
InvestmentPitch Media Video Discusses Outback Goldfields’ Update on Completed Initial Exploration Phase on its Yeungroon Gold Property Located in Central Victoria, Australia.

InvestmentPitch Media Video Discusses Outback Goldfields’ Update on Completed Initial Exploration Phase on its Yeungroon Gold Property Located in Central Victoria, Australia.

投資Pitch Media視頻討論Outback Goldfield關於其位於澳大利亞維多利亞州中部的Yeungroon金礦已完成初步勘探階段的最新情況。
GlobeNewswire ·  2022/03/31 18:09

VANCOUVER, British Columbia., March 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Outback Goldfields (TSXV:OZ) (OTCQB:OZBKF) (FSE:S600) has provided an update for its Yeungroon gold property located in Central Victoria, Australia. This is one of the company's four key assets in the highly prospective Fosterville Gold District in the Victoria goldfields in southeast Australia.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省,2022年3月31日(Global Newswire)--Outback Goldfield(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:OZ)(OTCQB:OZBKF)(證券交易所代碼:S600)提供了其位於澳大利亞維多利亞州中部的Yeungroon金礦的最新信息。這是該公司在澳大利亞東南部維多利亞金礦極具前景的福斯特維爾金礦區的四項關鍵資產之一。

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欲瞭解更多信息,請查看InvestmentPitch Media視頻,該視頻提供了有關該新聞和該公司的更多信息。這段視頻可以在“”和“YouTube”上觀看。如果這些鏈接未啟用,請訪問並在搜索框中輸入“Outback”。

The 698 square kilometer Yeungroon property is transected by the north-trending, crustal-scale Avoca fault, which separates the western Stawell zone from the Eastern Bendigo zone. The western side of the Yeungroon property contains the historic Golden Jacket hard-rock reef mine associated with the regional-scale, northwest-trending Golden Jacket fault. Historical mining records indicate the Golden Jacket mine produced quartz-rich ore with grades of up to 250 grams per tonne gold, however, the vertical and lateral extent of mineralization remains unknown. The eastern side of the project is underlain by Ordovician rocks of the Castlemaine group and comprises the northern extent of the Wedderburn Goldfield, where numerous small-scale, historical alluvial and hard-rock mines are located.

698平方公里的Yeungroon地產被北向的地殼規模的Avoca斷層橫切,該斷層將斯塔韋爾西部地區和本迪戈東部地區分開。Yeungroon礦產的西側包含歷史悠久的Golden Jacket硬巖礁礦,與區域規模的西北走向的Golden Jacket斷層有關。歷史採礦記錄表明,Golden Jacket礦生產的石英礦石品位高達每噸金250克,但礦化的垂直和橫向程度尚不清楚。該項目的東側被卡斯特萊曼巖羣的奧陶系巖石覆蓋,包括韋德伯恩金礦田的北部,那裏有許多小型、歷史上的沖積巖和硬巖礦山。

More than 9,300 meters in 590 holes were completed across the property with two main objectives, to expand the 600 meter long, open-ended, near-surface arsenic geochemical anomaly south of the Golden Jacket mine to the north and northeast, and to test numerous priority geophysical targets on the western side of the property along trend from the Moondyne prospect.

該礦產完成了超過9,300米的590個鑽孔,主要有兩個目標,即將Golden Jacket礦以南600米長的無限制近地表砷地球化學異常向北和東北擴展,以及測試該礦產西側的許多優先地球物理目標,從Moondyne勘探的趨勢來看。

Shallow air-core holes were drilled on a grid pattern to the north and the northeast of the Golden Jacket Mine and along linear roadside traverses, perpendicular to the regional structural setting, covering the western side of the property. The highly portable air-core drill rig was used to sample and map the top of bedrock below cover. The air-core drill program was designed to build on encouraging results from a large grid-based, top of bedrock sampling rotary air-blast drill program, and a short diamond drill program.


A footprint of approximately 4.4 square kilometers was covered in the Golden Jacket Grid and 8.5 kilometers of road-side traverse were covered on the western side of the property. Drilling was first focused on testing the northwestern extent of the reef-hosted gold system along strike from the Golden Jacket mine, as well as testing numerous geophysical targets to the northeast and to the west of the mine along interpreted structural offsets. The Golden Jacket mine is associated with the property-scale, northwest-trending Golden Jacket fault, which transects the property for over 30 kilometres of strike length. Historical small-scale production from the Golden Jacket mine was reportedly 1,400 ounces of gold at approximately 250 grams per tonne.

約4.4平方公里的佔地面積被覆蓋在Golden Jacket網格中,8.5公里的路邊導線被覆蓋在該物業的西側。鑽探首先集中於測試沿Golden Jacket礦走向的暗礁賦存金礦系統的西北部範圍,以及沿解釋的構造偏移量測試礦場東北部和以西的許多地球物理目標。Golden Jacket礦與財產規模、西北向的Golden Jacket斷層有關,該斷層橫切該財產超過30公里的走向長度。據報道,Golden Jacket礦歷史上的小規模產量為1,400盎司黃金,價格約為每噸250克。

Rock-chip samples from the drilling are being analysed daily using a tailored portable Xray fluorescence spectrometer workflow to measure elemental concentrations.


Chris Donaldson, CEO, stated: "We are pleased to report on our exploration progress so far at our highly-prospective Yeungroon gold property. We have recently finished the initial phase of our systematic and property-wide, multi-rig drill program where our efforts were focused on understanding the structural setting of gold mineralization peripheral to the Golden Jacket mine in addition to identifying geochemical anomalies in new and un-explored greenfields areas. Data analyses and interpretation are ongoing and will enable us to prioritize specific targets for the next round of diamond drilling."

首席執行官克里斯·唐納森表示:我們很高興地報告到目前為止我們在極具前景的Yeungroon金礦的勘探進展。我們最近完成了系統的、全資產的多鑽機鑽探計劃的初始階段,我們的工作重點是瞭解Golden Jacket礦外圍的金礦化構造背景,以及在新的和未勘探的綠地地區識別化探異常。數據分析和解釋正在進行中,將使我們能夠確定下一輪鑽石鑽探的具體目標的優先順序。“

The company is well financed with the shares trading at $0.20. on the TSX Venture Exchange having recently moved from the Canadian Securities Exchange. For more information, please visit the company's website, , contact investor relations at 604-900-3450 or email




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