
Torque Lifestyle Brands JV Expands Production Space with Brand New 20 sq ft Facility on back of $4m Purchase Order

Torque Lifestyle Brands JV Expands Production Space with Brand New 20 sq ft Facility on back of $4m Purchase Order

TORQUE Lifestyle Brands合資公司在400萬美元的採購訂單後推出全新的20平方英尺設施,擴大生產空間
GlobeNewswire ·  2021/12/17 00:39

WHEAT RIDGE, CO, Dec. 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Torque Lifestyle Brands Inc. (OTC Pink: TQLB) ("Torque" or the "Company"), an emerging leader in the manufacture of active lifestyle sports nutrition and supplements, is excited to announce it has opened its new Texas manufacturing facility.

環球新聞社,2021年12月16日,科羅拉多州麥嶺--TORQUE Lifestyle Brands Inc.(OTC Pink:TQLB)(“TORQE”或“公司”),一家生產積極生活方式運動營養品和補充劑的新興領先者,興奮地宣佈已經在德克薩斯州開設了新的製造工廠。

Commenting on the development, Chief Operating Officer, Michael Bischoff stated that "the new production facility will have new sachet packing equipment which can service 20,000 packs and stick packs per day early 2022 as well as having a new dual-head powder filling line which will give the facility the capability to fill 10,000 units of product for per day once they come online." He continued, "outside of the 'powders' we are already filling orders for, we have the new 'capsule' or 'pill' machines which will count and fill 15,000 units per day when we start that line up in the latter half of 2022. Zero Torque is shaping up to be a monster producer of pills and powders for the nutritional supplements industry."

首席運營官邁克爾·比肖夫(Michael Bischoff)在評論這一發展時表示:“新的生產設施將擁有新的香包包裝設備,2022年初每天可為2萬包和棒裝包裝提供服務,並擁有一條新的雙頭粉末灌裝線,一旦產品上線,工廠將有能力每天灌裝1萬個單位的產品。”他接着説:“除了我們已經在訂購的‘粉末’之外,我們還有新的‘膠囊’或‘藥丸’機器,當我們在2022年下半年開始這條生產線時,這種機器每天將計數和填充1.5萬個單位。零扭矩正在形成一個為營養補充劑行業生產藥丸和粉末的怪物。”

Zero Torque Manufacturing LLC currently supports the production of both Glaxon () for GNC and Storm Lifestyles () both of which are brands that will have huge market pull. Glaxon was recently picked up by GNC as part of a new GNC partnership and Storm is launching in January and ramping up production of the Storm 'Focus' and 'Pre-Workout' products to accommodate for inventory requirements will begin in the coming days and weeks. Outside of those two initial partners, Zero Torque will be opening up capacity throughout 2022 to further brands requiring significant inventory production and expects to carve out a niche for itself, especially during COVID, by ensuring it has raw material inventory sufficient to run continuous operations and fill very large orders very fast.

Zero Torque Manufacturing LLC目前支持為GNC生產Glaxon()和Storm Lifeyles(),這兩個品牌都將具有巨大的市場吸引力。葛蘭素史克最近被GNC收購,作為新的GNC合作伙伴關係的一部分,Storm將於1月份推出,並將在未來幾天和幾周內開始增加Storm“Focus”和“Pre-Working”產品的產量,以滿足庫存需求。除了這兩個最初的合作伙伴,零扭矩將在整個2022年向更多需要大量庫存生產的品牌開放產能,並預計將為自己開闢一個利基市場,特別是在COVID期間,方法是確保其有足夠的原材料庫存來持續運營並非常快地完成非常大的訂單。

The manufacturing facility, which occupies 20k sq foot near critical infrastructure in Austin, TX and is being setup so as to support existing orders and operations and will not only fulfil the $4m orders already received from Glaxon, but also fulfil orders expected over the coming weeks from American Metabolix Inc's "Storm Lifestyles".

該製造設施佔地2萬平方英尺,靠近德克薩斯州奧斯汀的關鍵基礎設施,目前正在建設中,以支持現有訂單和運營,不僅將履行已從葛蘭素史克收到的400萬美元訂單,還將履行預計未來幾周來自美國Metabolix Inc.“Storm Lifestyle”的訂單。

The Company divested of its American Metabolix, Inc. subsidiary in August 2021, including Storm, and that brought in $500,000 of non-dilutive cash onto the balance sheet upon closing.


Torque recently announced that Zero Torque, the company's majority owned JV subsidiary, had secured a $4m purchase order from GNC Partner 'Glaxon' () as well as Torque already showing invoiced revenues on its P&L in excess of $1m. GLAXON is one of the fastest growing and most innovative brands in the active nutrition space. That growth has been driven by disruptive thought-provoking branding, product education, and transparent supplements that provide lifestyle solutions. GLAXON products have already received multiple industry awards in less than two years since launch and will now be manufactured at the Zero Torque Facility in Texas.

Torque最近宣佈,該公司持有多數股權的合資子公司Zero Torque已從GNC合作伙伴葛蘭素史克(Glaxon)那裏獲得了400萬美元的採購訂單,以及Torque已經顯示其損益表上的發票收入超過100萬美元。GLAXON是活躍營養領域增長最快、最具創新性的品牌之一。這種增長是由發人深省的顛覆性品牌宣傳、產品教育和提供生活方式解決方案的透明補充劑推動的。自推出以來,GLAXON的產品在不到兩年的時間裏已經獲得了多個行業獎項,現在將在德克薩斯州的零扭矩工廠生產。

About Torque Lifestyle Brands Inc.
Torque Lifestyle Brands Inc. (OTC Pink: TQLB) is focused on its manufacturing JV approach and  driving performance through partnerships, JV's and acquisitions in the nutritional supplements space.
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Statements contained herein that are not based upon current or historical fact are forward-looking in nature and constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Company's expectations about its future operating results, performance, and opportunities that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. These statements include but are not limited to statements regarding departure of the company's CEO. When used herein, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "upcoming," "plan," "target," "intend" and "expect" and similar expressions, as they relate to Progressive Care Inc., its subsidiaries, or its management, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to the Company and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause the Company's actual results, performance, prospects, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements.

關於TORQUE Lifestyle Brands Inc.
TORQUE Lifestyle Brands Inc.(場外交易粉色代碼:TQLB)專注於其製造合資企業的方法,並通過合作伙伴關係、合資企業和營養補充劑領域的收購來推動業績。

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