
Greenbank Capital Portfolio Company Ubique Expands Mining Interests to Sub-Saharan Africa

Greenbank Capital Portfolio Company Ubique Expands Mining Interests to Sub-Saharan Africa

Accesswire ·  2022/03/04 13:26

Mineral exploration company Ubique has secured ~25% of Resource 500 Group

礦產勘探公司Ubique已獲得Resource 500 Group約25%的股份

Deal will provide entry to rich mineral reserve sites in Namibia with new exploration licenses


TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / March 4, 2022 / GreenBank Capital Inc. ("GreenBank" or "the Company") is pleased to report that its portfolio mineral exploration company Ubique Minerals Limited ("Ubique") has expanded its global mining interests to Namibia with a significant share acquisition.

多倫多,on/ACCESSWIRE/2022年3月4日/Greenbank Capital Inc.(“Greenbank”或“本公司”)高興地報告,其投資組合礦產勘探公司Ubique Minerals Limited(“Ubique”)通過收購大量股份,已將其全球礦業權益擴展到納米比亞。

Toronto-based Ubique, of which GreenBank owns over 20%, has secured 24.99% of the existing shareholding of Resource 500 V ltd ("R500"), an Irish mineral exploration interest holding six Exploration Licenses ("EPLs") in Namibia. These sites, primarily in the northern part of the country, are recognised to be potentially rich in high-grade ore of zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, and other metals, and historically have been subject to less intense exploration and mining than other regions of Namibia.

總部位於多倫多的Ubique已獲得資源500 V有限公司(“R500”)24.99%的現有股權,該公司是一家愛爾蘭礦產勘探權益公司,在納米比亞持有6個勘探許可證(“EPL”),Greenbank持有Ubique超過20%的股份。這些礦場主要位於該國北部,被認為可能藴藏鋅、銅、鉛、鎘和其他金屬的高品位礦石,從歷史上看,與納米比亞其他地區相比,這些礦場的勘探和開採強度較低。

This significant minority shareholding in R500 by Ubique Minerals is the latest strategic investment to bolster GreenBank Capital's credentials as an identifier and enabler of highly scalable, highly profitable companies around the world. Ubique also owns interests in the Daniel's Harbour zinc exploration property in Newfoundland Canada at a time when the global demand for zinc appears to be increasing to meet the requirements for energy grid-level battery storage, a key component in the move to decarbonisation.

Ubique Minerals持有R500的重大少數股權是最新的戰略投資,旨在加強Greenbank Capital作為全球高可擴展、高利潤公司的識別者和推動者的資質。Ubique還擁有加拿大紐芬蘭Daniel‘s Harbour鋅勘探物業的權益,目前全球對鋅的需求似乎正在增加,以滿足能源網格級電池存儲的要求,這是邁向脱碳的關鍵組成部分。

Ubique's investment in R500 follows a series of successful developments in the three years since the firm's public listing. In August 2021, it secured Private Placement Financing to fund key drilling operations in Newfoundland, $200,000 of which was provided by GreenBank Capital. Mark Wettreich, chairman of GreenBank, holds a seat on Ubique's Board of Directors.

在Ubique投資R500之前,該公司自上市以來的三年裏取得了一系列成功的進展。2021年8月,該公司獲得私募融資,為紐芬蘭的關鍵鑽探業務提供資金,其中20萬美元由Greenbank Capital提供。綠色銀行(Greenbank)董事長馬克·韋特里奇(Mark Wettreich)在Ubique董事會中佔有一席之地。

Ubique is a mineral exploration company listed on the CSE (CSE:UBQ). It was funded for its first two years by private equity including that from GreenBank. With the help of GreenBank's consulting services, Ubique became a publicly listed company in September 2018. The company has an experienced management group who have a track a record of multiple discoveries of mineral deposits worldwide and owns an extensive and exclusive database of historic exploration results from sites in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Terry Pullen, CEO of GreenBank Capital, said: "We have great confidence in Ubique's management team, and this substantial share acquisition of Resource 500, and subsequent interest in its operations in Namibia, is an exciting next step in its fast growth equity story. We look forward to continued progress in future"

Greenbank Capital首席執行官特里·普倫(Terry Pullen)表示:"我們對Ubique的管理團隊非常有信心,此次收購Resource 500的大量股份,以及隨後對其納米比亞業務的興趣,是其快速增長的股權故事中令人興奮的下一步。我們期待未來繼續取得進步。“

-Appointment of Sapience Communications as PR Advisers-

-任命Sapience Communications為公關顧問-

In addition to this, GreenBank is pleased to announce the appointment of Sapience Communications ("Sapience") as its PR Advisers, effective immediately for an initial three month term. Sapience, co-founded by CEO Richard Morgan Evans in 2011, is a London, UK-based but globally facing corporate, financial, and digital communications consultancy, with expertise advising clients in the public capital markets, private equity, fintech, and ESG arenas, amongst others. Sapience will be advising GreenBank's senior management and board on corporate positioning and will manage all external media relations and social media channels in the company's core markets.

此外,Greenbank很高興地宣佈任命Sapience Communications(“Sapience”)為其公關顧問,任期最初三個月,立即生效。Sapience由首席執行官理查德·摩根·埃文斯於2011年聯合創立,是一家總部位於英國倫敦但面向全球的企業、金融和數字溝通諮詢公司,擁有為公開資本市場、私募股權、金融科技和ESG等領域的客户提供諮詢服務的專業知識。Sapience將為Greenbank的高級管理層和董事會提供公司定位方面的建議,並將管理公司核心市場的所有外部媒體關係和社交媒體渠道。

Sapience has been appointed by GreenBank's management on an initial three-month contractual period for a fee of £7000 per month , after which GreenBank's board of directors will consider engaging them thereafter as the Company's permanent PR Advisers.

Sapience已獲Greenbank管理層委任,最初合約期為三個月,費用為每月7000 GB,之後Greenbank董事會將考慮聘用他們擔任公司的永久公關顧問。

For further information, please contact:


PR Advisers: Sapience Communications
James Gittings/Richard Morgan Evans
Tel: +44 (0)7308 509 608


About GreenBank


GreenBank is a next generation merchant banking business that has a flexible low-cost overhead structure designed to maximize profitability. Our management are based in Toronto, Dallas and London and are used to working across borders remotely. Our model of remote working, dynamic space and flexible contracts -rather than large, fixed costs - establishes GreenBank as a global merchant bank for the future, both during and after COVID19.


GreenBank is listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange, the Frankfurt Boerse and on the OTC Markets in the USA. GreenBank invests in undervalued exponential growth companies focused on building consistent capital appreciation for its shareholders.


SOURCE: GreenBank Capital Inc.

資料來源:綠色銀行資本公司(Greenbank Capital Inc.)

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