
Press Release: Cathedral Energy Services Reports Results for 2021 Q3

Press Release: Cathedral Energy Services Reports Results for 2021 Q3

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/10 12:50

Cathedral Energy Services Reports Results for 2021 Q3


Canada NewsWire


CALGARY, AB, Nov. 9, 2021




CALGARY, AB, Nov. 9, 2021 /CNW/ - Cathedral Energy Services Ltd. (the "Company" or "Cathedral") (TSX: CET) announces its consolidated financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021 and 2020.


Dollars in 000's except per share amounts.


This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. For a full disclosure of forward-looking statements and the risks to which they are subject, see "Forward-Looking Statements" later in this news release.




-- The Company completed the acquisition of Precision Drilling Corporation's
directional drilling business and the assets of Valiant Energy Services
Ltd. and these acquisitions along with internally generated growth
increased the Company's Canadian market share to average 17.7% in 2021
-- As part of the Precision Drilling acquisition, the Company completed a
marketing alliance with Precision;
-- The capital program increased from $6,000 to $9,000 in part due to the
investment of $3,000 from the Precision acquisition;
-- The Company executed on its plan to deliver RapidFireTM
Measurement-While-Drilling ("MWD") systems in both Canada and U.S.;
-- Revenues increased by $15,137 or 303% from $4,990 in 2020 Q3 to $20,127
in 2021 Q3;
-- Adjusted gross margin increased from 20% to 27%;
-- Adjusted EBITDAS increased from $84 to $5,170. This was the highest
quarterly Adjusted EBITDAS since 2018 Q3;
-- Cathedral posted positive net income of $403, which was the first
quarterly net income since 2018 Q3;
-- These were the first results of the Company's plan to increase size and
scale and a change in trajectory and strategic direction with a new
leadership team in place.
--公司完成對Precision Drilling Corporation定向鑽井業務與Valiant Energy Services的資產以及這些收購和內部創造的增長2021年將公司在加拿大的市場份額平均提高到17.7%      Q3; -作為Precision Drilling收購的一部分,該公司完成了與Precision結成營銷聯盟;-資本計劃從6,000美元增加到9,000美元,部分原因是收購Precision的投資為3,000美元;--該公司執行其交付RapidFireTM的計劃加拿大和美國的隨鑽測量(MWD)系統;-收入增加15,137美元,增幅303%,從2020年第三季度的4,990美元增至20,127美元2021年第三季度;-調整後的毛利率從20%提高到27%;--調整後的EBITDAS從84美元增加到5170美元。這是最高的2018年第三季度以來的季度調整EBITDAS;-大教堂公佈淨收入為正403美元,這是第一次2018年第三季度以來的季度淨收入;-這些是公司擴大規模和擴大規模計劃的首批成果規模以及軌跡和戰略方向的變化領導團隊就位。



Comments from President & CEO Tom Connors:


2021 Q3 was a pivotal inflection point for Cathedral, marking the shift to a much more positive trajectory going forward, both operationally and financially. Our Company generated Adjusted EBITDAS of approximately $5,200 for the period, our highest quarterly figure since the third quarter of 2018. This was accompanied by positive net income and was all driven by the core directional drilling and motor rental businesses, not one-time adjustments or significant lost-in-hole revenues.


We believe the existing market fundamentals will provide for a sustained period of increased demand for our services and higher levels of activity and utilization. Strong oil and natural gas prices, robust cash flows and balance sheets for E&P companies combined with an improved market structure in Canada and declining inventories of drilled but uncompleted wells in the US, indicate improving market conditions in both of our key markets. Further, as we continue to progress through the early stages of a market recovery we anticipate a more constructive pricing environment for the supply of our services due to constraints imposed by tight local labour markets and bottlenecks created by global supply chains.


In Canada, the combination and integration of two key acquisitions in the quarter firmly established Cathedral as a top three directional drilling contractor in the market. We grew our market share substantially in the quarter with up to 29 jobs running at certain times and an overall average market share of 17.7%, representing a 590% increase over the same quarter in the prior year. The growth in activity also led to improved margins and higher levels of Adjusted EBITDAS in the quarter. With a further increase in drilling days anticipated in 2022, we expect a continued expansion in our job count as we maintain or grow our portion of the market.


Our acquisition of Precision Drilling Corporation's ("PD") directional assets in the quarter enabled the addition of a complementary customer base and increased access to an expanded client list through our joint marketing alliance with a credible, reputable partner for North America. Cathedral was also able to purchase the assets of Valiant Energy Services Ltd. and secure the key leadership of this top tier private directional driller. This transaction has delivered immediate value to our business as they continue to deliver reliable performance and high levels of utilization.

