
Sedana Medical submits IND for US clinical trials

Sedana Medical submits IND for US clinical trials

Sedana Medical提交IND進行美國臨牀試驗
PR Newswire ·  2021/11/24 16:12

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Sedana Medical AB (publ) (SEDANA: FN Stockholm) today announces that the company has submitted an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), with the aim to commence its phase III pivotal clinical trials with its Sedaconda products in the United States.

斯德哥爾摩,2021年11月24日美通社/--Sedana Medical AB(Publ)(Sedana:FN斯德哥爾摩)今天宣佈,該公司已經向美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)提交了一份調查性新藥(IND)申請,目的是開始其Sedaconda產品的第三階段關鍵臨牀試驗。美國.

Sedana Medical is aiming for a combination registration of the medical device Sedaconda ACD and the pharmaceutical Sedaconda (isoflurane) for inhaled sedation of mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care. Provided that the IND is approved, the company is planning to commence patient recruitment at the turn of Q1/Q2 2022, with the objective to obtain US approval in 2024.

Sedana Medical的目標是對醫療設備Sedaconda ACD和藥物Sedaconda(異氟醚)進行聯合註冊,用於重症監護機械通氣患者的吸入鎮靜。如果IND獲得批准,該公司計劃在2022年第一季度/第二季度之交開始招募患者,目標是在2024年獲得美國的批准。

"We are happy to announce that we have now submitted the IND to the FDA and the preparations for our clinical program in the United States are progressing according to plan. The US market represents the largest commercial opportunity for Sedana Medical and we are looking forward to bringing our Sedaconda products to intensive care patients in the US. We have recruited many of the most reputable centers for our US clinical trials and are eager to commence patient enrollment" said Johannes Doll, CEO of Sedana Medical.

我們很高興地宣佈,我們現在已經向FDA提交了IND,我們在美國的臨牀項目的準備工作正在按計劃進行。美國市場是Sedana Medical最大的商業機會,我們期待着將我們的Sedaconda產品帶給美國的重症監護患者。我們已經為我們的美國臨牀試驗招募了許多最負盛名的中心,並渴望開始招募患者。約翰尼斯娃娃,Sedana Medical的首席執行官。

Sedana Medical aims to conduct two multicenter, randomized controlled, assessor-blinded clinical trials to confirm efficacy and safety. The number of patients in both trials combined will be around 500. The study design is similar to the SED-001 trial that was successfully completed in Europe and formed the basis for the European approval earlier this year. The primary endpoint in each study will be to show that Sedaconda (isoflurane), administered via Sedaconda ACD, is effective and non-inferior to propofol for sedation of mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit. The secondary endpoints relate to opioid requirements, spontaneous breathing, wake-up time and cognitive recovery.

Sedana Medical的目標是進行兩個多中心、隨機對照、評估者盲的臨牀試驗,以確認有效性和安全性。這兩項試驗的患者總數將在500人左右。這項研究的設計類似於在歐洲成功完成的SED-001試驗,並形成了今年早些時候歐洲批准的基礎。每項研究的主要終點將是證明通過Sedaconda ACD給藥的Sedaconda(異氟醚)對於重症監護病房機械通氣患者的鎮靜是有效且不遜於異丙酚的。次要終點與阿片類藥物需求、自發呼吸、覺醒時間和認知恢復有關。

For additional information, please contact:
Johannes Doll, CEO, +46 76 303 66 66
Susanne Andersson, CFO, +46 73 066 89 04
[email protected]

首席執行官約翰尼斯·多爾(Johannes Doll)電話:+46 76 303 66 66
蘇珊·安德森首席財務官,電話:+46 73 066 89 04

Sedana Medical is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm.
The company's Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank, +46 8 463 83 00, [email protected].

該公司的認證顧問是Erik Penser Bank,電話:+46 8 463 83 00,[受電子郵件保護].

About Sedana Medical

關於Sedana Medical

Sedana Medical AB (publ) is a pioneer medtech and pharmaceutical company focused on inhaled sedation to improve the patient's life during and beyond sedation. Through the combined strengths of the medical device Sedaconda ACD and the pharmaceutical Sedaconda (isoflurane), Sedana Medical provides inhaled sedation for mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care.

Sedana Medical AB(PUBL)是一家領先的醫療技術和製藥公司,專注於吸入性鎮靜,以改善患者在鎮靜期間和鎮靜之外的生活。通過結合醫療設備Sedaconda ACD和藥物Sedaconda(異氟醚)的優勢,Sedana Medical為重症監護機械通氣患者提供吸入性鎮靜。

Sedana Medical has direct sales in Benelux, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Nordic, and Spain. In other parts of Europe as well as in Asia, Australia, Canada, and South- and Central America, the company works with external distributors.

Sedana Medical在法國比荷盧有直銷業務,德國、大不列顛、北歐和西班牙。在歐洲其他地區以及在亞洲,澳大利亞,加拿大,以及中南美洲,該公司與外部分銷商合作。

Sedana Medical was founded in 2005, is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market (SEDANA) and headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

賽達納醫療成立於2005年,在納斯達克First North Growth Market(賽達納)上市,總部設在瑞典斯德哥爾摩。

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The following files are available for download:


PR Sedana Medical (publ) IND submission 211124


公關Sedana Medical(PUBL)IND意見書211124

SOURCE Sedana Medical

來源:Sedana Medical

