

With all the ups and downs, will live streaming be good in 2022?

全天候科技 ·  Jan 2, 2022 11:33

Author: Zhang Chao

Over the past year, live streaming has been like riding a roller coaster, experiencing peaks and troughs. Now still in the center of the storm, platform players are at full power to meet the reshuffle, the situation is unpredictable.

The Internet is always full of challenges and infinite vitality. This is especially true for live broadcasts at the center of the storm.

Looking back on the past year, the situation of live broadcast with goods is unpredictable, accidents come one after another, and the hustle and bustle is still the same.

After nearly 30 years in the education and training industry, New Oriental Education & Technology Group founder Yu Minhong changed careers at the age of 59, stepping on the tail of 2021 and plunging into the tuyere of the live streaming industry.

With the accumulated personal IP popularity and platform skewed traffic in the past, although Yu Minhong's first show with goods lasted only 3 hours, according to the statistics of the gray dolphin on the third-party platform, the cumulative number of viewers in the studio reached 1.82 million, with sales of 4.81 million yuan and sound wave revenue (reward) between 100000 yuan and 500000 yuan.

Rivers and lakes always rise and fall, with the "back wave" rising and the front wave falling. Almost at the same time as Yu Minhong brought the goods (on the evening of December 28th), the star with more than 33 million followers on Douyin, Zhang Ting, who is known as the "godmother of WeChat business", burst into thunder. His and her husband Lin Ruiyang's cosmetics company was found to be suspected of using the Internet to engage in pyramid selling activities were investigated and dealt with, property preservation frozen funds as high as 600 million yuan.

This is not the first "down" anchor, nor is it the most influential one. Before Zhang Ting, the two anchors of Taobao, Weiya and Sydney, had been punished for tax evasion, and their online accounts on social platforms were blocked and disappeared in the studio.

Not only lose the "super head anchor", the external environment of Taobao live broadcast is also more cruel. Douyin and Kuaishou Technology, which are closely followed, have a strong momentum of development, and platforms such as Video number and Bilibili Inc. are also eager to break the old order and break new horizons.

If 2021 is the year of live streaming to get rid of outdated rules and habits, then 2022 may be a turning point for the industry to mature.

The ups and downs of 2021

To sum up the live broadcast of 2021 with goods in one word, that is-- ups and downs.

In the first half of the year, Douyin almost stole the limelight of the entire industry, and some industry insiders even regarded it as the only platform that could compete with BABA.

At the beginning of 2021, Douyin's e-commerce business was revealed that its annual GMV target was 1 trillion yuan, double that of the previous year, equivalent to the total transaction volume of the "e-commerce upstart" Pinduoduo in 2019, which shocked the oligarch market.

Douyin, which only completed the closed loop of e-commerce transactions in the second half of 2020, has become the biggest "dark horse" in the industry.

With the concept of "interest e-commerce" put forward, Douyin e-commerce seems to be riding on the rocket, not only all kinds of ordinary people and star anchors emerge in endlessly, but also launched the "brand flagship store" function, vigorously support brands to open stores.

According to Yiou, by the beginning of April 2021, more than 1000 brands had entered the brand name of trembling products, and more than 220 brands were equipped with the function of "brand flagship store". Official data show that after the launch of the brand's flagship store, compared with the simple product window display phase, the commodity exposure click rate increased by 250% month-on-month, and the homepage funnel conversion efficiency increased by 30%.

The trend in the past two years was that merchants flocked to Taobao Live to open official stores and open live broadcasts to bring goods; by 2021, the wind blew to Douyin, merchants tacitly wanted to catch the Douyin express, and Douyin had a tendency to catch up from behind.

