused on the southern portion of the dome, in the vicinity of the Delta Cu-Au prospect and Snowpatch Creek. The program included 767 mapping stations, 225 rock samples, 311 spectral analyses, 19.25 line kilometers of induced polarization survey, and 588 km of airborne magnetic and radiometric survey. Thin section petrography was carried out on 24 rock samples, and six samples were collected for uranium-lead zircon geochronology. Further details on the points discussed here are available in the Oweegee Cu-Au Project technical presentation, which is available for download here.


Molloy Zone


The Molloy Zone was first discovered in 1997 by Geofine Exploration Consultants (David Molloy), who called the zone the Northwest Target Area (Molloy, 1998). The Northwest Target Area produced the highest grade historical copper and gold values on the Oweegee property, including rock sample assays of 1.35% Cu and 2.52 g/t Au (sample 600762), and 0.844% Cu and 3.48 g/t Au (sample 600763). The zone was deemed an important drill target, but was never tested.

莫洛伊帶由Geofine勘探顧問(David Molloy)於1997年首次發現,他將該帶稱為西北目標區(Molloy,1998)。西北目標區在奧維吉礦區產生了最高的銅和金品位歷史價值,包括巖石樣品分析,銅含量為1.35%,金含量為2.52克/噸(樣品600762),銅含量為0.844%,金含量為3.48克/噸(樣品600763)。該區域被認為是一個重要的演習目標,但從未進行過測試。

ArcWest relocated the Molloy Zone in 2021, and collected a total of 15 rock grab samples, which confirmed the high grade 1997 results, returning assays of 0.021 to 3.82 grams per tonne (g/t) Au, 0.043 to 1.09% Cu and 0.16 to 16.15 g/t silver (Ag), averaging 0.83 g/t Au, 0.343% Cu and 4.2 g/t Ag (see Table 1 below). One sample from a narrow hydrothermal breccia zone (A0420062) also returned 12.35% zinc (Zn). Mineralization in the zone was previously thought to be hosted by volcanic rocks. Mapping and petrographic studies conducted by ArcWest and Sanatana in 2021 indicate that mineralization is hosted by a fine grained quartz latite porphyry intrusion cut by sheeted to stockwork quartz-chalcopyrite B veins. Relict potassic (albite-K-feldspar-biotite) alteration is overprinted by variable sericite-chlorite-carbonate. The 40 by 150 meter well-mineralized quartz latite intrudes a larger body of strongly quartz-sericite-pyrite (QSP) altered and brecciated diorite that hosts lower grade mineralization with significantly higher pyrite content. The potassic alteration and low pyrite/chalcopyrite ratio of the Molloy zone is consistent with a lower IP chargeability signature. A semi-circular zone of higher chargeability flanks the Molloy zone, and is interpreted as phyllic alteration surrounding a Cu-Au mineralized, potassic altered intrusive centre. Despite hosting the best Cu-Au mineralization discovered on the property to date, the Molloy Zone has never been drill tested.

ArcWest於2021年遷移了莫洛伊區,共採集了15個巖石抓取樣本,證實了1997年的高品位結果,返回的化驗結果為每噸(g/t)金0.021至3.82g,銅0.043至1.09%,銀(Ag)0.16至16.15g,平均為0.83g/t Au,0.343%銅和4.2g/t銀(見下文表1)。一個來自狹窄熱液角礫巖帶(A0420062)的樣品也含有12.35%的鋅。該帶的礦化此前被認為是由火山巖賦存的。ArcWest和Sanatana在2021年進行的測繪和巖石學研究表明,礦化賦存於細粒石英寬幅斑巖侵入體中,侵入體被片層切割成網狀石英-黃銅礦B脈。殘留鉀質(鈉長-鉀長-黑雲母)蝕變被可變的絹雲母-綠泥石-碳酸鹽疊加。40×150米礦化良好的石英粗巖侵入了較大的強烈石英絹雲母黃鐵礦(QSP)蝕變角礫化閃長巖,其礦化品位較低,但黃鐵礦含量明顯較高。鉬礦帶的鉀質蝕變和低的黃鐵礦/黃銅礦比與低的IP可荷性特徵一致。高充電率的半圓形帶位於莫洛伊帶兩側,解釋為圍繞銅-金礦化、鉀質蝕變侵入中心的葉狀蝕變。儘管擁有迄今為止在該礦區發現的最好的銅-金礦化,但莫洛伊區從未經過鑽探測試。

