
Resonate Blends Continues to Lead With Product Innovation in Cannabis 3.0

Resonate Blends Continues to Lead With Product Innovation in Cannabis 3.0

GlobeNewswire ·  2022/03/08 21:11

New Development Underway on an Edible Product Unique to the Cannabis Market


Koan Family of Products


Koan's product family with its current and upcoming packaging configurations.

CALABASAS, Calif., March 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Resonate Blends, Inc. (OTCQB:KOAN), a Wellness Lifestyle cannabis holding company ("Resonate" or "the Company"), is developing a new line of edibles that will mirror the patent-pending Koan Cordials in experience-effect targeting while keeping the consistency and predictability of the product intact. The new form factor will be unique to the cannabis industry and the Company expects the new line of edibles to be available by this summer.

加利福尼亞州卡拉巴薩斯,2022年3月8日(Global Newswire)--健康生活方式大麻控股公司Resonate Blends,Inc.(場外交易市場代碼:KOAN)正在開發一種新的食品系列,該系列將在體驗效果目標上反映正在申請專利的Koan Cordials,同時保持產品的一致性和可預測性不變。“Resonate”或“The Company”是一家健康生活方式大麻控股公司(以下簡稱“Resonate”或“The Company”)。新的外形因素將是大麻行業獨一無二的,該公司預計新的可食用產品系列將於今年夏天上市。

The Koan Cordials, which are designed to drink as a shot or mix with the beverage of your choice, have been the beneficiary of multiple awards and strong accolades from consumers and testers alike. The ability to have any experience you want in any drink you want is unique and enabled by seven effect-targeted formulations, each delivering a unique blend of precision-calibrated cannabinoids and terpenes providing a consistent effect each and every time. Koan is using their evolving knowledge base and consumer response to the Cordials to continue their commitment of innovation in service of "mastering the art of experience".

Koan Cordials專為飲用或與您選擇的飲料混合而設計,一直是多個獎項的受益者,並獲得了消費者和測試者的一致好評。在你想要的任何飲料中擁有任何體驗的能力是獨一無二的,由七種針對效果的配方實現,每一種配方都提供了獨特的精確校準的大麻類化合物和萜烯的混合物,每次都提供一致的效果。Koan正在利用他們不斷髮展的知識基礎和消費者對親切的反應來繼續他們創新服務的承諾,即“掌握體驗的藝術”。

The Company is currently in the production of 'Single Pack' options for all seven of the Cordial experiences and has recently completed a Cordial flavor refinement project in collaboration with a leading international flavor firm that has enhanced flavor in 34,000 products for 6000 companies in 150 countries.

該公司目前正在為所有七種親切體驗生產“Single Pack”選項,最近與一家領先的國際調味品公司合作完成了一項親切調味項目,該項目已經為150個國家和地區的6000家公司的3.4萬種產品提升了風味。

In the upcoming weeks, the company will release its eighth Cordial blend, Sleep, in response to customer and retailer requests. Sleep assistance is one of the most frequently searched topics across wellness categories. Sleep will be the first Koan Cordial formula to be offered in Resonate's multi-serving bottle.


As a further evolution of the Cordial line of products, the company's new multi-serve bottle will provide ten doses which is expected to bring the cost per serving down by approximately 60%, and the Company plans to launch four SKUs with this form factor. Beyond the cost savings, the multi-serve bottle allows consumers to micro-calibrate their experience to their liking and share servings in social settings.


"The development of the Cordials has given our company a deep foundation of knowledge around consumer preferences, the entourage effect, bio-availability and nano emulsification," said Geoff Selzer CEO. "As we continue to refine our current Cordials offerings, we have set our sights on the edible market which we believe is ready for significant innovation consistent with our core knowledge and mission."


Some of the challenges in the current edible market are controlled experience targeting and product consistency. Resonate has leveraged R&D and formulation expertise gained through the development of its Koan Cordials to address these issues. The company has a prototype of an edible which will have a comparable form factor to one of the top selling candies in today's market but will have a longer shelf life and greater consistency with the same experience precision consumers love about the Cordials. The edible prototype, which will be branded under Koan, is in active development and the pricing should be in line with competitive products currently in the market.

當前食用市場面臨的一些挑戰是受控體驗、目標定位和產品一致性。Resonate利用通過開發Koan Cordience獲得的研發和配方專業知識來解決這些問題。該公司有一款可食用糖果的原型,其外形尺寸可與當今市場上最暢銷的糖果之一相媲美,但保質期更長,一致性更強,擁有與精準消費者喜歡的康乃馨相同的體驗。這種將被命名為Koan的可食用原型正在積極開發中,定價應該與目前市場上有競爭力的產品保持一致。

Koan Cordials and the upcoming edible product family are new ways to harness the wide-ranging benefits of cannabis - utilizing various cannabinoids, along with botanical terpenes, adaptogens and other plant extracts to deliver precise and consistent life-enhancing experiences. The Cordials and the new edible are just the beginning of an expected robust roadmap of Resonate's product innovation in the coming months ahead.


Resonate Blends, Inc. (OTCQB:KOAN)

Resonate Blends,Inc.(場外交易代碼:COAN)

Resonate Blends is a Calabasas, CA-based portfolio of Cannabis Wellness and Lifestyle brands. The company created the Resonate System—a comprehensive system of interconnected experience targets to personalize consumers' relationship with Cannabis through its products. The Koan Cordials were awarded the "Best New Brand" at the Luxury Meets Cannabis Conference (LMCC) in 2021 and a Bronze award for "Brand Design" from the 2021 Clio Cannabis Awards. Uproxx, an entertainment and popular culture news website, named the Cordials as one of the "Ten Most Exciting Products" at the Hall of Flowers trade show.

Resonate Blends是一家總部位於加利福尼亞州卡拉巴薩斯的大麻健康和生活方式品牌組合。該公司創建了共振系統-一個全面的互聯體驗目標系統,旨在通過其產品個性化消費者與大麻的關係。Koan Cordials在2021年的Luxury Meets Cannabis Conference(LMCC)上被授予“最佳新品牌”,並在2021年Clio Cannabis大獎中榮獲“品牌設計”銅獎。娛樂和流行文化新聞網站Uproxx將這款情侶命名為花廳交易會上的“十大最令人興奮的產品”之一。

Safe Harbor Provision:


This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements we make regarding: guidance relating to net income; anticipated customer onboardings; and expected operating results, such as revenue growth and earnings. All forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain as they are based on current expectations and assumptions concerning future events or future performance of the Company. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are only predictions and speak only as of the date hereof. In evaluating such statements, prospective investors should review carefully various risks and uncertainties identified in this release and matters set out in the Company's SEC filings. These risks and uncertainties could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements.


Corporate Contact
David Thielen
Chief Investment Officer/Director
Resonate Blends, Inc.

Resonate Blends,Inc.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