According to a report released by Ping an Securities, for the whole year of 2020, Taobao Live GMV reached 400 billion, Douyin Live GMV reached about 500 billion (including Douyin store GMV 100 billion +), Kuaishou Technology Live GMV reached 381.2 billion (2021Q1 Kuaishou Technology store GMV accounted for 85%), live e-commerce as a whole showed a tripod competition pattern. However, in 2021, the year-on-year growth rate of Douyin e-commerce GMV has obviously exceeded that of Taobao Live and Kuaishou Technology. The GMV of Douyin e-commerce creators with goods increased by 392% year on year in July, Q2 Kuaishou Technology e-commerce maintained rapid growth of around 100% in 2021, and Taobao Live GMV growth rate was only 55% in August 2021.


Photo: ping an Securities

Until the arrival of the Singles' Day Shopping Carnival, Weiya and Li Jiaqi broke the single transaction record of live broadcast with goods with amazing transaction data. Taobao Live once again demonstrated that the ability of "Super head Anchor" is far better than that of other platforms.

There are even anchors with more than 2 million Douyin followers who speak bluntly in a live chat. The daily part of the product is cost-effective, but it certainly can't compete with Li Jiaqi and Weiya during Singles' Day. "just lie flat".

The live broadcast of Taobao, which brought back a city, was not comfortable for long. The Hangzhou Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation issued a notice on Nov. 22, saying that through tax analysis, two online anchors, Zhu Xianhui (Internet: Sydney) and Lin Shanshan, were suspected of evading taxes and charged taxes, late fees and fines.

Sydney and Lin Shanshan belong to the same MCN organization, daily mainly through Weibo Corp, Little Red Book, Wechat official account and other platforms to announce the live broadcast, exposure of products, and then go to Taobao live broadcast with goods.

Only one year after the live broadcast, Sydney's sales on Taobao Live jumped rapidly, second only to Weiya and Li Jiaqi. Lin Shanshan's Taobao store also maintained Top 10 in the women's wear category.

As the two people were investigated, their Weibo Corp, Wechat official account, Douyin, Xiao Hongshu, Taobao shop and other accounts were quickly closed.

Only a month later, the same incident happened to Weiya, the first Sister live broadcast on Taobao. This time she was seized even faster and fined higher.

Although Taobao live broadcast did not speak on this matter, but in the short term lost two senior generals, the impact can be foreseen.

After Weiya was punished, Li Jiaqi, who is also the live broadcast of "Super head Anchor" on Taobao, attracted a lot of attention. For several days in succession, Li Jiaqi's studio poured into a large number of consumers, not only cheering him up, but also reminding him to abide by the law.

After the storm, it is speculated that Li Jiaqi can undertake traffic between live broadcasts from Weiya and Sydney, and live streaming on Taobao may not be affected. However, contrary to one's wishes, after a small increase, Li Jiaqi's viewing volume fell back to the previous average, with a faint downward trend.


Li Jiaqi watched before double 11 in 2021 (left) vs at the end of December

And this is obviously not a problem of Taobao live broadcast platform, nor is it just a matter of tax evasion. Mogu Inc, who was once very popular and took the lead in doing live streaming, was exposed at the end of 2021 that he had laid off about 30 per cent of his staff as a result of business restructuring. The company, which has lost money for five years in a row and lost more than $1.4 billion in its market value in three years of listing, has clearly had a tough year.

The entire live streaming industry, up to the platform, down to all the participants, 2021 is like riding a roller coaster, mood ups and downs.

New variables grow out of rivers and lakes

The ebb and flow of the tide, thousands of trees and thousands of sails, the surging live broadcast with goods there is no lack of new variables.

On the evening of December 31, 2021, Wechat will hold its first online New year's Concert-FLY TO 2022 May Day to accompany you.

According to data obtained by round-the-clock technology from Tencent Music, the number of two-hour bookings for QQ Music Guan Xuan concert exceeded 3 million, and the number of 16-hour bookings exceeded 5.55 million. As of 12:00 on December 31, 2021, the cumulative number of bookings for QQ Music, KuGou Music, Kuwo Music and National singing on the four platforms of TME Tencent Music Entertainment Group has reached nearly 10 million.