Table 1: Molloy Zone 2021 Rock Samples


Sample Easting (Z9N) Northing Au g/t Ag g/t Cu % Zn %
A0420017 468121 6273903 2.200 1.42 0.164 0.012
A0420022 468176 6273961 3.820 15.25 1.090 0.035
A0420023 468172 6273981 2.370 16.15 0.827 0.019
A0420061 468189 6273992 0.171 1.22 0.123 0.017
A0420062 468188 6273967 0.312 9.69 0.204 12.35
A0420063 468192 6273982 0.615 5.42 0.532 0.025
A0420064 468208 6274003 0.021 0.54 0.053 0.028
A0420163 468128 6273894 0.497 0.51 0.059 0.016
A0420167 468162 6273976 0.033 0.16 0.043 0.020
A0420168 468175 6273969 0.035 0.35 0.054 0.026
A0420169 468177 6273982 1.120 5.23 0.712 0.029
A0420170 468168 6273982 0.044 0.44 0.157 0.031
A0420171 468167 6273959 0.704 2.25 0.363 0.033
A0420176 468180 6273945 0.044 0.31 0.045 0.021
A0420177 468188 6273972 0.462 3.31 0.714 0.025
樣本 東距(Z9N) 北距 Au g/t AG g/t CU% 鋅含量%
A0420017 468121 6273903 2.200 1.42 0.164 0.012
A0420022 468176 6273961 3.820 15.25 1.090 0.035
A0420023 468172 6273981 2.370 16.15 0.827 0.019
A0420061 468189 6273992 0.171 1.22 0.123 0.017
A0420062 468188 6273967 0.312 9.69 0.204 12.35
A0420063 468192 6273982 0.615 5.42 0.532 0.025
A0420064 468208 6274003 0.021 0.54 0.053 0.028
A0420163 468128 6273894 0.497 0.51 0.059 0.016
A0420167 468162 6273976 0.033 0.16 0.043 0.020
A0420168 468175 6273969 0.035 0.35 0.054 0.026
A0420169 468177 6273982 1.120 5.23 0.712 0.029
A0420170 468168 6273982 0.044 0.44 0.157 0.031
A0420171 468167 6273959 0.704 2.25 0.363 0.033
A0420176 468180 6273945 0.044 0.31 0.045 0.021
A0420177 468188 6273972 0.462 3.31 0.714 0.025

Snowpatch Zone


The Snowpatch Creek valley, about 1.5 to 2 km west of the Molloy Zone, was initially targeted by ArcWest in order to follow up on a 2017 survey which identified numerous highly anomalous Cu, Au and tellurium values in stream sediments. Initial reconnaissance sampling in 2018 documented suspected potassic altered porphyry and mineralized breccias which returned rock sample assays up to 0.157% Cu and 0.059 g/t Au (Kyba, 2019).


Follow up mapping in 2021 documented outcrops and angular float boulders of latite porphyry dykes and magmatic-hydrothermal breccias which returned elevated Cu and Mo assays over a 1100 by 400 m area on the east side of Snowpatch valley. Float sample A0420032 (466140E 6273897N Z9N) returned 0.121% Cu and 57.9ppm Mo. Petrographic data demonstrate that strong potassic (albite-K-feldspar-quartz-secondary biotite-anhydrite-pyrite) alteration is present at least locally, consistent with a porphyry system. Breccias contain plagioclase-hornblende latite porphyry clasts and broken crystals in matrix of K feldspar-quartz-secondary biotite-anhydrite-pyrite and minor carbonate. The anomalous but relatively low copper values indicate that Snowpatch Zone exposures are within a portion of a porphyry system characterized by high pyrite/chalcopyrite ratios. Local gypsum veining is also present.

