
Nancy Gin, MD, Quality and Clinical Leader of the Southern California Permanente Medical Group at Kaiser Permanente, Named to Modern Healthcare's 2022 "Top 25 Innovators" List

Nancy Gin, MD, Quality and Clinical Leader of the Southern California Permanente Medical Group at Kaiser Permanente, Named to Modern Healthcare's 2022 "Top 25 Innovators" List

南希·金,醫學博士,Kaiser Permanente公司南加州永久醫療集團質量和臨牀負責人,入選現代醫療2022年度25大創新者名單
PR Newswire ·  2022/04/06 03:40

Dr. Gin, Executive Vice President and Chief Quality Officer, The Permanente Federation, Recognized for Leading Transformative Programs to Improve Maternal Health


OAKLAND, Calif., April 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The Permanente Federation today announced that Nancy Gin, MD, regional medical director of quality and clinical analysis, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, and executive vice president and chief quality officer, The Permanente Federation, was recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of this year's "25 Top Innovators."

加利福尼亞州奧克蘭2022年4月5日/美通社/--Permanente Federation今天宣佈,南加州Permanente醫療集團質量和臨牀分析區域醫學董事醫學博士南希·金和Permanente Federation執行副總裁兼首席質量官獲得現代醫療保健作為今年的“25大創新者”之一。

Nancy Gin, MD, Regional Medical Director of Quality and Clinical Analysis, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, and Executive Vice President and Chief Quality Officer, The Permanente Federation

The recognition honors individuals who are leading transformative programs that improve care by achieving measurable results and contributing to the clinical and financial goals of the organization. Dr. Gin was recognized for her leadership in transforming perinatal care during the COVID-19 pandemic by instituting a comprehensive program that provided pregnant women with devices such as blood pressure cuffs for frequent monitoring to help reduce complications. Along with comprehensive instructions and guidance for video visits during prenatal appointments, patients received a variety of products, including cuffs, scales and fetal Doppler monitors. The remote monitoring program was featured as part of the Office of Vice President Kamala Harris' recent White House request to partner on "Call to Action for Maternal Health."


"This honor recognizes Permanente Medicine — a philosophy that guides our clinical practice and our commitment to delivering high-quality care that embraces the latest innovations in medicine," said Dr. Gin, who oversees a portfolio that includes coordination of the national clinical quality programs throughout Kaiser Permanente and who collaborates with other leaders to implement processes and programs that advance care for more than 12.5 million members. "It also pays tribute to our Permanente physicians and staff for continuously improving and maintaining the health of women and children by providing the best and safest place to have a baby." 

“這一榮譽是對Permanente Medicine的認可,Permanente Medicine是一種指導我們臨牀實踐的理念,我們致力於提供包含最新醫學創新的高質量醫療服務,”金博士説,他負責監管的投資組合包括協調整個Kaiser Permanente的國家臨牀質量計劃,並與其他領導人合作實施流程和計劃,為1250多萬成員提供更多的醫療服務。它還向我們的永久醫生和工作人員致敬,他們通過提供最佳和最安全的生育場所,不斷改善和維護婦女和兒童的健康。

As COVID-19 swept the nation, Kaiser Permanente rapidly pivoted and moved many prenatal and post-partum in-person interactions to virtual encounters to limit potential exposure, while hospital labor and delivery units operated under extraordinary circumstances. The resulting perinatal remote monitoring pathway highlights Kaiser Permanente's ability to innovate during major health care disruptions.

隨着新冠肺炎席捲全國,Kaiser Permanente迅速將許多產前和產後的面對面互動轉移到虛擬會面,以限制潛在的接觸,而醫院的分娩單位和分娩單位則在特殊情況下運作。由此產生的圍產期遠程監測路徑突出了Kaiser Permanente在重大醫療保健中斷期間的創新能力。

As part of the program, the organization developed a virtual visit that includes home monitoring for blood pressure, weight and Doppler monitoring for fetal heart tones. It also created an implementation guide for planning information and a starter set of perinatal remote monitoring program materials, such as templates for checklists and workflows, and program materials for member-facing clinical resources.


Dr. Gin's program was one of many initiatives honored by Modern Healthcare for exemplifying leadership and transforming how people receive care.


"This year's Top 25 Innovators not only have the courage to try new ideas and approaches, but they also have the vision to turn them into tangible improvements in patient outcomes and experiences, population health, efficiency and cost-effectiveness," said Modern Healthcare Publisher Fawn Lopez. "Their innovative leadership serves as a model to aspire to, and we congratulate them for their achievements."


The complete list of Modern Healthcare honorees and their profiles are available at


To learn more about Permanente Medicine, visit

要了解有關Permanente Medicine的更多信息,請訪問

About Permanente Medical Groups  
The Permanente Medical Groups are self-governed, physician-led, prepaid, multispecialty medical groups composed of more than 23,000 physicians. We are dedicated to the mission of improving the health of our patients and communities. Together with the Kaiser Foundation Health Plans and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, we are Kaiser Permanente — an award-winning health care system that delivers Permanente Medicine to more than 12.5 million Kaiser Permanente members. We work collaboratively, enabled by state-of-the-art facilities and technology, to provide world-class preventive and complex care centered in eight states — from Hawaii to Maryland — and the District of Columbia.  

Permanente醫療集團是由23,000多名醫生組成的、由  23,000多名醫生組成的自治、醫生主導、預付費、多專業的醫療集團。我們致力於改善患者和社區健康的使命。與凱撒基金會健康計劃和凱撒基金會醫院一起,我們是凱撒永久醫療系統(Kaiser Permanente - ),這是一個屢獲殊榮的醫療保健系統,為超過1250萬 凱撒永久會員提供永久藥物。我們在最先進的設施和技術的支持下通力合作,以 Eight States 為中心提供世界級的預防和複雜護理-從夏威夷到馬裏蘭州--以及哥倫比亞的 區。 

About The Permanente Federation  
The Permanente Federation LLC is the national leadership and consulting organization for the eight Permanente Medical Groups, which, together with the Kaiser Foundation Health Plans and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, comprise Kaiser Permanente. The Federation works on behalf of the Permanente Medical Groups to optimize care delivery and spread Permanente Medicine — medicine that is person- and family-centered, compassionate, evidence-based, technology-enabled, culturally responsive, team-delivered, and physician-led. The Federation, based in Oakland, California, fosters an open learning environment and accelerates research, innovation, and performance improvements across the Permanente Medical Groups to expand the reach of Kaiser Permanente's integrated care delivery model and to lead the nation in transforming health care delivery.  

關於  永久聯合會
凱撒永久醫療聯盟有限責任公司是 Eight Permanente醫療集團的全國領導和諮詢組織,這些組織與凱撒基金會健康計劃和凱撒基金會醫院一起組成凱撒永久醫療集團。聯合會代表Permanente醫療集團努力優化護理提供和傳播Permanente Medicine - 醫學,即以個人和家庭為中心、富有同情心、以證據為基礎、以技術為基礎、文化響應、團隊交付和醫生主導的醫學。該聯合會總部設在加利福尼亞州的 奧克蘭,在Permanente醫療集團中培育開放的學習環境,加快研究、創新和績效改進,以擴大Kaiser Permanente的綜合保健提供模式的覆蓋範圍,並在轉變保健提供方面領導全國。 

SOURCE The Permanente Federation