For a long time, Tencent's short video app was ridiculed as "A Dou who can't afford it." even with Tencent's powerful social DNA, he still failed again and again, failed again and again, and failed to have a truly "anti-hit" product. In the end, he had no choice but to use App "family bucket" to deal with external competition, but with little success.

And the video number of this online concert may be a key application that can help Tencent sweep away his former shame and reverse the situation.

In fact, before the May Day concert, Video held an online concert with the Westlife group. Because evoke countless people's youth memories, the concert successfully brushed the screen of the major social networks, onto the hot list.

According to incomplete statistics, the live broadcast attracted more than 20 million views and more than 130 million likes. Even after the official performance ended, many netizens stayed in the studio to watch the rehearsals and refused to leave. This is another successful work after millions of people watched the Geminids meteor shower in 2020.

Zhuang Shuai, an analyst at Bailian Consulting, believes that the essence of the video account is to improve user activity and cultivate users' habit of watching video accounts through large-scale marketing events such as online entertainment activities; at the same time, the platform can also explore multiple business models such as live rewards and event sponsorship.

Since the second half of 2020, Tencent has devoted all her painstaking efforts to supporting the video account, giving the latter enough "layout"--

Hang the video number entrance at the top of the Wechat "Discovery" page, add the function of sharing the live room at the top of the moments, achieve two-way communication with the official account, and even add the video number to the official account information stream, so that users can perceive and touch the video number from every corner of the Wechat ecology.


Add the Wechat video account to the official account information stream.

Even if the mind of the users of the video number has not been fully established, Tencent can't wait to explore the path of commercialization, one of the very important ways is to bring goods live. Since the launch of the "Live Task" in April last year to help creators realize the cash, Tencent Video account has been able to open a store with one click, give users a reward, and carry goods live. At present, it is still testing the function of "short video shopping cart" in grayscale.

At the 9th Anniversary Ecological Conference of Youzan (November 2021), Youzan CEO White Raven said that he firmly supports the video number and is optimistic about its development. "the video number has gradually begun to have a public domain. The video number has grown very fast in the past three months, and we believe it will grow very well in the coming year. "

According to the "2021 Youwei Mall Star Product inventory", the video account has achieved "accelerated running" in the past year. Since the Spring Festival in 2021 to the stocktaking release, the transaction volume brought about by the live video number has reached nearly 1 billion. As of November 2021, the transaction volume of the video account has increased by more than 6 times month-on-month; the GMV of merchants has increased by more than 7 times month-on-month; and the length of live broadcast has increased more than 8 times month-on-month.

Bilibili Inc., who has gradually broken the circle and the market capitalization has risen sharply in recent years, is also eager to try. In order to help more UP owners realize the realization of traffic and enrich the platform's business model, Station B first won an Internet payment license through public auction, and recently launched the "ofo" function, allowing users to shop while watching. Coupled with the existing live broadcast function, Bilibili Inc. is one step closer to fully opening the live broadcast with goods.

According to the financial report, the average monthly active users of site B reached 267 million in the third quarter of 2021, up 35% from the same period last year; the number of mobile monthly active users increased by 36% year-on-year to 250 million; and the average daily active users reached 72 million, up 35% from the same period last year. In addition to showing the characteristics of highly active community users, Bilibili Inc. also showed high stickiness. In this quarter, the average daily use time of users increased to 88 minutes, a record high; the average number of monthly interactions exceeded 10 billion, reaching 10.2 billion, an increase of 86% over the same period last year.

Considering the scale and value of traffic, Bilibili Inc. is also competitive among many players. And through the establishment of live streaming channels for UP owners, it may be one of the ways to give full play to the value of traffic and turn the company from losses to profits.

New variables grow out of rivers and lakes

The ebb and flow of the tide, thousands of trees and thousands of sails, the surging live broadcast with goods there is no lack of new variables.

On the evening of December 31, 2021, Wechat will hold its first online New year's Concert-FLY TO 2022 May Day to accompany you.

