
DEADLINE TODAY: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Reminds Shareholders of TMC the metals company Inc. f/k/a Sustainable Opportunities Acquisition Corp. of a Class Action Lawsuit and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of December 27, 2021 - TMC

DEADLINE TODAY: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Reminds Shareholders of TMC the metals company Inc. f/k/a Sustainable Opportunities Acquisition Corp. of a Class Action Lawsuit and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of December 27, 2021 - TMC

PR Newswire ·  2021/12/27 19:06

NEW YORK,, Dec. 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The following statement is being issued by Levi & Korsinsky, LLP:


To: All persons or entities who purchased or otherwise acquired securities of TMC the metals company Inc. f/k/a Sustainable Opportunities Acquisition Corp. ("TMC" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: TMC) between March 4, 2021 and October 5, 2021. You are hereby notified that a securities class action lawsuit has been commenced in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. To get more information go to:


or contact Joseph E. Levi, Esq. either via email at [email protected] or by telephone at (212) 363-7500. There is no cost or obligation to you.

或聯繫約瑟夫·E·利維(Joseph E.Levi,Esq.)或者通過電子郵件發送到[受電子郵件保護]或致電(212)363-7500。對你來説沒有任何費用或義務。

TMC the metals company Inc. f/k/a Sustainable Opportunities Acquisition Corp. NEWS - TMC NEWS


CASE DETAILS: According to the filed complaint: (1) the Company had significantly overpaid for the Tongo Offshore Mining Limited acquisition to undisclosed insiders; (2) the Company had artificially inflated its Nauru Ocean Resources Inc. ("NORI") exploration expenditures to give investors a false scale of its operations; (3) the Company's purported 100% interest in NORI was questionable given prior disclosures to the International Seabed Authority that NORI was wholly owned by two Nauruan foundations and that all future income from NORI would be used in Nauru; (4) Defendants had significantly downplayed the environmental risks of deep-sea mining polymetallic nodules and failed to adequately warn investors of the regulatory risks faced by the Company's environmentally risky exploitation plans; (5) the Company's PIPE financing was not fully committed and, therefore, the Company would not have the cash necessary for large sale commercial production; (6) as a result of the foregoing, the Company's valuation was significantly less than Defendants disclosed to investors; and (7) as a result, Defendants' public statements were materially false and/or misleading at all relevant times.

案例詳細信息:根據起訴書:(1)公司為收購Tongo Offshore Mining Limited向未披露的內部人士支付了過高的價格;(2)公司人為地誇大了瑙魯海洋資源公司(“Nori”)的勘探支出,給投資者一個虛假的業務規模;(3)公司聲稱在Nori的100%權益是可疑的,因為之前向國際海底管理局披露,Nori由兩個瑙魯基金會全資擁有,未來從Nori獲得的所有收入都將用於瑙魯;(3)公司聲稱在Nori的100%權益是可疑的,因為之前向國際海底管理局披露,Nori由兩個瑙魯基金會全資擁有,未來從Nori獲得的所有收入將用於瑙魯;(4)被告大幅淡化深海採礦多金屬結核的環境風險,未能充分警告投資者本公司的具有環境風險的開採計劃所面臨的監管風險;(5)本公司的管道融資沒有完全承諾,因此本公司將沒有獲得大量銷售商業生產所需的現金;(6)由於上述原因,本公司的估值明顯低於被告向投資者披露的信息;(7)因此,被告的公開陳述完全是虛假和/或誤導性的。(6)如上所述,本公司的估值大大低於被告向投資者披露的信息;(7)因此,被告的公開陳述完全是虛假和/或誤導性的。(6)如上所述,本公司的估值大大低於被告向投資者披露的信息;(7)因此,被告的公開陳述完全是虛假和/或誤導性的。

WHAT THIS MEANS TO SHAREHOLDERS: If you suffered a loss in TMC, you only have TODAY left to request that the Court appoint you as lead plaintiff. Your ability to share in any recovery doesn't require that you serve as a lead plaintiff.


NO COST TO YOU: If you purchased TMC securities between March 4, 2021 and October 5, 2021, you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out-of-pocket costs or fees.


PROTECT YOUR FINANCIAL INTERESTS: Complete this brief submission form  or call 212-363-7500 to discuss the case with Joseph E. Levi, Esq.

保護您的財務利益:填寫這份簡短的提交表格或致電212-363-7500與Joseph E.Levi(Esq.)討論此案例。

WHY LEVI & KORSINSKY: Levi & Korsinsky have a proven track record of winning cases worth hundreds of millions of dollars for shareholders over a 20-year period. We represent and fight for shareholders who have been wronged by corporations.


Levi & Korsinsky is a nationally recognized firm with offices in New York, California, Connecticut, and Washington, D.C. The Firm's Founding Partners, Joseph Levi and Eduard Korsinsky, have been representing shareholders and institutional clients for almost 20 years and have achieved remarkable results for clients in the U.S. and internationally. The firm, with more than 70 employees, is committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion for employees and those that we represent. Our attorneys have extensive expertise representing investors in securities litigation with a track record of recovering hundreds of millions of dollars in cases. Levi & Korsinsky was ranked in Institutional Shareholder Services' ("ISS") SCAS Top 50 Report for 7 years in a row as a top securities litigation firm in the United States. The SCAS Top 50 Report identifies the top plaintiffs' securities law firms in the country, and year after year, ISS has recognized Levi & Korsinsky as a leading firm in the area of securities class action litigation.

Levi&Korsinsky是一家全國公認的公司,在紐約設有辦事處。加利福尼亞、康涅狄格州和華盛頓特區。該公司的創始合夥人約瑟夫·利維(Joseph Levi)和愛德華·科辛斯基,已經代表股東和機構客户近20年,為美國和國際客户取得了令人矚目的成績。該公司擁有70多名員工,致力於為員工和我們所代表的員工培養、培育和維護多元化、公平和包容的文化。我們的律師擁有在證券訴訟中代表投資者的廣泛專業知識,並有在案件中追回數億美元的記錄。Levi&Korsinsky連續7年在機構股東服務(ISS)SCAS TOP 50報告中被評為美國頂級證券訴訟公司。SCAS的50強報告確定了美國頂級原告的證券律師事務所,ISS年復一年地承認Levi&Korsinsky是證券集體訴訟領域的領先律師事務所。

Levi & Korsinsky, LLP
Joseph E. Levi, Esq.
Ed Korsinsky, Esq.
55 Broadway, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10006
[email protected]
Tel: (212) 363-7500
Fax: (212) 363-7171

約瑟夫·E·利維(Joseph E.Levi),Esq.
埃德·科辛斯基(Ed Korsinsky),Esq.

SOURCE Levi & Korsinsky, LLP


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