
Pacton Increases 2022 Drill Program at Red Lake, Ontario

Pacton Increases 2022 Drill Program at Red Lake, Ontario

Accesswire ·  2021/12/13 22:20

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / December 13, 2021 / Pacton Gold Inc. (TSXV:PAC)(OTC PINK:PACXF)(FSE:2NKN) (the "Company" or "Pacton") is pleased to announce that it is increasing the recently announced 10,000 m drill program at its Red Lake Gold Project (see Pacton news release dated December 2, 2021). Ongoing analysis of results from the recent surface exploration program highlight multiple new gold targets in the Claremont area. The property is adjacent to Great Bear's Dixie Project, and results from reconnaissance drilling in 2021 showed multiple geological similarities to mineralization described at Great Bear's LP Fault. Drilling is expected to commence in February 2022.

温哥華,BC/ACCESSWIRE/2021年12月13日/Pacton Gold Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:PAC)(場外交易代碼:PINK:PACXF)(證券交易所代碼:2NKN)(“公司“或”Pacton“)很高興地宣佈,它正在增加其紅湖金礦項目最近宣佈的10,000米鑽探項目(見Pacton於2021年12月2日發佈的新聞稿)。對最近地表勘探項目結果的持續分析突出了克萊蒙特地區的多個新的金礦目標。該資產毗鄰大熊的Dixie項目,2021年的勘察鑽探結果顯示,與大熊LP斷層描述的礦化有多種地質相似之處。鑽探預計將於2022年2月開始。

News Highlights


  • Expanded Drill Program at Red Lake. Pacton will increase its upcoming winter drill program to test a number of new, drill ready gold targets at the Red Lake Gold Project (Figure 1). The drilling program is expected to commence by February 2022.
  • Multiple New Gold Targets. Results from the surface program highlight multiple new target areas defined by anomalous gold that are coincident with mafic-felsic contacts, regional structures and geophysical targets (Figure 2). Several hundred samples from other areas of Pacton's Red Lake property are currently being analyzed at the laboratory.
  • Detailed Geological Mapping Complete. Following the mapping and sampling program during summer 2021, Pacton has completed an enhanced bedrock geology map of the Claremont target area (Figure 3). This new data illustrates prospective contacts and structures that will be used to advance detailed drill targeting in the area.
  • Red Lake District Analogies. The Claremont target area has multiple similarities to mineralization described at Great Bear's LP Fault. In both areas, widespread gold mineralization is hosted in felsic volcanic rocks of the Confederation Assemblage, proximal to mafic-felsic contacts, and near large-scale structural domain boundaries. At the LP fault, high-grade mineralization occurs within a lower grade mineralized halo which is interpreted to be controlled by geological contacts and structure. Based on these similarities, supported by the incoming sampling data, Pacton intends to expedite additional drill targeting along this prospective trend.
  • 擴大了紅湖的演練項目。Pacton將增加其即將到來的冬季鑽探計劃,以測試紅湖黃金項目中一系列新的、可鑽探的黃金目標(圖1)。鑽探計劃預計將於2022年2月開始。
  • 多個新的黃金目標。地表計劃的結果突出了多個由異常金定義的新靶區,這些靶區與鎂鐵質-長英質接觸、區域構造和地球物理目標一致(圖2)。來自帕克頓紅湖地產其他地區的數百個樣本目前正在實驗室進行分析。
  • 詳細的地質製圖完成。根據2021年夏季的測繪和採樣計劃,Pacton已經完成了Claremont目標區的增強基巖地質圖(圖3)。這一新數據説明瞭未來的接觸和結構,將用於推進該地區的詳細鑽探目標。
  • 紅湖區的類比。克萊蒙特目標區與大熊LP斷層描述的礦化有許多相似之處。在這兩個地區,廣泛的金礦化賦存於聯邦組合的長英質火山巖中,靠近鎂鐵質-長英質接觸帶,以及大型構造域邊界附近。在LP斷裂,高品位礦化賦存於低品位礦化暈中,解釋為受地質接觸和構造控制。基於這些相似之處,在即將到來的採樣數據的支持下,Pacton打算沿着這一預期趨勢加快額外的鑽探目標。

Nav Dhaliwal, Interim President and CEO for Pacton, commented, "Results from our recent, comprehensive sampling program have highlighted additional new gold targets at the Claremont area. With the emergence of these targets, and recent advances in geological mapping, Pacton has decided to increase its drilling program to aggressively test priority targets in early 2022."