2021年的後續地圖記錄了寬闊斑巖巖脈和巖漿熱液角礫巖的露頭和稜角漂浮巨石,這些巖石在雪斑巖山谷東側1100米乘400米的區域內進行了升高的銅和鉬分析。浮選樣品A0420032(466140E 6273897N Z9N)返回0.121%的銅和57.9ppm的鉬。巖石學資料表明,至少局部存在強鉀質蝕變(鈉長鉀長石石英次生黑雲母硬石膏黃鐵礦),與斑巖系統一致。角礫巖以鉀長石-石英-次生黑雲母-硬石膏-黃鐵礦和少量碳酸鹽為基質,含有斜長角閃輝長斑巖碎屑和破碎晶體。異常但相對較低的銅值表明,雪斑帶暴露在以高黃鐵礦/黃銅礦比率為特徵的斑巖系統的一部分內。也有當地的石膏脈。

The 2021 IP survey outlined multiple chargeability highs which appear to coalesce at depth on the east side of Snowpatch Creek south of the altered porphyry and breccia outcrops. The -400 meter depth slice outlines a zone of high chargeability over 1 km long. The Snowpatch porphyry target has never been drill tested.


Delta A Zone


The Delta A Zone was the main focus of historical exploration at Oweegee, including five shallow inclined (-50 degrees) diamond drill holes for a total of 1528 meters (Molloy, 1998). Drilling intercepted significant intervals of Cu-Au mineralization in two drill holes (Table 2), approximately 350 meters southeast of the Molloy Zone.


Table 2 Historical Drill intersections, Delta A Zone


DDH From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t) Cu (%)
DC96-02 3.05 73.45 70.40 0.263 0.12
Including 7.55 28.45 20.90 0.520 0.15
and 174.30 197.10 22.80 0.276 0.17
DC07-03 59.26 145.56 86.30 0.228 0.10
Including 80.16 95.80 15.64 0.442 0.10
DDH 發件人(M) 至(M) 間隔(M) Au(克/噸) CU(%)
DC96-02 3.05 73.45 70.40 0.263 0.12
包括 7.55 28.45 20.90 0.520 0.15
174.30 197.10 22.80 0.276 0.17
DC07-03 59.26 145.56 86.30 0.228 0.10
包括 80.16 95.80 15.64 0.442 0.10

Examination of drill core from DC07-03 in 2021 revealed that the bulk of the mineralized interval is hosted by a complex, multiphase polymictic breccia body containing intrusive, volcanic and sedimentary clasts. The breccia is intensely sericite (mainly K-illite)-pyrite altered. Some intrusive clasts contain quartz-sulfide veins similar to the B veins in outcrop in the Molloy Zone; other quartz vein clasts and sulfide clasts are also present in places. The breccia body is interpreted to plunge steeply to the northwest and appears to cut strongly quartz-sericite-pyrite altered diorite breccia as well as volcano-sedimentary country rocks.


The 2021 IP survey outlined a 200 by 700 meter, multi-lobed chargeability high which includes the A Zone. The northern lobe of the chargeability high was tested by several shallow drill holes, all at -50 inclination. These include DC96-02 and DC07-03, as well as by a third hole, DC96-03, that appears to undercut the breccia. The larger central lobe has been tested by a single drill hole, DC96-01, which intersected weaker mineralization (510 ppm Cu and 0.101 g/t Au over 96.7m; 40.1-136.8m). The southern lobe of the chargeability high has not been tested. The chargeability high appears to attenuate between 200 and 300 meters depth. The presence of Cu-Au mineralized QSP altered intrusions and associated breccia at the Delta A Zone suggests potential for the system to transition with depth or laterally to potassic dominant alteration. The downplunge projections of the Delta A Zone porphyry Cu-Au system have never been drill tested.

