
African Energy Metals Acquires an Interest in a Tin, Tantalum, Lithium Prospect in Manono DRC

African Energy Metals Acquires an Interest in a Tin, Tantalum, Lithium Prospect in Manono DRC

newsfile ·  2022/03/03 20:36

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 3, 2022) - African Energy Metals Inc. (TSXV: CUCO) (FSE: BC21) (OTCQB: NDENF) (WKN: A3DEJG) ("African Energy Metals" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the Company has acquired an interest in a project in the prolific Manono area of the DRC with high prospectively for lithium, tin, and tantalum.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年3月3日)非洲能源金屬公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BC21)(OTCQB:NDENF)(WKN:A3DEJG)(“非洲能源金屬“或者是“公司)很高興地宣佈,公司已收購剛果(金)多產的馬諾諾地區一個項目的權益,該地區的鋰、錫和鉭的前景看好。

Manono Tin, Tantalum, Lithium Project


The project is comprised of one Exploitation Permit covering approximately 30 sq kms and is situated in Tanganyika province, Manono district in the territory of Kiambi, in the southeast of the DRC. The concession is at about 90 km Northeast of Manono in Kiambi. It is about 440 kms aerial distance to the north of Lubumbashi. The district was heavily mined for tin going back to the early 1900's. Most recently AVZ Minerals Limited (AVZ) ($2.4B market cap) made a potentially world class lithium rich LCT (lithium, caesium, tantalum) discovery which is 30 kms due west of the African Energy Metals project. The AVZ Roche Dure Mineral Resource is reported at 400 million tons grading 1.65% Li2O and world class in scale. Contiguous to AVZ are the lithium prospects of Tantalex Resources Corporation. Yves Kabongo, the Company's CEO was involved in the original founding of AVZ.

該項目包括一個佔地約30平方公里的開發許可證,位於剛果(金)東南部Kiambi地區的坦噶尼喀省馬諾諾區。特許權位於基安比馬諾諾東北約90公里處。它在盧本巴希以北大約440公里的空中距離。最近,AVZ Minerals Limited(AVZ)(市值24億美元)發現了潛在的世界級富鋰LCT(鋰、銫、鉭),位於非洲能源金屬(African Energy Metals)項目以西30公里處。據報道,AVZ羅氏期間礦產資源量為4億噸,品位為1.65%Li2O,規模為世界級。與AVZ相鄰的是Tantalex Resources Corporation的鋰礦前景。該公司首席執行官伊夫·卡本戈(Yves Kabongo)參與了AVZ的最初創立。

A principal of Liberty is a metallurgist who previously worked at AVZ and is very familiar with the AVZ style of mineralization including the pegmatite host rocks. The project has artisanal mining and an internal report based on exposed mineralization in artisanal pits prepared for Liberty indicates a potential of up to 25,200 contained tonnes of tin at a grade of 5%*. This was contained in a small 24000 m2 area covered by 20 pits in the southern part of the project adjacent to current active large scale artisan mining. There appears to be excellent potential for additional expansion in this area. This shallow mineralization may be highly amenable to small scale mechanized mining and part of the due diligence process will be to evaluate and plan small scale mining activities concurrent with more regional exploration activities for lithium, tin, and tantalum. The most recent spot price for tin was US$43,000 per tonne.


* The Company obtained the above estimates from an internal report prepared for Liberty by a party who has an interest in the project. This report included the above estimates of tonnes and grade. The Company is of the opinion the estimates are reliable and relevant, however the Company at this time has not completed due diligence on the estimates. Additional recommended work for the Company would be to review any available data in greater detail, duplicate sample data and re-assaying any available sample material. It is the Qualified Person's opinion that there is a potentially significant risk associated with the lack of supporting data and the Company should dedicate resources to reviewing the issue. The Qualified Person considers the risk to be acceptable, however cautions investors to rely on this non-compliant historical data only as an indicator of the future potential of the Manono Project until further reviews have been completed.


African Energy Metals entered into an Assignment Agreement with Whiskey Cobalt Mining SASU (WCM) pursuant to which WCM has agreed to assign to African Energy Metals 100% of WCM's interest in an exclusive option agreement with Liberty Mining and Investments Sarl (Liberty) to enter a 50/50 joint venture with Liberty. The agreement is structured as a binding Memorandum of Understanding to be converted into a Definitive Agreement during the 60-day due diligence period. The shareholders of WCM are arms length to the Company. In consideration of the assignment, African Energy Metals will reimburse supported prior expenses, assume certain financial obligations, and issue 2500,000 common shares of African Energy Metals as directed by WCM. A further 2,500,000 common shares of African Energy Metals will be placed in escrow only to be released when positive lithium results are obtained from preliminary testing during the due diligence period. A small royalty of 5% on net revenue from any small-scale tin production will be paid to WCM and is also tied to similar escrow provisions and capped at US$500,000. The Company will pay a finder's fee in common shares to arms length parties in accordance with TSXV policies. The closing of the transaction is subject to completion of a satisfactory due diligence review by African Energy Metals, other industry standard conditions and regulatory approvals including the Toronto Stock Venture Exchange.

