
Tricor Group Appoints Kyungho Lee as CEO of South Korea Operations

Tricor Group Appoints Kyungho Lee as CEO of South Korea Operations

Businesswire ·  2021/12/01 08:10

HONG KONG & SEOUL--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tricor Group ("Tricor"), Asia's leading business expansion specialist, providing integrated business, corporate, investor, human resources and payroll, corporate trust and debt services, fund administration, and governance advisory, today announced the appointment of PwC Korea veteran, Mr. Kyungho Lee as CEO of Tricor South Korea.

香港 & 首爾—— (美國商業資訊)--卓佳集團 Tricor)是亞洲領先的業務拓展專家,提供綜合業務、企業、投資者、人力資源和薪資、企業信託和債務服務、基金管理和治理諮詢服務。今天宣佈委任 PwC 韓國資深人士 Kyungho Lee 先生為卓佳韓國首席執行官。

With the appointment effective December 1, 2021, Mr. Lee will work alongside outgoing CEO, Byung-Doo Choi. After completing more than 40 years in professional services and leading the Tricor South Korea team to success, Mr. Choi is retiring from his CEO post but will continue to serve as a senior advisor effective January 1, 2022.

隨著任命於 2021 年 12 月 1 日生效,李先生將與即將出任的首席執行官一起工作, 崔炳斗。蔡先生在完成超過 40 年的專業服務經驗並帶領卓佳韓國團隊取得成功後,現已退休首席執行官職位,但將繼續擔任高級顧問,自 2022 年 1 月 1 日起生效。

Mr. Lee joins Tricor from Samil Accounting Corporation, the Korean network firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), where he most recently served as a Strategy Leader. In this role, he provided assurance, advice and consulting services related to various M&A transactions with a focus on global multinational corporations (MNCs).

李先生加入羅兵永道會計師事務所 (PwC) 的韓國網絡公司 Samil 會計公司的卓佳。他最近擔任策略領導者。在這個職位上,他提供了與各種併購交易相關的保證、諮詢和諮詢服務,重點關注全球跨國公司(MNC)。

Mr. Lee is certified by the Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants (KICPA) and The United States Certified Public Accountants (USCPA). He also serves on the Korea Accounting Standards Board (KASB) and previously served on the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) & KASB Joint International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Interpretation Committee. Mr. Lee received his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Yonsei University.

李先生獲韓國公認會計師協會(KICPA)和美國註冊會計師(USCPA)認證。他還在韓國會計準則委員會(KASB)任職,並曾在金融監督服務(FSS)和 KASB 聯合國際財務報告標準(IFRS)解釋委員會任職。李先生獲延世大學工商管理學士學位。

Responsible for the commercial development and operations of the firm's South Korea business, Mr. Lee will focus on expanding Tricor South Korea's footprint through strategic M&A, innovative partnerships and organic growth. He will report to Lennard Yong, Group CEO of Tricor Group.


Lennard Yong, Group CEO of Tricor Group, said: "South Korea continues to grow as a core market for Tricor Group, offering both domestic and international clients unique opportunities for business expansion and investment. We are thankful to Mr. Choi for his diligence, loyalty and for the successes that he has brought to the firm over the past 20 years, firmly cementing Tricor's reputation in South Korea. With extensive experience in strategic M&A integration, sales growth and multinational operations, I am confident that Mr. Lee will lead the Tricor South Korea team through our next chapter of growth to higher heights."

卓佳集團集團首席執行官楊國斌他表示:「韓國繼續成長為卓佳集團的核心市場,為國內和國際客戶提供獨特的業務擴展和投資機會。我們感謝蔡先生的勤奮、忠誠,以及過去 20 年來為公司帶來的成功,堅定鞏固卓佳在韓國的聲譽。憑藉在策略併購整合、銷售增長和跨國運營方面擁有豐富的經驗,我相信李先生將帶領卓佳韓國團隊完成下一個增長篇章,邁向更高的高度。」

Kyungho Lee, CEO of Tricor South Korea, said: "In South Korea's thriving professional services market, the Tricor name has become synonymous with growth, innovation and success. I look forward to working with the local and Group teams to build upon this strong foundation, launch new solutions that disrupt the marketplace and identify new opportunities for growth."


About Tricor Group


Tricor Group (Tricor) is Asia's leading business expansion specialist, with global knowledge and local expertise in business, corporate, investor, human resources & payroll, corporate trust & debt services, and governance advisory. Tricor provides the building blocks for clients' business growth, from incorporation to IPO. Tricor has had a rapid expansion through organic growth and development as well as partnerships, mergers and acquisitions. The Group today has ~50,000 clients globally (including ~20,000 clients in Mainland China), a staff strength of over 2,800 and a network of offices in 47 cities across 21 countries / territories. Our client portfolio includes over 2,000 listed companies in Hong Kong SAR, Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia, and more than 40% of the Fortune Global 500 companies, as well as a significant share of multinationals and private enterprises operating across international markets.

卓佳集團(卓佳)是亞洲領先的業務拓展專家,在商業、企業、投資者、人力資源和薪資、企業信託和債務服務以及治理諮詢方面擁有全球知識和本地專業知識。卓佳為客戶從公司註冊到首次公開招股的業務增長提供基礎。卓佳通過有機成長和發展以及合作夥伴關係、合併和收購進行了快速擴張。今天,集團在全球擁有約 50,000 名客戶(包括約 20,000 名中國內地客戶),員工超過 2,800 人,並在 21 個國家/地區的 47 個城市設有辦事處網絡。我們的客戶組合包括香港特別行政區、中國內地、新加坡和馬來西亞的 2,000 多家上市公司,以及超過 40% 的《財星》全球 500 大企業,以及在跨國市場營運的跨國公司和私人企業的重要份額。




For more information:
Sunshine Farzan
Tricor Services Limited
Group Head of Marketing & Communications
Tel: +852 2980 1261

香港特別行政區 (集團辦公室)
電話:+852 二九八 ○ 一二六一