Pacton的臨時總裁兼首席執行官NAV Dhaliwal評論説:“我們最近的全面抽樣計劃的結果突出了克萊蒙特地區新的黃金目標。隨着這些目標的出現,以及最近在地質測繪方面的進展,Pacton決定增加鑽探計劃,以便在2022年初積極測試優先目標。“

Figure 1. Pacton's Red Lake property showing high-priority target areas to be tested in the upcoming winter drill program and the location of Great Bear's Dixie Project.

圖1. 帕克頓的紅湖地產顯示了即將到來的冬季演習計劃中需要測試的高優先級目標區域,以及大熊迪克西項目的位置。

Figure 2. Gold assay results in soil from Pacton's Claremont area showing multiple gold anomalies to be evaluated for drill testing.

圖2。 帕克頓克萊蒙特地區土壤中的金化驗結果顯示,有多個金異常需要評估以進行鑽探測試。

Figure 3. New bedrock geology map of the Claremont area overlain with gold anomalies in the soil.

圖3. 克萊蒙特地區新的基巖地質圖,上面覆蓋着土壤中的金異常。

About the Red Lake Gold Project


The Red Lake Gold Project, located in Red Lake, Ontario, comprises 28,000 ha. The Project is adjacent and proximal to past, current, and near-term production mines and is also adjacent and on trend to Great Bear's Dixie discovery. Exploration to date includes successful first pass sampling, geophysical surveys, and drilling. High-grade surface samples include 126.5 g/t Au and 23.3 g/t Au. First pass reconnaissance drilling has hit 17.5 g/t Au over a 0.5 m interval. The Project also includes regional properties, such as Gullrock, Pakwash, Dixie, Golden Loon, and Swain.


About Pacton Gold

關於Pacton Gold

Pacton Gold is a Canadian exploration company with key strategic partners focused on the exploration and development of high-grade gold properties located in the Red Lake gold rush in Ontario, Canada. The Company also owns a strategic portfolio of prospective projects in the district-scale Pilbara gold rush in Western Australia.

Pacton Gold是一家加拿大勘探公司,擁有主要戰略合作伙伴,專注於勘探和開發位於加拿大安大略省紅湖淘金熱的高品位金礦。該公司還擁有西澳大利亞州皮爾巴拉淘金熱地區規模的潛在項目的戰略投資組合。

The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dale Ginn, P.Geo., Executive Chairman and a director, and Karly Oliver, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration and a director of the Company, who are both Qualified Persons pursuant to National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已由執行主席兼董事Dale Ginn和勘探副總裁兼公司董事Karly Oliver審核和批准,他們都是符合National Instrument 43-101標準的合格人員。

On Behalf of the Board of Pacton Gold Inc.
Nav Dhaliwal
Interim President and CEO

我代表Pacton Gold Inc.董事會。
NAV Dhaliwal

For more information, please contact 1-(855)-584-0258 or


This news release may contain or refer to forward-looking information based on current expectations, including, but not limited to the Company achieving success in exploring its properties and the impact on the Company of these events, including the effect on its share price. Forward-looking information is subject to significant risks and uncertainties, as actual results may differ materially from forecasted results. Forward-looking information is provided as of the date hereof and we assume no responsibility to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances. References to other issuers with nearby projects is for information purposes only and there are no assurances the Company will achieve similar results.


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SOURCE: Pacton Gold

資料來源:Pacton Gold

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