2021年的IP調查勾勒出了200米乘700米的多葉可充電高度,其中包括A區。北葉的充電能力很高,通過幾個淺鑽孔進行測試,所有鑽孔的傾角都為-50。其中包括DC96-02和DC07-03,以及第三個洞DC96-03,它似乎削弱了角礫巖。較大的中央葉已通過一個名為DC96-01的單一鑽孔進行測試,該鑽孔與較弱的礦化(96.7米以上的銅和0.101克/噸的金;40.1-136.8米)相交。南瓣的可充電性較高,尚未經過測試。可充電性高似乎在200米至300米深之間衰減。在Delta A帶,銅-金礦化QSP蝕變侵入體和伴生角礫巖的存在表明,該系統有可能沿深度或橫向向鉀質主導的蝕變過渡。三角洲A帶斑巖銅-金系統的俯衝預測從未經過鑽探驗證。

Tarn Zone


In the northeastern part of the property, along the northeast flank of the Oweegee structural dome, numerous historical stream sediment samples outline a northwest trending zone of strongly anomalous zinc, arsenic, molybdenum, copper, gold and silver over 6 kilometers long (Beischer and Georghegan, 2018). This highly gossanous zone is spatially associated with Upper Hazelton Group mudstones overlying or faulted against Paleozoic limestone of the Stikine Assemblage, a remarkable contact that indicates long-lived tectonism, uplift and erosion along this side of the dome. Airborne magnetic surveys have outlined several 0.5-1.0 km diameter magnetic high "bulls-eyes" close to this anomalous zone, one of which was investigated in 2021.


The Tarn Zone discovery is a zone of skarn-like magnetite and carbonate alteration containing significant chalcopyrite and sphalerite and associated quartz-magnetite-hematite-chalcopyrite veins. Limited rock sampling returned assays up to 5.72% Zn, 0.44% Cu and 4.2 g/t Ag (sample A0420268; 465645E 6281505N Z9N). Gossanous, strongly sericite-chlorite to silica-pyrite altered possible intrusive rocks with barite veins were also mapped nearby. The 2021 airborne survey shows two similar magnetic highs 1.6 km NW and WNW of the Tarn mag high, as well as a narrow magnetic "ridge" connecting one of these with the Tarn. This complex magnetic feature is a significant emerging target to be explored in 2022.

塔恩帶是一條似矽卡巖型磁鐵礦和碳酸鹽蝕變巖帶,含顯著的黃銅礦和閃鋅礦以及伴生的石英-磁鐵礦-赤鐵礦-黃銅礦礦脈。有限的巖石採樣返回了高達5.72%的鋅、0.44%的銅和4.2g/t的銀(樣品A0420268;465645E 6281505N Z9N)。附近還繪製了硅質、強烈絹雲母綠泥石到硅黃鐵礦蝕變的可能具有重晶石礦脈的侵入巖的地圖。2021年的航空勘測顯示,塔恩MAG高壓的兩個相似的磁高NW和WNW分別為1.6公里和1.6公里,還有一個狹窄的磁脊將其中之一與塔恩連接起來。這一複雜的磁性特徵是2022年要探索的一個重要新興目標。

Initial exploration to follow up magnetic highs and widespread stream sediment anomalies was successful in locating previously unknown skarn-like vein mineralization. This style of potentially intrusion related mineralization could be indicative of undiscovered porphyry systems. Further work is needed to follow up on the Tarn Zone discovery and other targets.


Plans For 2022


Sanatana recently announced 2022 exploration plans, including an initial 5,000 meter drill program to test multiple targets in the Molloy, Delta and Snowpatch Zones. Further target definition by mapping, sampling and geophysical surveys (including additional IP) will continue to expand on the positive results obtained in 2021.




Beischer and Georghegan (2018). Assessment Report on the 2017 Geochemical Exploration Program, Oweegee Dome Property; B.C. Assessment Report 37267.

