share_log raises AUD$129 million and partners with Sonic Healthcare to develop pathology AI, accelerating its mission to expand capacity of global healthcare raises AUD$129 million and partners with Sonic Healthcare to develop pathology AI, accelerating its mission to expand capacity of global healthcare 籌集了 1.29 億澳元,並與 Sonic Healthcare 合作開發病理學人工智能,加快其擴大全球醫療保健能力的使命
PR Newswire ·  2021/12/01 13:06

$129 million funding raised from global venture firms and strategic investors including Horizons Ventures, I-MED Radiology and Sonic Healthcare in one of Australia's largest Series B funding rounds ever

1.29 億美元 從全球風險投資公司和戰略投資者那裏籌集的資金,包括Horizons Ventures、I-MED Radiology和Sonic Heal 澳大利亞的 有史以來最大的 B 輪融資

New pathology Joint Venture combines's expertise in clinical artificial intelligence with Sonic Healthcare's clinical expertise and network

新病理學合資企業將 在臨床人工智能方面的專業知識與 Sonic Healthcare 的臨床專業知識和網絡相結合

SYDNEY, Dec. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --, the breakthrough healthcare AI company, today announced it has raised AU$129 million (USD$97 million) in one of Australia's largest-ever Series B funding rounds. The funding will go to helping expand on its mission to scale critical capacity in the global healthcare system through rapid commercialisation of comprehensive clinical AI applications.

悉尼2021年12月1日 /PRNewswire/ — 突破性的醫療保健人工智能公司 今天宣佈已籌集了1.29億澳元(9,700 萬美元) 在其中之一 澳大利亞的 有史以來最大規模的B輪融資。這筆資金將用於幫助 擴展其使命,即通過全面的臨床 AI 應用程序的快速商業化,擴大全球醫療保健系統的關鍵容量。

The Series B funding round, led by existing investor Horizons Ventures, featured new equity investment from Sonic Healthcare and I-MED Radiology Network, alongside existing investors Blackbird Ventures and Skip Capital. It brings the total raised by within the past two years to AU$158 million (USD$118 million).

由現有投資者Horizons Ventures牽頭的B輪融資包括Sonic Healthcare和I-MED Radiology Network的新股權投資,以及現有投資者Blackbird Ventures和Sk這使得 在過去兩年內籌集的資金總額達到1.58億澳元(1.18 億美元)。 also announced a new partnership with Sonic Healthcare (ASX:SHL), a leader in medical diagnostics, to co-develop and commercialise new clinical AI solutions in pathology. The Joint Venture will culminate in new AI applications to improve efficiency and efficacy of pathology diagnosis with AI support. 還宣佈與醫學診斷領域的領導者Sonic Healthcare (ASX: SHL) 建立新的合作伙伴關係,共同開發新的病理學臨床人工智能解決方案並將其商業化。該合資企業將推出新的人工智能應用,在人工智能的支持下提高病理學診斷的效率和療效。

New funding to help push's proven healthcare AI model to the global stage

新資金將幫助將 久經考驗的醫療人工智能模型推向全球舞臺 will use the new capital to rapidly expand its team of AI data scientists and engineers, while expanding into new areas of healthcare with global clinical partners. The combination of global investors like Horizons Ventures with strategic clinical investors will enable to expand globally while leveraging medical expertise and reach. 將利用這筆新資金快速擴大其人工智能數據科學家和工程師團隊,同時與全球臨床合作伙伴一起擴展到新的醫療保健領域。Horizons Ventures 等全球投資者與戰略臨床投資者的結合將使 能夠在全球範圍內擴張,同時利用醫學專業知識和影響力。

Capacity in many areas of clinical diagnosis and treatment are under strain due to ongoing increases in healthcare demand contrasted with skills shortages and pandemic-related backlogs in clinical demand. Developed healthcare systems such as the United Kingdom (UK) and United States (US) face massive shortages in skilled radiologists and clinicians, with significantly more staff required to meet surging demand for diagnosis. Despite this shortage, there is a stark disparity to other markets — the US has approximately 11 radiologists per 100,000 people compared to just 0.35 radiologists per 100,000 people in Kenya.

