
Press Release: QC Copper Publishes the Technical -2-

Press Release: QC Copper Publishes the Technical -2-

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/11/04 18:10

done at the end of the program to obtain correctly oriented structural measurement.


For the Mineral Resource database, additional QAQC measures included core duplicates. For the historical drilling assay verification measures comprised core resampling for the holes drilled by the vendor in 2010, 2015 and 2016 and for the historical Falconbridge mine era drilling where no core remains a total of 37 twinned holes were collared and results compared with the assays from the mine. The results of these measures confirm that the assays from the vendor period are equivalent to QC Copper assays and that the mine era assays are demonstrably equivalent for the range of values from the lower detection limit up to about 2.0% Cu which represents over 90% of the assays in the Mineral Resource database. Above this grade the number of samples in the twinned data is small and the variance is high such as to be difficult to compare datasets. Nevertheless, for the bulk of the mine drilling the assays are comparable to modern-day, QAQC controlled assays. After review of available data, the assays undertaken by QC Copper as well as the vendor and the mine are judged to be acceptable for the purposes of estimating a Mineral Resource on the Opemiska Project.

對於礦產資源數據庫,額外的QAQC措施包括核心副本。就歷史鑽探化驗而言,驗證措施包括對供應商於二零一零年、二零一五年及二零一六年鑽探的鑽孔進行巖心重採樣,以及對於歷史上獵鷹橋礦時代的鑽探(即已無巖心殘留),共鑽出37個孿生孔,並將結果與礦場的化驗結果作比較。這些措施的結果證實,供應商時期的化驗結果與QC銅化驗結果相當,礦山時代的化驗結果在從檢測下限到約2.0%銅(佔礦產資源數據庫中90%以上的化驗結果)的值範圍內明顯相等。在這個等級以上,孿生數據中的樣本數量很少,方差很高,因此很難比較數據集。然而,對於大部分礦山鑽探來説,這些化驗方法與現代的QAQC控制化驗方法不相上下。在審閲現有數據後,QC Cu以及供應商和礦場進行的分析就評估Opemiska項目的礦產資源而言被認為是可接受的。

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SOURCE QC Copper & Gold Inc.


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