Beischer和Georghegan(2018)。Oweegee Dome Property 2017年化探項目評估報告;B.C.評估報告37267。

Kyba, Jeff (2019): Assessment Report on the 2018 Geochemical and Geophysical Program; B.C. Assessment Report 37947.


Molloy, David (1998): Report on the 1997 Exploration Program Carried Out on the Stewart Property; B.C. Assessment Report 25390.


QA/QC Statement


Rigorous field procedures were followed to ensure QA/QC measures, including routinely inserting an appropriate copper-gold Certified Reference Material standard. Rock samples include both selective and representative grabs from outcrops and float. Samples were collected in plastic bags and sealed with zip ties. Sample locations were recorded by handheld GPS and iPad GPS. Sample locations are marked by flagging tape labelled with sample numbers. Samples were delivered to ALS Global's prep-lab in Kamloops BC where sample materials were crushed and sent to ALS Global's analytical lab in North Vancouver.

遵循嚴格的現場程序以確保QA/QC措施,包括例行插入適當的銅-金認證標準物質。巖石樣本包括從露頭和漂浮物中選擇性和代表性的抓取。樣本被收集在塑料袋中,並用拉鍊封住。樣本位置由手持GPS和iPad GPS記錄下來。樣品位置用標有樣品編號的標記膠帶來標記。樣本被送到ALS Global位於不列顛哥倫比亞省坎盧普斯的預備實驗室,在那裏樣品被粉碎並送到ALS Global位於北温哥華的分析實驗室。

Samples were fine crushed to 70% passing 2mm followed by taking a 250 gram sample from a rotary splitter followed by pulverizing the 250g split to 85% passing 75 microns (PREP-31A). Geochemical analysis of all samples utilized the 4-acid digestion followed by ultra-trace 48-element ICP-MS package (ME-MS61). The quantified multi-element concentrations are then reported by their respective unit. The detection range for copper was 0.2-10,000 ppm. The detection range for silver was 0.01-100 ppm. Gold was analyzed using fire assay with AA finish (Au-AA23). The detection limit for gold was 0.005. Overlimit copper and zinc results were further analyzed by 4-acid ore grade detection using ICP-AES (Cu-OG62 & Zn-OG62).

樣品被細碎到70%,通過2 mm,然後從旋轉分離器中取出250克樣品,然後將250g裂解物粉碎到85%,通過75微米(PREP-31A)。所有樣品的地球化學分析均採用4酸消化-超痕量48元素電感耦合等離子體質譜(ME-MS61)。然後按其各自的單位報告量化的多元素濃度。銅的檢測範圍為0.2-10000 ppm。銀的檢測範圍為0.01-100ppm。用Au-Aa23(Au-Aa23)火試金法分析金。金的檢出限為0.005。銅、鋅超限結果用四酸電感耦合等離子體原子發射光譜分析(銅-OG62和鋅-OG62)進一步分析。

ALS Labs also applied their own internal QA/QC procedures by systematically inserting standards, blanks and duplicates into sample batches. Lab results were evaluated to ensure they passed the internal requirements prior to release of the final test reports.


Qualified Person


ArcWest's disclosure of a technical or scientific nature in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Scott McBride, PGeo, who serves as a Qualified Person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

ArcWest在本新聞稿中披露的技術或科學性質已得到PGeo的Scott McBride的審查和批准,他是National Instrument 43-101定義下的合格人員。

Management Change


ArcWest announces that Jeff Kyba has resigned as the Company's Vice President Exploration, effective immediately. Tyler Ruks, ArcWest's President comments: "We want to thank Jeff for his many contributions since he joined ArcWest, and we wish him continued success in his future endeavours."


About ArcWest Exploration Inc.

關於ArcWest Explore Inc.

