
Blackhawk Growth To Acquire Mycology Supplier Blum Distributors

Blackhawk Growth To Acquire Mycology Supplier Blum Distributors

Blackhawk Growth 將收購真菌學供應商百隆分銷商
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/04/07 02:50

The investment holding company Blackhawk Group (CSE:BLR) announced that it has entered into an all-stock purchase agreement with Blum Distributors Ltd.
Blum is a mycology supplier with in-house product cultivation, distribution and sales center. The company recently signed a contract with Applied Myco to provide a white label solution. The contract guarantees a minimum order of 500 bags per month during its Phase 1 trial and is expected to increase to up to 2,000 bags per month in Phase 2 and 3 over the next 12 months. Another contract signed by Blum is expected to bring around $1,000,000 per month in gross revenue for the company, given that the maximum contract deliveries are reached.
Frederick Pels, CEO of Blackhawk Growth, stated that "Blum's growth continues to be impressive."

投資控股公司Blackhawk Group(CSE: BLR)宣佈,它已與百隆分銷商有限公司簽訂了全股購買協議。
百隆是一家真菌學供應商,擁有內部產品種植、分銷和銷售中心。該公司最近與Applied Myco簽訂了一份合同,提供白標解決方案。該合同保證在第一階段試驗期間每月的最低訂購量爲500袋,預計在接下來的12個月中,第二階段和第三階段的訂購量將增加到每月2,000袋。 百隆簽署的另一份合同預計將爲公司帶來每月約100萬美元的總收入, 因爲合同交付量已達到最高限額.
弗雷德裏克·佩爾斯,Blackhawk Growth首席執行官表示:“百隆的增長仍然令人印象深刻。”

Rico Gutierrez, Blum's founder, added: "This opportunity will allow us to further accelerate our ongoing demand for production and supplies."
Regarding the transaction's structure, Blackhawk will issue 9,650,000 common shares to the existing shareholders of Blum. At today's price, the all-stock transaction would be approximately CA$3,860,000 ($3 million). According to the company "A fee of 750,000 shares will be paid to an arm's length party for assistance with the transaction," and the transaction wouldn't mean a fundamental change to Blum's business plan.

關於交易的結構, Blackhawk將向百隆的現有股東發行965萬股普通股。按今天的價格計算,全股交易約爲 3,860,000 加元(300 萬美元)。據該公司稱,“將向獨立方支付75萬股股票的費用,以協助進行交易”,這筆交易並不意味着百隆的商業計劃將發生根本性的變化。

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