
99只个股涨停 主要集中在医药生物、化工等行业

The trading limit of 99 stocks is mainly concentrated in pharmaceutical, biological, chemical and other industries.

新浪財經 ·  Dec 22, 2021 15:26
According to Choice statistics, among the A shares that can be traded on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, there are 2332 rising stocks, 2125 falling stocks and 118 flat stocks. Excluding new shares listed on the same day, a total of 99 stocks rose by the daily limit and 13 stocks fell by the limit. From the perspective of the industry, trading stocks are mainly concentrated in pharmaceutical and biological, chemical, media, architectural decoration, computer, electronics and other industries. In the stock price limit, from the closing limit board seal volume, Dalong Real Estate is the most popular, closing limit board seal order has 45.914 million shares; followed by China equipment Construction, Zhaoxin shares, etc., the limit board seal order has 35.0221 million shares, 27.1631 million shares respectively. In terms of the amount of sealing orders, there are more funds for closing orders on trading boards such as Cosco Construction, Xiyi shares and Dalong Real Estate, which are 242 million yuan, 224 million yuan and 195 million yuan respectively. (Securities Times website)

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