
ArcWest Exploration Inc. Provides Update on its Earn-in Agreement with Sanatana Resources Inc. for the Oweegee Dome Porphyry Copper-Gold Project in British Columbia's Golden Triangle

ArcWest Exploration Inc. Provides Update on its Earn-in Agreement with Sanatana Resources Inc. for the Oweegee Dome Porphyry Copper-Gold Project in British Columbia's Golden Triangle

ArcWest Explore Inc.提供其與Sanatana Resources Inc.就不列顛哥倫比亞省金三角的Oweegee Dome斑巖銅金礦項目簽訂的賺取協議的最新信息
newsfile ·  2022/04/21 20:37

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 21, 2022) - ArcWest Exploration Inc. (TSXV: AWX) ("ArcWest" or the "Company") is pleased to announce an update on its agreement (the "Earn-In Agreement") with Sanatana Resources Inc. ("Sanatana") (TSXV: STA) to explore ArcWest's Oweegee Dome porphyry copper-gold project in British Columbia's Golden Triangle (the "Oweegee Project").

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年4月21日)-ArcWest Explore Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AWX)(以下簡稱“ArcWest”或“公司”)欣然宣佈與Sanatana Resources Inc.(“Sanatana”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:STA)簽署的勘探ArcWest位於不列顛哥倫比亞省金三角的Oweegee Dome斑巖銅金礦項目(以下簡稱“Oweegee項目”)的最新協議。

As previously disclosed by ArcWest and pursuant to the Earn-In Agreement, Sanatana can earn an initial 60% interest (the "First Option") in the Oweegee Project by funding, over a four-year period, cumulative exploration expenditures of $6,600,000 and by making staged cash and share payments totaling $500,000 and 2,000,000 shares, respectively. Upon completion of the First Option and receipt of an initial interest notice from Sanatana, Sanatana will have a 60 day period to elect to earn an additional 20% interest in the Oweegee Project, for an aggregate 80% interest, or to form a joint venture with ArcWest.


Pursuant to the Earn-In Agreement, Sanatana was required to fulfill the following obligations (the "Year One Obligations") to keep the First Option in good standing:


  1. paying to ArcWest an aggregate of $50,000 by December 31, 2021 (of which $12,500 has been paid and a balance of $37,500 is subject to TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange") approval);
  2. issuing to ArcWest 300,000 common shares of Sanatana (the "Sanatana Shares") by December 31, 2021; and
  3. incurring not less than $600,000 in exploration expenditures on the Oweegee Project by November 31, 2021.
  1. 截至2021年12月31日,向ArcWest支付總計50,000美元(其中12,500美元已支付,餘額37,500美元有待多倫多證券交易所創業板(“交易所”)批准);
  2. 在2021年12月31日前向ArcWest發行300,000股Sanatana普通股(“Sanatana股票”);以及
  3. 到2021年11月31日,奧維吉項目的勘探支出不少於60萬美元。

Other than the payment of $37,500 and the issuance of 300,000 Sanatana Shares to ArcWest, which remain subject to the approval of the Exchange, Sanatana has fulfilled the Year One Obligations. The payment of $37,500 from Sanatana to ArcWest and the issuance of Sanatana Shares to ArcWest are expected to be completed upon receipt of approval from the Exchange. ArcWest has waived the requirement for Sanatana to complete such obligations by December 31, 2021 provided that the cash payment and issuance of the Sanatana Shares are made promptly after Exchange approval.


The optioning of the Oweegee Project under the Earn-In Agreement constitutes a "reviewable disposition" under the policies of the Exchange and, as a result, the Earn-In Agreement is subject to the review and approval of the Exchange. The Exchange has conditionally approved the Earn-In Agreement subject to ArcWest satisfying the filing requirements of the Exchange outlined in Policy 5.3 of the TSXV Corporate Finance Policies.


Pursuant to a finder's agreement (the "Finder's Agreement") between the Corporation and Nathan Skubovius (the "Finder"), a finder's fee (the "Finder's Fee") equal to 4% of Sanatana's cash and share payments to ArcWest under the Earn-In Agreement is payable to the Finder. 50% of the Finder's Fee is payable in cash and 50% of the Finder's Fee is payable by the issuance of common shares of ArcWest (the "ArcWest Shares"). For the purposes of determining the number of ArcWest Shares issuable to the Finder in connection with the Earn-In Agreement, the issue price will be equal to the closing price of the ArcWest Shares on April [19], 2022 (the "Issue Price"). Accordingly, in connection with Sanatana's fulfilment of the Year One Obligations, the Finder: (A) will be issued that number of ArcWest Shares as is equal to (i) $50,000 multiplied by 2% divided by the Issue Price, and (ii) the aggregate issue price of the 300,000 Sanatana Shares issued to ArcWest multiplied by 2% divided by the Issue Price, and (B) will be paid a cash payment equal to (i) $50,000 multiplied by 2%, and (ii) the aggregate issue price of the 300,000 Sanatana Shares issued to ArcWest multiplied by 2%. The Finder's Agreement and the cash and share payments due to the Finder are subject to approval by the Exchange.

