
Hertz-Tesla Deal Signals Broad Shift to EVs for Rental-Car Companies

Hertz-Tesla Deal Signals Broad Shift to EVs for Rental-Car Companies

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/27 18:30

By Nora Naughton

諾拉·諾頓(Nora Naughton)著

Car-rental customers could soon see more electric-vehicle options on airport lots and other places where they are looking to reserve a ride.


The rental-car industry, long a big bulk-purchaser of new models in the car business, is sharpening efforts to add more battery-powered vehicles to fleets, the latest in a broader global shift among companies embracing greener technologies to cut their greenhouse-gas emissions.


Two of the biggest car-rental firms -- Hertz Global Holdings Inc. and Avis Budget Group -- recently revealed plans to expand their plug-in offerings as the auto industry rolls out more options for drivers looking to avoid gasoline. Privately held Enterprise Holdings Inc., which owns brands such as National and Alamo, also has said it is looking to add more electrics, particularly for clients that are renting or leasing small vehicle fleets.

兩家最大的汽車租賃公司赫茲全球控股公司(Hertz Global Holdings Inc.)和安飛士預算集團(Avis Budget Group)最近透露,隨着汽車業為避免使用汽油的司機推出更多選擇,它們計劃擴大插電式汽車產品的供應。擁有National和Alamo等品牌的私人持股企業控股公司(Enterprise Holdings Inc.)也表示,正在尋求增加電子產品,特別是針對租賃或租賃小型車隊的客户。

"If you look now, 2% or thereabouts of all cars manufactured in the U.S. are electric," Avis Chief Executive Joe Ferraro said on an earnings call earlier this month. "That number will go to about 10% in 2025, and maybe north of 30% in 2030. And we'll play a big role in that."

安飛士首席執行長費拉羅(Joe Ferraro)本月早些時候在財報電話會議上表示:“如果你現在看看,在美國生產的所有汽車中,有2%左右是電動的。”“這一數字在2025年將達到10%左右,2030年可能會超過30%。我們將在這方面發揮重要作用。”

This shift is expected to come with challenges. Electric vehicles are typically more expensive, creating higher upfront costs for rental-car companies and potentially raising prices for renters. Additionally, a dearth of public charging networks could prove difficult for leisure travelers, who might not know how and where to charge their cars, analysts and executives say. That frustration could hurt the customers' experience, they say.


Car-rental companies and their corporate clients are facing greater pressure from Wall Street to make environmental issues a higher priority and to outline steps they are taking to combat climate change, analysts and executives say.


Stocks in companies focused on electric vehicles have shot up in recent months, even though sales of battery-powered models remain low -- less than 3% of the total new-car market -- and many drivers are still nervous about not having enough places to plug in.


Hertz's news in late October that it had placed a 100,000-vehicle order from electric-car pioneer Tesla Inc. sent shares in both companies soaring, pushing Tesla's valuation over $1 trillion for the first time. While the two companies are still working out details, Hertz said at the time that the order would increase its mix of electric cars to 20% of its overall fleet.

赫茲10月底宣佈向電動汽車先驅特斯拉公司(Tesla Inc.)訂購10萬輛汽車的消息推動兩家公司股價飆升,使特斯拉的估值首次突破1萬億美元。雖然兩家公司仍在制定細節,但赫茲當時表示,這一訂單將使其電動汽車組合佔其總車隊的20%。

Avis's stock also rallied earlier this month when executives said they were working to expand electric options for renters, making it a centerpiece of the company's efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 30% over the next decade. Following the disclosure, Avis's shares more than doubled that day, the stock's largest single-day percentage gain ever.


Currently, the pickings are relatively limited for customers looking to rent an electric or hybrid model. For Avis, the share of hybrid and electric vehicles in its global fleet is around 3%, the company said earlier this year.


Chris Haffenreffer, an executive in charge of Enterprise's electric-vehicle strategy, said it sees the most potential for electrics in its commercial-rental fleets and fleet-management business, which mostly serves companies looking for longer-term arrangements. These business clients tend to be more cost conscious and see value in the lower maintenance and operating costs afforded by battery-powered vehicles, he said.

負責企業電動汽車戰略的高管克里斯·哈芬裏弗(Chris Haffenreffer)説,該公司在其商業租賃車隊和車隊管理業務中看到了電動汽車的最大潛力,這些業務主要為尋求長期安排的公司服務。他説,這些商業客户往往更具成本意識,並從電池驅動汽車所能承受的較低維護和運營成本中看到了價值。

Enterprise is still studying how to make electric cars a better fit for leisure travelers, who are more likely to worry about finding enough charging stations, Mr. Haffenreffer said.


The shift to electrics can benefit rental-car companies in other important ways. It helps them shrink their own carbon footprints by integrating more zero-emissions vehicles into their overall rental fleets. That, in turn, can help improve their environmental, social and governance, or ESG, standing with investors, executives and analysts say.


"ESG-associated names like Tesla usually get a much higher multiple," said Hamzah Mazari, an analyst with Jefferies Group who covers the rental-car industry.

傑富瑞集團(Jefferies Group)研究租車行業的分析師哈姆扎·馬紮裏(Hamzah Mazari)表示:“像特斯拉這樣與ESG相關的公司通常會得到更高的市盈率。”

Corporate clients also see an advantage because the more clean vehicles they rent, the more they can count the emissions-reduction efforts toward their own ESG ratings, analysts say.


Still, hurdles remain for rental-car providers looking to electrify their lots.


Battery-powered vehicles are typically more expensive than their gas-engine counterparts, requiring companies to make more upfront investment, said Maryann Keller, an independent consultant who previously served on the board of Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, which is now part of Hertz.

獨立顧問瑪麗安·凱勒(Maryann Keller)説,電池驅動的汽車通常比汽油發動機驅動的汽車更貴,這需要公司進行更多的前期投資。凱勒曾在Dollar Thrity Automotive Group董事會任職,該集團現在是赫茲(Hertz)的一部分。

They also require rental providers to install charging stations in their parking areas and to educate consumers about how to use the vehicles, she said. A steep learning curve could be a major turnoff for clients, she added.


There is also uncertainty around the resale market and how much an electric model will hold its value, a factor that is particularly important to rental-car companies because they turn over fleets frequently, analysts say.


Enterprise's Mr. Haffenreffer said developing a more robust network of public charging stations would be critical to broadening EVs' appeal to renters.


"The conventional wisdom for EV owners right now is that the vast majority of charging is going to happen at home, but for our renters, that charging is going to happen in the public," he said.


Write to Nora Naughton at

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