
CB Scientific, Inc. Concludes Its Special Meeting of Stockholders

CB Scientific, Inc. Concludes Its Special Meeting of Stockholders

CB Science,Inc.結束股東特別大會
Accesswire ·  2022/01/18 19:06

Commanding shareholder approval better positions management to attain enterprise business objectives going forward


ESCONDIDO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / January 18, 2022 / CB Scientific, Inc. (OTC PINK:CBSC) ("CBSC" or the "Company") announced today that the company successfully concluded its Special Meeting of Stockholders ("Special Meeting") on Friday, January 14, 2022, as planned. Votes representing approximately 73% of the total eligible shares were counted, and each of the 5 proposals on the agenda passed by a wide margin. Efforts regarding certain matters including reincorporation of the Company from Oregon to Nevada, pursuant to a merger of the Company with and into a newly formed Nevada corporation and resulting in a change in name of the Company to Cardiac Biotech Solutions, Inc., are expected to commence immediately.

加利福尼亞州埃斯孔迪多/ACCESSWIRE/2022年1月18日/亞洲網加利福尼亞州聖何塞1月14日電CB Science,Inc.(場外粉色交易代碼:CBSC)(以下簡稱“CBSC”或“公司”)今天宣佈,公司按計劃於2022年1月14日(星期五)圓滿結束了股東特別大會(“特別會議”)。大約佔合格股份總數73%的選票被清點完畢,議程上的5項提案每一項都以較大優勢獲得通過。有關某些事項的工作,包括根據公司與新成立的內華達州公司合併,並將公司名稱改為心臟生物技術解決方案公司,將公司從俄勒岡州重新註冊到內華達州,預計將立即開始。

"We were extremely pleased that an overwhelming majority of our shareholders exhibited ample trust and confidence in management's recommendations to vote accordingly," said Charles Martin, Chief Executive Officer of CB Scientific, Inc. "Each of these actions were carefully contemplated and deliberately designed to provide the Company with critical tools we require to pursue planned business objectives. Now armed with a clear shareholder mandate, we are ready to move forward without delay."

CB Science,Inc.首席執行官查爾斯·馬丁説:“我們感到非常高興的是,我們的絕大多數股東對管理層提出的相應投票建議表現出了充分的信任和信心。”“每一項行動都經過深思熟慮和刻意設計,目的是為公司提供我們實現計劃中的業務目標所需的關鍵工具。現在有了明確的股東授權,我們已經準備好毫不拖延地向前推進。”

"Looking to the future, the Company is now even better positioned for a potential listing on the Nasdaq exchange at the right time," said Paul Danner, Chairman of CB Scientific, Inc. "With the stockholder-approved increase in common shares, coupled with management's ability to initiate a reverse stock split should it be necessary, the Company can prudently manage its share price based on current market requirements. To be clear, a reverse stock split will be effected only if it is necessary to satisfy the initial or continued listing standards or requirements of The Nasdaq Capital Market or another national securities exchange."

CB Science,Inc.董事長保羅·丹納説:“展望未來,本公司現在為在正確的時間在納斯達克交易所上市做好了更好的準備。”“股東批准增持普通股,再加上管理層有能力在必要時發起反向股票分拆,本公司可以根據當前市場要求審慎管理其股價.需要明確的是,只有在有必要滿足納斯達克資本市場或另一家全國性證券交易所的初始或繼續上市標準或要求的情況下,才會實施反向股票分拆.”

As additional new developments occur, CB Scientific, Inc. plans to make timely announcements through press releases and regulatory filings to keep its shareholders, industry participants, and the public markets informed.

隨着更多新情況的出現,CB Science,Inc.計劃通過新聞稿和監管文件及時發佈公告,使其股東、行業參與者和公開市場隨時瞭解情況。

About CB Scientific, Inc.
CB Scientific, Inc., through its domestic and international subsidiaries, provides innovative products and services in the ambulatory non-invasive cardiac monitoring space. Our FDA and CE cleared EKG devices, interactive cloud-based acquisition software, and smartphone apps for both iOS and Android platforms provide improved compliance for patients at risk of abnormal heart rhythms, as well as more accurate information for physicians.

關於CB Science,Inc.
CB Science,Inc.通過其國內和國際子公司,在非侵入性非侵入性心臟監測領域提供創新的產品和服務。我們的FDA和CE批准的EKG設備、基於雲的交互式採集軟件以及適用於iOS和Android平臺的智能手機應用程序為有心律異常風險的患者提供了更好的遵從性,併為醫生提供了更準確的信息。

Company Contact Information:
Telephone: (888) 225-0870
Email: General Inquiries:
Investor Inquiries: Robert Hesse -
Follow CBSC: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Newsletter

電子郵件:General Queries:info@cbSciences

This information disclosure may contain forward-looking statements covered within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements relate to, among other things, plans and timing for the introduction or enhancement of our services and products, statements about future market conditions, supply and demand conditions, and other expectations, intentions, and plans contained in this press release that are not historical fact and involve risks and uncertainties. Our expectations regarding future revenues depend upon our ability to develop and supply products and services that we may not produce today and that meet defined specifications. When used in this press release, the words "plan," "expect," "believe," and similar expressions generally identify forward-looking statements. These statements reflect our current expectations. They are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, changes in technology and changes in pervasive markets. This release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 27E of the Securities Act of 1934. Statements contained in this release that are not historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain. Actual performance and results may differ materially from that projected or suggested herein due to certain risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, the ability to obtain financing and regulatory and shareholder approval for anticipated actions.


SOURCE: CB Scientific, Inc.

資料來源:CB Science,Inc.

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