根據公司與Nathan Skubovius(“發現者”)之間的發現者協議(“發現者協議”),根據賺取協議,應向發現者支付相當於Sanatana向ArcWest支付的現金和股票的4%的發現者費用(“發現者費用”)。發現者費用的50%以現金支付,發現者費用的50%通過發行ArcWest的普通股(“ArcWest股票”)支付。為了確定與增持協議相關的可向Finder發行的ArcWest股票的數量,發行價將等於ArcWest股票在4月4月的收盤價[19]、2022年(“發行價”)。因此,就Sanatana履行第一年債務而言,發起人:(A)將獲得相當於(I)50,000美元乘以2%的發行價,以及(Ii)向ArcWest發行的300,000股Sanatana股票的總髮行價乘以2%的發行價,以及(B)將獲得相當於(I)50,000美元乘以2%的現金支付,以及(Ii)向ArcWest發行的300,000股Sanatana股票的總髮行價乘以2%的ArcWest股票。發現者協議以及應向發現者支付的現金和股票付款須經交易所批准。

For further information please contact: Tyler Ruks, President and CEO at +1 (604) 638 3695.

欲瞭解更多信息,請聯繫:總裁兼首席執行官泰勒·魯克斯,電話:+1(604)638 3695。

About ArcWest Exploration Inc.

關於ArcWest Explore Inc.

ArcWest Exploration is a project generator focused on porphyry copper-gold exploration opportunities throughout western North America. The company is in possession of eight 100% owned copper-gold projects throughout BC's premier porphyry copper-gold districts. These include ArcWest's Todd Creek and Oweegee Dome projects, which are two of the largest and most prospective land positions for copper-gold exploration in BC's prolific Golden Triangle. Oweegee Dome neighbours Seabridge Gold's supergiant KSM-Iron Cap-Snowfield porphyry copper-gold deposit and Todd Creek neighbours Pretium's Brucejack mine property. Newcrest Mining recently completed the acquisition of Pretium and its high grade Brucejack gold-silver mine in a transaction valued at $3.5 billion. Three ArcWest projects are currently being advanced by partners through earn-in and joint venture agreements; multiple ArcWest copper-gold projects are scheduled to undergo partner funded drill testing in 2022. By conducting partner funded exploration on multiple exploration projects simultaneously, ArcWest's chances of discovery are enhanced while exposing shareholders to minimal dilution. The company is managed by an experienced technical team with a track record of discovery and a reputation for attracting well-funded senior partners, including Freeport McMoRan, Robert Friedland group companies, ITOCHU, Antofagasta and Teck.

ArcWest Explore是一家專注於北美西部斑巖銅金礦勘探機會的項目開發商。該公司在不列顛哥倫比亞省首屈一指的斑巖銅金礦地區擁有八個100%擁有的銅金項目。這些項目包括ArcWest的Todd Creek和Oweegee Dome項目,這兩個項目是不列顛哥倫比亞省多產的金三角地區最大、最有前景的銅金勘探地塊。Oweegee Dome毗鄰Seabbridge Gold的超大型KSM-Iron Cap-Snowfield斑巖銅金礦牀,Todd Creek毗鄰Pretium的Brucejack礦場。Newcrest礦業最近完成了對Pretium及其高品位Brucejack金銀礦的收購,交易價值35億美元。三個ArcWest項目目前正由合作伙伴通過增資和合資協議推進;多個ArcWest銅金項目計劃在2022年接受合作伙伴資助的鑽探測試。通過同時對多個勘探項目進行合作伙伴資助的勘探,ArcWest的發現機會增加,同時將股東的股權稀釋降至最低。該公司由一支經驗豐富的技術團隊管理,他們有發現的記錄,並以吸引資金雄厚的高級合作伙伴而聞名,其中包括自由港麥克莫蘭、羅伯特·弗裏德蘭集團公司、ITOCHU、安託法加斯塔和泰克。

This news release contains statements about ArcWest's expectations and are forward-looking in nature. As a result, they are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Although ArcWest believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them as actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof, and ArcWest undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, except as required by law.


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