ArcWest Exploration is a project generator focused on porphyry copper-gold exploration opportunities throughout western North America. The company is in possession of eight 100% owned copper-gold projects throughout BC's premier porphyry copper-gold districts. These include ArcWest's Todd Creek and Oweegee Dome projects, which are two of the largest and most prospective land positions for copper-gold exploration in BC's prolific Golden Triangle. Oweegee Dome neighbours Seabridge Gold's supergiant KSM-Iron Cap-Snowfield porphyry copper-gold deposit and Todd Creek adjoins Pretium's Brucejack mine property. Newcrest Mining recently completed the acquisition of Pretium and its high grade Brucejack gold-silver mine in a transaction valued at $3.5 billion. Three ArcWest projects are currently being advanced by partners through earn-in and joint venture agreements; multiple ArcWest copper-gold projects are scheduled to undergo partner funded drill testing in 2022. By conducting partner funded exploration on multiple exploration projects simultaneously, ArcWest's chances of discovery are enhanced while exposing shareholders to minimal dilution. The company is managed by an experienced technical team with a track record of discovery and a reputation for attracting well-funded senior partners, including Freeport McMoRan, Robert Friedland group companies, ITOCHU, Antofagasta and Teck.

ArcWest Explore是一家專注於北美西部斑巖銅金礦勘探機會的項目開發商。該公司在不列顛哥倫比亞省首屈一指的斑巖銅金礦地區擁有八個100%擁有的銅金項目。這些項目包括ArcWest的Todd Creek和Oweegee Dome項目,這兩個項目是不列顛哥倫比亞省多產的金三角地區最大、最有前景的銅金勘探地塊。Oweegee Dome毗鄰Seabbridge Gold的超大型KSM-Iron Cap-Snowfield斑巖銅金礦牀,Todd Creek毗鄰Pretium的Brucejack礦場。Newcrest礦業最近完成了對Pretium及其高品位Brucejack金銀礦的收購,交易價值35億美元。三個ArcWest項目目前正由合作伙伴通過增資和合資協議推進;多個ArcWest銅金項目計劃在2022年接受合作伙伴資助的鑽探測試。通過同時對多個勘探項目進行合作伙伴資助的勘探,ArcWest的發現機會增加,同時將股東的股權稀釋降至最低。該公司由一支經驗豐富的技術團隊管理,他們有發現的記錄,並以吸引資金雄厚的高級合作伙伴而聞名,其中包括自由港麥克莫蘭、羅伯特·弗裏德蘭集團公司、ITOCHU、安託法加斯塔和泰克。

For further information please contact: Tyler Ruks, President and CEO at +1 (604) 638 3695.

欲瞭解更多信息,請聯繫:總裁兼首席執行官泰勒·魯克斯,電話:+1(604)638 3695。

Investors are cautioned that ArcWest Exploration Inc. has not verified the data from the KSM-Iron Cap, Treaty Creek, Red Chris, Galore Creek and Saddle North deposits. Further, the presence and style of mineralization on these properties is not necessarily indicative of similar mineralization on the ArcWest Exploration Inc. property. Historical assays from rock sampling and drill programs on its properties have not been verified by ArcWest but have been cited from sources believed to be reliable. This news release contains statements about ArcWest's expectations and are forward-looking in nature. As a result, they are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Although ArcWest believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them as actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof, and ArcWest undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, except as required by law.

投資者需要注意的是,ArcWest Explore Inc.尚未核實KSM-Iron Cap、Treaty Creek、Red Chris、Galore Creek和Saddle North礦藏的數據。此外,這些地產上礦化的存在和風格並不一定表明ArcWest Explore Inc.地產上的類似礦化。巖石採樣和鑽探項目對其性質的歷史分析尚未得到ArcWest的證實,但已從據信可靠的來源獲得引用。本新聞稿包含有關ArcWest公司預期的陳述,具有前瞻性。因此,它們受到一定的風險和不確定性的影響。儘管ArcWest認為這些前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但不應過分依賴它們,因為實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述大不相同。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述是截至本文發佈之日作出的,除非法律要求,否則ArcWest沒有義務公開更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述或信息。

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