由於醫療需求的持續增長,與技能短缺和與疫情相關的臨床需求積壓形成鮮明對比,許多臨床診斷和治療領域的能力都承受着壓力。開發了醫療保健系統,例如 英國 (英國)和 美國 (美國)面臨着熟練的放射科醫生和臨床醫生的嚴重短缺,需要大量的工作人員來滿足激增的診斷需求。儘管存在這種短缺,但與其他市場存在明顯的差距——美國每10萬人中約有11名放射科醫生,而美國每10萬人中只有0.35名放射科醫生 肯尼亞

This increased demand for equitable, accurate and effective healthcare delivery requires complementary systems like Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide human-aided diagnosis and help relieve some of this disparity.

對公平、準確和有效的醫療保健服務的需求不斷增加,需要人工智能(AI)等補充系統來提供人工輔助診斷並幫助緩解其中的一些差距。 and its partners have pioneered a unique and proven model to rapidly develop, commercialise and deploy accurate and clinically effective AI tools that support clinical diagnosis in a range of medical areas. It has developed deep artificial intelligence expertise and methodology that, when combined with the clinical expertise and data of medical partners, significantly shortens the path to market for new healthcare AI applications. 及其合作伙伴開創了一種獨特且久經考驗的模型,用於快速開發、商業化和部署準確且具有臨床效力的人工智能工具,爲一系列醫療領域的臨床診斷提供支持。它已經開發了深厚的人工智能專業知識和方法,與醫療合作伙伴的臨床專業知識和數據相結合,大大縮短了新的醫療保健人工智能應用的上市路徑。 and I-MED Radiology partnered to form in early 2020 to develop comprehensive solutions across radiology modalities.'s first product, the world's most comprehensive AI clinical decision-support solution for Chest X-Rays, is already in use by more than 350 radiologists each day in Australia and rolling out to hundreds more. The partnership saw co-research, develop and commercialise the solution within 18 months. The solution, which is capable of detecting 124 findings, was recently featured in peer-reviewed publication the Lancet Digital Health journal. 和 I-MED Radiology 於 2020 年初合作成立,開發跨放射學模式的全面解決方案。 的第一款產品是世界上最全面的 Chest X 射線人工智能臨床決策支持解決方案,每天已有 350 多名放射科醫生在使用 澳大利亞 並向數百人推出。通過此次合作, 在 18 個月內共同研究、開發和商業化該解決方案。該解決方案能夠檢測124項發現,最近出現在同行評審出版物《柳葉刀數字健康》雜誌上。

Dr Aengus Tran, Co-Founder and CEO of, said: "Delivering equitable, effective and accurate healthcare to more people is a critical part of our mission at, and as we emerge from the pandemic that mission is more important than ever. With our model and methodology now proven across multiple clinical areas, we are in a position to expand to new clinical areas and deliver on our mission with the support of our investors and partners." 聯合創始人兼首席執行官 Aengus Tran 博士表示:“爲更多人提供公平、有效和準確的醫療保健是我們 使命的關鍵部分,隨着我們擺脫疫情,這一使命比以往任何時候都更加重要。我們的模型和方法現已在多個臨床領域得到驗證,我們有能力在投資者和合作夥伴的支持下擴展到新的臨床領域並實現我們的使命。”

Chris Liu from Horizons Ventures, said: "'s distinct approach to AI healthcare has enabled the team to commercialise market leading solutions at record pace with its partners. We look forward to working closely with the team and our partners to help augment the capacity of healthcare systems globally."

克里斯·劉 來自Horizons Ventures的Horizons Ventures表示:“ 對人工智能醫療的獨特方法使該團隊能夠以創紀錄的速度與合作伙伴一起將市場領先的解決方案商業化。我們期待與團隊和我們的合作伙伴密切合作,幫助增強全球醫療系統的能力。”

New Sonic Healthcare Joint Venture provides new opportunities in pathology

新的 Sonic Healthcare 合資企業爲病理學

The new partnership with Sonic Healthcare marks the next stage on the mission to deliver equitable healthcare. It will combine's depth of expertise with Sonic Healthcare's clinical experience and distribution to commercialise an effective and accurate AI solution in pathology rapidly. 

