
GGL Resources Corp. Completes First Component of the 2022 Exploration Program at its Gold Point Project, Nevada

GGL Resources Corp. Completes First Component of the 2022 Exploration Program at its Gold Point Project, Nevada

GGL Resources Corp.在其位於內華達州的Gold Point項目完成了2022年勘探計劃的第一部分
Accesswire ·  2022/04/06 17:30

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 6, 2022 / GGL Resources Corp. (TSXV:GGL) ("GGL" or the "Company") is please to announce that phase 1 of its planned 2022 exploration program has started at its Gold Point Project in the Walker Lane Trend of western Nevada with the completion of helicopter-borne magnetic and radiometric survey having been flown across the entire property. Data from this survey are now being compiled and interpreted.

温哥華,卑詩省/ACCESSWIRE/2022年4月6日/GGL Resources Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GGL)(以下稱“GGL”或“公司”)欣然宣佈,其計劃於2022年實施的勘探計劃第一階段已在內華達州西部Walker Lane Trend的Gold Point項目啟動,直升機載磁和輻射測量已在整個礦區完成。這項調查的數據現在正在彙編和解釋中。

GGL has also secured a work permit from the BLM that will allow for the rehabilitation of shafts at the Orleans Mine, the largest of four former producers on the Gold Point Property.

GGL還從BLM獲得了工作許可,將允許修復奧爾良礦的豎井。奧爾良礦是Gold Point礦區四家前生產商中最大的一家。

Lithological and structural mapping is being done in conjunction with soil geochemical surveys in all parts of the property that are not covered by Pediment outwash. Work will begin this quarter to access underground workings on the former Orleans and Grand Central Mines. These workings will then be mapped, sampled and surveyed with underground LiDAR equipment.


The objectives of phase 1 of the 2022 program are 1) to identify areas on the property that are prospective for open-pit, bulk mining, and 2) to evaluate the potential for high-grade underground mining utilizing the existing underground workings.


Phase 2 of the 2022 exploration program is expected to start after the data from phase 1 is received and interpreted. Phase 2 will involve RC drilling focussed on bulk tonnage targets, but may also include underground long-hole drilling to test areas of high-grade mineralization found within the underground workings.


About Gold Point

關於Gold Point

The Gold Point project is accessible via highway 774 and serviced by electricity. It hosts a camp-scale precious metal system that consists of numerous gold and silver rich quartz veins. These high-grade veins are typically 1 to 2 m in width and locally up to 7 m wide. There are four formerly producing mines on the property, but historical information is only available for two of them (Orleans and Great Western).


The Orleans and Great Western were intermittently mined from the 1880s through to the early 1960s. Existing underground workings are mostly open and are dry to approximately 275 m below surface on the Orleans Vein (1020 ft level) and 240 m on the Great Western Vein, (960 ft level). Historical records indicate that the mines had high cut-off grades (about 10 g/t gold), suggesting that well mineralized areas likely remain in un-mined portions of the developed workings. This assumption is supported by a report that describes 35 historical samples collected post-mining across the Orleans Vein from the 960 ft to 1020 ft levels, which averaged 0.389 opt (13.3 g/t) gold including a vein on the 1000 ft level that returned 7.97 opt (273.2 g/t) gold over 0.5 m. Additionally, 21 samples from the 600 ft to 1020 ft levels reportedly averaged 0.314 opt (10.77 g/t) gold. Historical records indicate that approximately 74,000 ounces were produced from the Orleans and Great Western Mines, with recoveries of 92% to 98% for gold through cyanidation.

從19世紀80年代到20世紀60年代初,奧爾良和大西部地區斷斷續續地開採。現有的地下井大多是露天的,在奧爾良礦脈(1020英尺水平)和大西部靜脈(960英尺水平)上,地下乾燥到地表以下約275米(1020英尺)和240米(960英尺)。歷史記錄表明,這些礦山的截止品位很高(約10克/噸金),這表明礦化良好的區域可能仍在已開發工作面的未開採部分。這一假設得到了一份報告的支持,該報告描述了在奧爾良礦脈從960英尺到1020英尺水平開採後收集的35個歷史樣本,平均含金量為0.389歐普特(13.3克/噸),其中一個位於1000英尺水平的礦脈在0.5米內回收了7.97歐普特(273.2克/噸)黃金。此外,據報道,從600英尺到1020英尺水平的21個樣品平均含金量為0.314歐普特(10.77克/噸)。歷史記錄顯示,奧爾良和Great Western Mines的黃金產量約為74,000盎司,金的氰化回收率為92%至98%。

Technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Matthew R. Dumala, P.Eng., a geological engineer with Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited and a qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已由Matthew R.Dumala,P.eng審查和批准,他是Archer,Capro&Associates(1981)Limited的地質工程師,也是National Instrument 43-101的合格人員。

About GGL Resources Corp.


GGL is a seasoned, Canadian-based junior exploration company, focused on the exploration and advancement of under evaluated mineral assets in politically stable, mining friendly jurisdictions. The Company has optioned and wholly owned claims in the Gold Point district of the prolific Walker Lane Trend, Nevada. The Gold Point claims cover several gold-silver veins, four of which host past producing high-grade mines. The Company also owns the McConnell gold-copper project located 22 kilometers southeast of the Kemess Mine in north-central BC, and promising diamond exploration projects in Nunavut and the Lac de Gras diamond district of the Northwest Territories. Lac de Gras is home to Canada's first two diamond mines, the world class Diavik and Ekati mines discovered in the 1990s. GGL also holds diamond royalties on mineral leases near the Gahcho Kué diamond mine in the Northwest Territories.

GGL是一家經驗豐富的加拿大初級勘探公司,專注於在政治穩定、礦業友好的司法管轄區勘探和推進被低估的礦產資產。該公司在內華達州沃克巷趨勢區的Gold Point地區擁有選擇權和全資所有權。Gold Point聲稱覆蓋了幾個金銀礦脈,其中四個礦脈過去曾生產過高品位礦藏。該公司還擁有位於公元前中北部Kemess礦東南22公里處的McConnell金銅礦項目,以及西北地區努納武特和Lac de Gras鑽石區前景看好的鑽石勘探項目。格拉斯湖是加拿大最早的兩個鑽石礦的所在地,這兩個鑽石礦是上世紀90年代發現的世界級鑽石礦Diavik和Ekati。GGL還對西北地區Gahcho Kué鑽石礦附近的礦物租賃權收取鑽石特許權使用費。



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SOURCE: GGL Resources Corp.

資料來源:GGL Resources Corp.

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