非洲能源金屬公司與威士忌鈷礦業薩蘇公司(WCM)簽訂了一項轉讓協議,根據該協議,WCM同意將WCM在與Liberty Mining and Investments Sarl(Liberty)簽訂的獨家期權協議中的100%權益轉讓給非洲能源金屬公司,以與Liberty建立一家各佔一半股權的合資企業。該協議的結構是一份具有約束力的諒解備忘錄,將在60天的盡職調查期內轉換為最終協議。WCM的股東與公司保持距離。作為轉讓的代價,非洲能源金屬公司將按照WCM的指示,償還支持的優先費用,承擔某些財務義務,併發行2500000股非洲能源金屬公司的普通股。另外2,500,000股非洲能源金屬普通股將被託管,只有在盡職調查期內初步測試獲得陽性鋰結果後才會釋放。任何小規模錫生產的淨收入的5%的小額特許權使用費將支付給WCM,並與類似的第三方託管條款掛鈎,上限為50萬美元。根據TSXV的政策,公司將以普通股的形式向與公司保持距離的各方支付尋人費用。交易的完成取決於非洲能源金屬公司完成令人滿意的盡職調查審查、其他行業標準條件以及包括多倫多證券交易所在內的監管部門的批准。

Qualified/competent person -- National Instrument 43-101 and JORC code

合格/勝任人員--National Instrument 43-101和JORC代碼

The geological information in this announcement has been reviewed by Mr. Shu Zhan, Member and Registered Professional Geoscientist of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), a competent person (as defined in the JORC code, 2012 edition) who is a practicing member of the Association of Professional Geologists of Ontario (being a recognized professional organization for the purposes of the Australian Securities Exchange listing rules). Mr. Zhan is also the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 who has reviewed and approved the contents of this news release. Mr. Zhan is a Director of African Energy Metals. He has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralization, the type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a competent person as defined in the JORC code and under National Instrument 43-101.

本公告內的地質資料已由澳大利亞地球科學家學會(AIG)會員及註冊專業地球科學家舒展先生審閲,舒展先生為合資格人士(定義見JORC守則,2012年版),亦是安大略省專業地質學家協會(就澳洲證券交易所上市規則而言為認可專業機構)的執業會員。詹先生也是國家儀器43-101規定的審定本新聞稿內容的合格人員。詹其雄是非洲能源金屬公司的董事(Standard Chartered Bank)成員。他擁有與礦化類型、正在考慮的礦牀類型以及正在進行的活動相關的足夠經驗,以符合JORC規則和National Instrument 43-101所界定的合格人士的資格。

Stephen Barley, Executive Chairman stated: "The Manono project has great potential for expansion of the tin and tantalum deposit and high prospectively for lithium. The presence of artisanal miners is typically an indication of easily recovered high grade mineralization. The Manono region is developing into a large area play for tin, tantalum, and lithium. The continuing strategy of African Energy Metals is to acquire interests in areas with high potential for energy metals and to explore and define resources of significant economic interest."

執行主席斯蒂芬·巴利(Stephen Barley)表示:“馬諾諾項目具有擴大錫和鉭礦牀的巨大潛力,鋰的前景看好。手工礦工的存在通常是容易回收的高品位礦化的跡象。馬諾諾地區正在發展成為錫、鉭和鋰的大片地區。非洲能源金屬公司的持續戰略是在能源金屬潛力高的地區獲得權益,並勘探和定義具有重大經濟價值的資源。”

About African Energy Metals


African Energy Metals is a natural resource company with a focus on the acquisition, exploration, development, and operation of copper, cobalt, and lithium energy metals projects in the DRC. The Company is implementing a carbon credit program complementary to mining operations. The carbon credit program will meet important ESG requirements and present an opportunity for a significant early and long-term revenue stream. African Energy Metals has the intention of acquiring interests in additional concessions or relinquishing concessions in the normal course of business. African Energy Metals has an experienced management team located in the DRC.


For further information, please contact:
Stephen Barley, Executive Chairman
Phone: (604-834-2968)

斯蒂芬·巴利(Stephen Barley),執行主席

Reader Advisory


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release may contain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Although the Company believes, considering the experience of its officers and directors, current conditions and expected future developments and other factors that have been considered appropriate, that the expectations reflected in this forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them as the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. The resource estimates contained in this statement are based on the best available information however are non-compliant and actual results may vary significantly from the current estimates. There is no assurance the Company will complete positive due diligence or enter into definitive agreements in the timelines set out in this statement. The statements in this press release are made as of the date of this release. The Company undertakes no obligation to comment on analyses, expectations or statements made by third parties in respect of the Company its securities, or its financial or operating results.


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