
快讯:煤炭概念持续拉升 宝丰能源涨停

News flash: the concept of coal continues to pull up the limit of Baofeng energy

新浪財經 ·  Dec 13, 2021 09:42

December 13 news, the concept of coal continues to rise, as of press release, Baofeng energy limit, power investment energy, Inner Mongolia Huadian, Junzheng Group followed up.

In terms of news, the Central Economic work Conference was held in Beijing from December 8 to 10. In the field of energy, the meeting pointed out the need to further promote the energy revolution and speed up the construction of an energy power. It is necessary to correctly understand and grasp the carbon peak carbon neutralization. Based on the basic national conditions of giving priority to coal, we should do a good job in clean and efficient utilization of coal, increase the capacity of new energy consumption, and promote the optimal combination of coal and new energy. It is necessary to make a scientific assessment that the addition of renewable energy and the use of raw materials are not included in the control of total energy consumption, and create conditions to realize the transformation from "double control" of energy consumption to "double control" of total carbon emissions and intensity as soon as possible.

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