與Sonic Healthcare的新合作伙伴關係標誌着提供公平醫療保健使命的下一階段。它將將 的專業知識與 Sonic Healthcare 的臨床經驗和分佈相結合,快速將有效而準確的病理學人工智能解決方案商業化。

Globally, pathology faces an even more stark skills shortage, with the number of US pathologists decreasing 18% between 2007 and 2017 despite an increase in workload. Building comprehensive AI solutions for pathology will help scale the capacity of diagnostic care across the globe.


"Sonic Healthcare's deep clinical experience and understanding combined with our proven AI methodologies will create a powerful new way to support clinicians to more effectively and efficiently diagnose patients in pathology," Dr Tran said.

陳博士說:“Sonic Healthcare的深厚臨床經驗和理解,加上我們久經考驗的人工智能方法,將創造一種強大的新方法,支持臨床醫生更有效、更高效地診斷病理學患者。”

Dr Colin Goldschmidt, CEO of Sonic Healthcare, said: "The formation of a joint venture with is an exciting moment in Sonic Healthcare's progression as a healthcare company. is a smart, agile, and medically led company with a proven track record in the healthcare AI space. The partnership with Sonic and our deep healthcare experience and global reach represents a synergistic union and a powerful force in healthcare AI."

博士 科林·戈德施密特,Sonic Healthcare首席執行官表示:“與 成立合資企業是Sonic Healthcare作爲一家醫療保健公司發展中的一個激動人心的時刻。 是一家智能、敏捷且以醫療爲主導的公司,在醫療人工智能領域有着良好的記錄。與 Sonic 的合作以及我們深厚的醫療保健經驗和全球影響力代表了醫療人工智能領域的協同聯盟和強大力量。”


關於 is a clinician-led healthcare artificial intelligence (AI) company rapidly developing and deploying AI solutions to address persistent healthcare challenges. With a mission to make world-class healthcare available and affordable to all, works closely with clinical partners to deliver clinical-grade AI software at scale. 是一家由臨床醫生主導的醫療保健人工智能 (AI) 公司,正在快速開發和部署 AI 解決方案,以應對持續存在的醫療保健挑戰。 的使命是讓所有人都能獲得並負擔得起世界一流的醫療保健,與臨床合作伙伴密切合作,大規模提供臨床級 AI 軟件。 works with partners to develop and deploy AI healthcare solutions that impact 50,000 patients each month in Australia, Europe and other countries. These include working with Virtus Health Limited to develop AI in IVF, as well as I-MED on Annalise CXR, the world's most comprehensive AI clinical decision-support solution for chest X-rays. In July 2021, a Annalise CXR validation study published in the Lancet Digital Health found the AI model was capable of identifying 124 findings on chest x-rays to support and improve radiologist findings. 與合作伙伴合作開發和部署人工智能醫療保健解決方案,每月影響 50,000 名患者 澳大利亞歐洲 和其他國家。其中包括與Virtus Health Limited合作開發試管嬰兒中的人工智能,以及與I-MED合作開發Annalise CXR,這是世界上最全面的胸部X光人工智能臨床決策支持解決方案。在 2021 年 7 月,發表在《柳葉刀數字健康》上的一項Annalise CXR驗證研究發現,人工智能模型能夠在胸部X光片上識別出124個發現,以支持和改善放射科醫生的發現。

About Horizons Ventures


Horizons Ventures was co-founded by Solina Chau and Debbie Chang in 2005. It is known for backing era-defining companies making lasting and positive impact in the world. Amongst its string of notable early stage investments are Zoom, Impossible Foods, Perfect Day, Spotify, Siri and DeepMind, reflecting Horizons Ventures' methodical long-term investment approach.

Horizons Ventures 由 周索麗娜張黛比 在 2005 年。它以支持定義時代的公司在世界上產生持久而積極的影響而聞名。其一系列值得注意的早期投資包括Zoom、Impossible Foods、Perfect Day、Spotify、Siri和DeepMind,反映了Horizons Ventures有條不紊的長期投資方法。



