
Toronto Stocks Down; Fairfax Financial Shares Jump on Buyback, Subsidiary Interest Sale

Toronto Stocks Down; Fairfax Financial Shares Jump on Buyback, Subsidiary Interest Sale

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/18 01:10

By Adriano Marchese


Stocks in Canada were down moderately midday Wednesday, with most sectors counteracting gains in non-energy minerals and energy stocks. Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. shares jumped after it announced it would sell around 10% interest in a U.S.-based subsidiary to fund a $1 billion buyback.

加拿大股市週三中午溫和下跌,大多數行業抵消了非能源礦產和能源股的收益。費爾法克斯金融控股有限公司的股票在宣布出售一家美國子公司約 10% 的權益,以資助 10 億美元的回購後,股票躍升。

Canada's S&P/TSX Composite Index was down 0.29% at 21654.12 and the blue-chip S&P/TSX 60 was down 0.38% at 1302.03.

加拿大標普/多倫多證交所綜合指數下跌 0.29%,報 21654.12,而藍籌標普/多倫多證交所指數下跌 0.38%,報 1302.03。

Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. shares were up 7.7% at C$585.04 after announcing that it has agreed to sell two tranches of nearly 5% interest in Odyssey Group Holdings Inc. for $900 million, which it will put toward repurchasing and canceling up to $1 billion of its own shares.

費爾法克斯金融控股有限公司的股份上漲 7.7%,報 585.04 加元,同意以 9 億美元的價格出售奧德賽集團控股有限公司的兩批近 5% 權益,將用於重新購買和取消高達 10 億美元的股份。

Other market movers:


Leon's Furniture Ltd. shares climbed 0.8% to C$24.46 after it announced will purchase up to 200 million Canadian dollars of its own shares, the equivalent of around US$159.2 million.

利昂家具有限公司的股份攀升 0.8% 至 24.46 加元後,該公司宣佈將購入高達 2 億加元的自有股份,相當於約 159.2 億美元。

Shares in Goodfood Market Corp. fell to C$5.25, plummeting 27% after it swung to a loss in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2021, as the effects of reopening and seasonality weighed on revenue.

由於重新開放和季節性影響對收入的影響加重,好食品市場公司的股價跌至 5.25 加元,在 2021 財年第四季度跌至 27%。

Lithium Americas Corp. fell to 3.2% to C$5.69 after it announced that it would buy Millennial Lithium Corp. for a total of consideration of around US$400 million in cash and stock.

美洲鋰公司宣布將以約 4 億美元的現金和股票收購千禧一代鋰電股份有限公司之後,跌至 3.2%,至 5.69 加元。

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