
Satori Plans for Step Out Drilling Targeting Recent Interval of 47.56 g/t Gold over 5.8 Metres

Satori Plans for Step Out Drilling Targeting Recent Interval of 47.56 g/t Gold over 5.8 Metres

Newsfile Corp. ·  2022/02/07 22:40

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 7, 2022) - Satori Resources Inc. (TSXV: BUD) ("Satori" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received its Exploration Permit for the 100% owned Tartan Lake Project, Flin Flon, Manitoba, which is valid for a three-year period and allows for 155,000 meters of drilling. The Company plans to resume drilling early in this first quarter with a 5,000 metre phase II drill program that will include a series of deep holes testing the extent of the recently announced high grade mineralization in hole TLMZ21-12, which intersected an average 47.56 g/t Au over 5.8 meters, within a wider interval averaging 23.76 g/t Au over 12.6 meters. This is the second highest value intercept ever recorded at Tartan Lake with over 500 holes completed to date, and was one of the top 5 high grade drill intercepts reported last year according to Streetwise Reports (12/28/21) (Counting Down Top Drill Holes of 2021 ( In addition to following up on the high grade intercept, the Company plans continue to expand the South Zone to depth, and to begin drill testing targets along the property's wide shear zone, outside of the current resource areas.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年2月7日)薩託裏資源公司(Satori Resources Inc.)(TSXV:BUD)(“薩多利”“公司”)中國石油天然氣集團公司很高興地宣佈,它已獲得馬尼託巴省弗林弗隆100%擁有的Tartan Lake項目的勘探許可證,該許可證有效期為三年,允許鑽探155,000米。該公司計劃在本第一季度初恢復鑽探,實施5000米二期鑽探計劃,其中將包括一系列深孔,以測試最近宣佈的孔內高品位礦化的程度TLMZ21-12在5.8米以上平均相交47.56克/噸金,在12.6米以上的較寬區間內平均相交23.76克/噸金。這是塔爾坦湖迄今記錄的第二高截距,完成了500多個孔,也是根據StreetWise Reports(12/28/21)(Counting Down Top Drill Of 2021)(Counting Down Top Drill Of 2021)(Counting Down Top Drill Of 2021)報道的去年報告的前五大高品位鑽井截獲之一(。除了跟進高等級攔截,該公司計劃繼續將南區擴大到深度,並開始沿着該物業的寬剪切區鑽探測試目標,而不是目前的資源區。

The high-grade mineralization intersected in hole TLMZ21-12 was found in the hanging wall of the Main Zone, and is associated with pyrite rich felsic volcanics, not the massive quartz-carbonate veins that typically denote high grade mineralization at both the Main and South Zones. The interval returned consistent gold grades throughout the entire interval (Ref. Table 1.0). This new mineralization is interpreted to be sub-vertical and is open in all directions. The association of the high grade intercept with a felsic volcanic unit, the absence of quartz-carbonate veining, the increased sulphide content, and the location in the hanging wall of the Main Zone, collectively, indicate that this may be a potential new zone of mineralization. This new zone lies to the west and is deeper than all the historical drilling tracing the Main Zone.


Jennifer Boyle, Satori's President and CEO, states that "We are looking forward to following up on the spectacular high grade results reported in TLMZ21-12. Our phase one drill program at the Main and South Zones delivered on every one of our stated objectives. We demonstrated continuity of the mineralized system at depth, down plunge, and we are thrilled that of the twelve holes drilled, two reported intersections which ranked as the second highest results ever at both the Main and South Zone deposits. We have a strong balance sheet going into 2022 and the phase 2 drilling in Q1 is intended to expand the high-grade Hanging Wall Zone intersected in TLMZ21-12."


Figure 1: Long Section Hanging Wall Zone / Main Zone


Table 1.0 - TLMZ21-12


True width is estimated based on the currently available interpretation of the mineralization and drill hole orientation surveys.


Wes Hanson P.Geo., Director of Satori, is the qualified person who has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release.

Satori董事Wes Hanson P.Geo是審核和批准本新聞稿內容的合格人員。



Satori is a Toronto-based mineral exploration and development company whose primary property is expanding the resource at the past producing Tartan Lake Gold Mine Project, located in the prolific Flin Flon Greenstone Belt, Manitoba.

Satori是一家總部位於多倫多的礦產勘探和開發公司,其主要資產是擴大過去生產塔爾坦湖金礦項目的資源,該項目位於馬尼託巴省多產的弗林·弗隆綠巖帶(Flin Flon Greenstone Belt)。

The Tartan Lake Project (2,670 Ha.) is located approximately 12 kilometres northeast of Flin Flon, Manitoba, and includes the Tartan Lake Mine (1986-1989) which produced 36,000 ounces of gold before the mine was shut down due to, in part, the price of gold falling below USD$390. Remaining infrastructure includes: an indicated resource estimate of 240,000 ounces averaging 6.32 g/t Au (see news release February 23, 2017), an all-season access road, grid connected power supply, mill, mechanical, warehouse and office buildings, tailing impoundment and a 2,100 metre decline and developed underground mining galleries to a depth of 300 metres from surface. Gold mineralization is associated with anastomosing quartz-carbonate veins hosted in east-west striking, steeply dipping shear zones up to 30 metres in width. The veins vary from several centimetres to several metres in width and gold grades vary from 1.0 to +100 g/t. Satori believes the mineral resources of the project are currently limited by drill coverage.

塔爾坦湖項目(2670公頃)位於馬尼託巴省Flin Flon東北約12公里處,包括Tartan Lake礦(1986-1989年),該礦在關閉前生產了36000盎司黃金,部分原因是金價跌破390美元。其餘基礎設施包括:指示資源量估計為240,000盎司,平均為6.32克/噸Au(見2017年2月23日新聞稿),一條全季通道,併網供電,工廠,機械,倉庫和辦公樓,尾礦庫和下坡處2100米,並開發地下采礦走廊至地表300米深處。金礦化與賦存於東西走向的陡峭剪切帶中的網狀石英-碳酸鹽脈有關,剪切帶寬度可達30米。礦脈的寬度從幾釐米到幾米不等,黃金品位從1.0克/噸到+100克/噸不等。Satori認為,該項目的礦產資源目前受到鑽探覆蓋範圍的限制。



Jennifer Boyle, B.A., LL.B.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Satori Resources Inc.
(416) 904-2714

詹妮弗·博伊爾(Jennifer Boyle),B.A.,LL.B.
薩託裏資源公司(Satori Resources Inc.)
(416) 904-2714

Mr. Pete Shippen
Chair, Satori Resources Inc.
(416) 930-7711

佐藤資源公司(Satori Resources Inc.)主席
(416) 930-7711

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