
全国停车场分析报告出炉!广州停车最贵 1小时26元

快科技 ·  Jan 7, 2022 16:26

Compared to more than ten years ago, today's car prices are getting cheaper. Some first-time students can easily become car owners with help from home, but the cost of using a car and maintaining a car after buying a car is also a significant expense.

Recently, Gaode Map and the Transportation Research Institute of Tsinghua University jointly released a national parking lot analysis report (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”). Currently, more than one million parking lots have been built in China, but compared to the huge number of cars, there is still a shortage of parking spaces, and there is still a demand gap of 80 million parking spaces. Gaode Map uses the “Parking Difficulty Index” as an evaluation index for parking difficulties in major cities.

According to an analysis of the average price of roadside parking lots in key areas of major cities, Guangzhou ranked first with a parking price of 26 yuan per hour, followed by Shanghai 20 yuan, Shenzhen 20 yuan, Nanjing 20 yuan, Hangzhou 12 yuan, Beijing 10 yuan, Suzhou 10 yuan, Chengdu 10 yuan, Chongqing 8 yuan, Tianjin 8 yuan, and Wuhan 4 yuan, respectively.

According to the report, the top ten most difficult cities in the country to find parking are: Shenzhen, Nanjing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Changsha, Zhengzhou, and Chengdu.

As can be seen, there is a high degree of overlap between cities where parking is difficult and cities with high parking costs.

It is worth mentioning that the report data shows that the ten most difficult places to park in the country are: Zhejiang University Medical College First Affiliated Hospital, Beijing Museum of Natural History, China Science and Technology Museum, Shinan Campus Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Zhengzhou Zoo, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Wuhan Jiefang Park, Jinan Baotu Spring, Nanjing Qingliangshan Park, and Qingdao Ophthalmology Hospital affiliated to Shandong First Medical University.

Is your city on the list? How much does 1 hour of parking cost? See you in the comments section.

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