According to data obtained by round-the-clock technology from Tencent Music, the number of two-hour bookings for QQ Music Guan Xuan concert exceeded 3 million, and the number of 16-hour bookings exceeded 5.55 million. As of 12:00 on December 31, 2021, the cumulative number of bookings for QQ Music, KuGou Music, Kuwo Music and National singing on the four platforms of TME Tencent Music Entertainment Group has reached nearly 10 million.

For a long time, Tencent's short video app was ridiculed as "A Dou who can't afford it." even with Tencent's powerful social DNA, he still failed again and again, failed again and again, and failed to have a truly "anti-hit" product. In the end, he had no choice but to use App "family bucket" to deal with external competition, but with little success.

And the video number of this online concert may be a key application that can help Tencent sweep away his former shame and reverse the situation.

In fact, before the May Day concert, Video held an online concert with the Westlife group. Because evoke countless people's youth memories, the concert successfully brushed the screen of the major social networks, onto the hot list.

According to incomplete statistics, the live broadcast attracted more than 20 million views and more than 130 million likes. Even after the official performance ended, many netizens stayed in the studio to watch the rehearsals and refused to leave. This is another successful work after millions of people watched the Geminids meteor shower in 2020.

Zhuang Shuai, an analyst at Bailian Consulting, believes that the essence of the video account is to improve user activity and cultivate users' habit of watching video accounts through large-scale marketing events such as online entertainment activities; at the same time, the platform can also explore multiple business models such as live rewards and event sponsorship.

Since the second half of 2020, Tencent has devoted all her painstaking efforts to supporting the video account, giving the latter enough "layout"--

Hang the video number entrance at the top of the Wechat "Discovery" page, add the function of sharing the live room at the top of the moments, achieve two-way communication with the official account, and even add the video number to the official account information stream, so that users can perceive and touch the video number from every corner of the Wechat ecology.


Add the Wechat video account to the official account information stream.

Even if the mind of the users of the video number has not been fully established, Tencent can't wait to explore the path of commercialization, one of the very important ways is to bring goods live. Since the launch of the "Live Task" in April last year to help creators realize the cash, Tencent Video account has been able to open a store with one click, give users a reward, and carry goods live. At present, it is still testing the function of "short video shopping cart" in grayscale.

At the 9th Anniversary Ecological Conference of Youzan (November 2021), Youzan CEO White Raven said that he firmly supports the video number and is optimistic about its development. "the video number has gradually begun to have a public domain. The video number has grown very fast in the past three months, and we believe it will grow very well in the coming year. "

According to the "2021 Youwei Mall Star Product inventory", the video account has achieved "accelerated running" in the past year. Since the Spring Festival in 2021 to the stocktaking release, the transaction volume brought about by the live video number has reached nearly 1 billion. As of November 2021, the transaction volume of the video account has increased by more than 6 times month-on-month; the GMV of merchants has increased by more than 7 times month-on-month; and the length of live broadcast has increased more than 8 times month-on-month.

Bilibili Inc., who has gradually broken the circle and the market capitalization has risen sharply in recent years, is also eager to try. In order to help more UP owners realize the realization of traffic and enrich the platform's business model, Station B first won an Internet payment license through public auction, and recently launched the "ofo" function, allowing users to shop while watching. Coupled with the existing live broadcast function, Bilibili Inc. is one step closer to fully opening the live broadcast with goods.

According to the financial report, the average monthly active users of site B reached 267 million in the third quarter of 2021, up 35% from the same period last year; the number of mobile monthly active users increased by 36% year-on-year to 250 million; and the average daily active users reached 72 million, up 35% from the same period last year. In addition to showing the characteristics of highly active community users, Bilibili Inc. also showed high stickiness. In this quarter, the average daily use time of users increased to 88 minutes, a record high; the average number of monthly interactions exceeded 10 billion, reaching 10.2 billion, an increase of 86% over the same period last year.

Considering the scale and value of traffic, Bilibili Inc. is also competitive among many players. And through the establishment of live streaming channels for UP owners, it may be one of the ways to give full play to the value of traffic and turn the company from losses to profits.

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