Press Release: AgJunction Reports Third Quarter -3-
Press Release: AgJunction Reports Third Quarter -3-
Amortization 2,105 1,450
Share-based payment transactions 237 120
Allowance loss on trade receivables - 4
Recovery (write down) of reserve for slow
moving and obsolete inventories - 7
Loss on disposal of property, plant and
equipment - 68
Gain on loan forgiveness (1,466) -
Change in operating working capital:
Accounts receivable 482 (372)
Inventories 790 (3,991)
Contract assets 7 -
Prepaid expenses and deposits 279 202
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 440 (396)
Provisions (298) 24
Deferred revenue 3,094 (281)
------------------------------------------------ ------ ------
Cash flows provided by (used in) operating
activities: 894 (5,702)
Cash flows provided by and used in
financing activities:
Interest payments on lease liabilities (24) (34)
Principal payments on lease liabilities (280) (306)
Paycheck Protection Program Loan proceeds 1,466 1,540
Paycheck Protection Program Loan repayment - (1,540)
Cash flows provided by (used in) financing
activities: 1,162 (340)
Cash flows used in investing
Increase in notes receivable, net of
principal payments received (798) 192
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (159) (79)
Intangible asset addition, net (1,688) (1,403)
Cash flows used in investing activities: (2,645) (1,290)
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents (589) (7,332)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 6,773 17,248
------------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of
period $ 6,184 $ 9,916
--------------------------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------
AgJunction Inc.
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and
Amortization (EBITDA) Reconciliation
Three and Nine months ended September 30, 2021 and
(unaudited - expressed in U.S. thousand
Three months ended Nine months ended
September 30, September 30,
-------------------- ---------------------
2021 2020 2021 2020
----------------- ----- ------ ------ ------
Net loss $ (851) $(1,257) $ (5,284) $(3,077)
(income) (1) (11) (8) (89)
Amortization 943 696 2,613 1,990
EBITDA $ 91 $ (572) $ (2,679) $(1,176)
----------------- ----- ------ ------
攤銷2,105,450股份支付交易237 120應收貿易賬款備抵損失-4慢提準備金回收(減記)移動和陳舊庫存-7處置財產、工業裝置和設備-68台貸款減免收益(1,466)-營運資金變動:應收賬款482(372)庫存790(3991)合同資產7-預付費用和按金279 202應付帳款和應計負債440(396)條文(298)24遞延收入3094(281)------------------------------------------------ ------ ------ 經營所提供(用於)的現金流活動:894(5702)由以下公司提供和使用的現金流融資活動:租賃負債的利息支付(24)(34)租賃負債本金支付(280)(306)薪資保障計劃貸款收益1,466 1,540工資保障計劃貸款償還-(1,540)融資提供的現金流(用於融資)活動:1162(340)用於投資的現金流活動:應收票據淨額增加收到的本金付款(798)192購置房產、廠房和設備(159)(79)無形資產增加額,淨額(1,688)(1,403)投資活動使用的現金流:(2645)(1290)現金和現金等價物減少(589)(7332)現金和現金等價物,期初6773 17248------------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ------ 現金和現金等價物,末尾期間$6,184$9,916--------------------------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ 美國農業聯合公司(Agunction Inc.)扣除利息、税項、折舊和攤銷(EBITDA)調節截至2021年9月30日的三個月和九個月 2020 (未經審計-以千美元表示美元)截至三個月截至九個月九月三十號,九月三十號, -------------------- --------------------- 2021 2020 2021 2020 ----------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ 淨虧損$(851)$(1257)$(5284)$(3077)利息(收入)(1)(11)(8)(89)折舊 & 攤銷943 696 2,613 1,990EBITDA$91$(572)$(2,679)$(1,176)----------------- ----- ------ ------