我們在本季度收購了Precision Drilling Corporation(“PD”)的定向資產,通過我們與北美可信、信譽良好的合作伙伴的聯合營銷聯盟,增加了一個互補的客户羣,並增加了接觸更多客户的機會。Cathedral還收購了Valiant Energy Services Ltd.的資產,並確保了這家頂級私人定向鑽機的關鍵領導權。這筆交易為我們的業務帶來了立竿見影的價值,因為它們繼續提供可靠的性能和高水平的利用率。

We believe accretive acquisitions are a key cornerstone of our strategy to expand our size and scale and provide much needed consolidation in a fragmented marketplace. These first two acquisitions demonstrate the transformative nature of the right transactions and the evolution of our company will continue as we explore more opportunities that enhance our value proposition.


The USA operations are steadily improving under the new leadership and sales teams, who are focused on leveraging our premium motor and MWD technologies, differentiating through superior performance and service, and identifying further opportunities for expansion through smart, accretive acquisitions. The marketing alliance is already demonstrating value in our US market with immediate incremental work provided by two PD turnkey opportunities.


Technology is a cornerstone of our competitive advantage as we continue to invest meaningfully in our business with a capital budget of $9,000 for 2021. We are on schedule to execute on our plan to deliver 18 RapidFire(TM) Measurement-While-Drilling ("MWD") systems by year end and have already deployed several systems successfully in both of our core markets. In response to customer demand for technology that places the sensor readings closer to the drill bit, we expect to build out 25 REACT drilling motors in the coming weeks and months. This motor will reduce gamma and survey points by 5-6 meters and is ideal for thin target zones like those found in the Clearwater and Viking formations. Finally, over the longer term our marketing alliance with PD will also focus on areas where we can jointly utilize or develop technology to differentiate our service offering in the marketplace.


Financial flexibility is a key element for our ongoing technology build-out, as well as executing these previous acquisitions and contemplating potential targets in the future. To that end, the Company renewed its bank facility in late 2021 Q2 on traditional market terms and has access to its full capacity going forward. This will ensure the Company can continue to explore and execute on organic growth and accretive consolidation opportunities.


This quarter is clear evidence of Cathedral's ability to deliver on our ongoing strategy of achieving size and scale via technology expansion, organic growth and mergers & acquisitions. And provided these positive macroeconomic factors persist, I am confident we have the people, the operations, and the financing to maintain this momentum into Q4 and beyond.




On July 23, 2021, the Company announced the closing of Cathedral's acquisition of Precision Drilling Corporation's ("Precision") directional drilling business (the "Transaction") for a purchase price of $6,350. The Transaction includes the operating assets and personnel of Precision's directional drilling business (including its operations facility in Nisku, Alberta), and a $3,000 cash investment by Precision to support growth and expansion of Cathedral, including continuing the buildout of RapidFire(TM) measurement-while-drilling guidance systems and nDurance(TM) drilling motors. Additionally, the Transaction is expected to enhance margins as expenses related to rental equipment used by Precision are replaced with proprietary Cathedral tools.

2021年7月23日,公司宣佈以6350美元的收購價完成大教堂收購Precision Drilling Corporation(“Precision”)定向鑽井業務(以下簡稱“交易”)的交易。這筆交易包括Precision定向鑽井業務的運營資產和人員(包括其在艾伯塔省尼斯庫的運營設施),以及Precision為支持Cathedral的發展和擴張而進行的3000美元現金投資,包括繼續擴建RapidFire(TM)隨鑽測量導航系統和nDurance(TM)鑽井馬達。此外,這筆交易預計將提高利潤率,因為與Precision使用的租賃設備相關的費用將被專有的Cathedral工具取代。

Cathedral issued 13,400,000 common shares (the "Consideration Shares") along with warrants to purchase an additional 2,000,000 common shares of Cathedral at a price of $0.60 per common share within a two-year period after closing. In addition to a 4-month statutory hold period on the Consideration Shares, the parties have agreed to contractual restrictions on resale as follows: 25% of the Consideration Shares are restricted until January 22, 2022; a further 25% of the Consideration Shares are restricted until July 22, 2022; and a further 50% of the Consideration Shares are restricted until July 22, 2023, subject to certain exceptions.


The Company has allocated the $6,350 purchase as follows:


-- Cash $3,000
-- Land and building $1,500; and
-- Equipment $$1,850.

The Company has expensed $139 in costs related to the Transaction. As the acquired assets were integrated into Cathedral's existing directional drilling operations it is impracticable to break-out the revenue and profit or loss of the acquired assets since the acquisition.


As part of the Transaction, Cathedral and Precision have entered into a strategic marketing alliance (the "Alliance"), which is expected to produce new U.S. and Canadian customer opportunities for Cathedral as well as potential integrated service offerings for customers. The Alliance is expected to support both parties' technology initiatives and lead the future of directional drilling. Precision's market leading Alpha(TM) digital technologies (AlphaApps, AlphaAutomation and AlphaAnalytics) are focused on automation and drilling performance and pair well with Cathedral's premium proprietary downhole equipment and directional drilling expertise.


