
KKR, CVC Capital Partners considering teaming up to bid for Telecom Italia – Bloomberg News

KKR, CVC Capital Partners considering teaming up to bid for Telecom Italia – Bloomberg News

KKR,CVC Capital Partners考慮聯手競購意大利電信--彭博新聞
reuters ·  2021/11/26 04:02

Nov 25 (Reuters) - KKR & Co KKR.N and CVC Capital Partners are considering teaming up on a bid for Italy-based Telecom Italia SpA TLIT.MI , Bloomberg News reported

路透11月25日電-據彭博社(Bloomberg News)報道,KKR&Co KKR.N和CVC Capital Partners正在考慮聯手競購意大利電信(Telecom Italia Spa)TLIT.MI。

on Thursday, citing people with knowledge of the matter.


The two private-equity firms have held exploratory talks about the potential for a joint offer, the report added, quoting people asking not to be identified as the talks are private.


CVC Capital, KKR and Telecom Italia did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

CVC Capital、KKR和意大利電信沒有立即回覆路透的置評請求。

CVC has been studying a possible acquisition of Telecom Italia for several months, the people were quoted as saying in the Bloomberg News report, adding that the private-equity firms are still discussing the merits of teaming up for the joint bidding.

彭博新聞社(Bloomberg News)援引上述知情人士的話説,CVC幾個月來一直在研究收購意大利電信(Telecom Italia)的可能性,並補充説,私募股權公司仍在討論聯合競購的好處。

KKR has made a 10.8 billion euro ($12 billion) offer in the midst of a boardroom row between Telecom Italia CEO Luigi Gubitosi and the former Italian telecoms monopoly's top investor Vivendi VIV.PA , Reuters reported on Thursday.

據路透社(Reuters)週四報道,意大利電信(Telecom Italia)首席執行官路易吉·古比託西(Luigi Gubitosi)與前意大利電信壟斷企業威望迪(Viveni VIV.PA)的最大投資者威望迪(Viveni VIV.PA)之間的董事會爭吵中,KKR提出了108億歐元(120億美元)的收購要約。

Gubitosi told the board that he is ready to step aside to speed up a decision on the KKR offer, according to sources.


(Reporting by Anirudh Saligrama in Bengaluru Editing by Nick Zieminski)

(Anirudh Saligrama在Bengaluru Editing由Nick Ziminski報道)



