
Cleveland Cliffs Saturday Offered Comment On US-European Union Steel Section 232 Deal

Cleveland Cliffs Saturday Offered Comment On US-European Union Steel Section 232 Deal

克利夫蘭懸崖週六提供評論美國歐盟鋼鐵部分 232 交易
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2021/11/01 22:52

Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., (NYSE:CLF) today issued the following statement regarding the announcement by President Biden’s Administration of an alternative steel Section 232 arrangement between the United States and the European Union.

克利夫蘭-懸崖公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:CLF)今天就拜登總統管理美國與歐盟之間的替代鋼鐵第 232 條安排的宣布發表以下聲明。

Lourenco Goncalves, Cleveland-Cliffs' Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, said, “Today’s announcement of an alternative Section 232 measure with the EU is evidence that President Biden and his Administration understand the critical role of the steel Section 232 program in providing a level playing field for American companies and workers. This tariff rate quota arrangement will guard against a harmful surge of steel imports from the EU.

克里夫蘭-克里夫主席、總裁兼首席執行官 Lourenco Goncalves 表示:「今天宣布與歐盟簽訂 232 條例替代措施,證明拜登總統及其政府了解鋼鐵部分 232 計劃在為美國公司和工人提供公平競爭環境方面的關鍵作用。這項關稅稅率配額安排將防止歐盟鋼鐵進口的有害激增。

The agreement recognizes that the United States has the most environmentally friendly steel industry in the world. Cleveland-Cliffs produces high-quality flat-rolled steel products with all stages of production occurring in the United States, from the mining of key raw materials through melting and finishing. In furtherance of Cleveland-Cliffs’ commitment to decarbonization, the Company has spent more than $1 billion since 2017 to build the world’s most technologically-advanced direct reduction plant in Toledo, Ohio. This plant produces hot briquetted iron that is 70% less CO2 intensive than imported metallics such as pig iron.

該協議認識到美國擁有世界上最環保的鋼鐵行業。Cleveland-Cliffs 生產高品質的平板軋鋼產品,所有生產階段都在美國進行,從關鍵原材料的開採到熔化和精加工。為了促進 Cleveland-Cliff 對脫碳的承諾,自 2017 年以來,公司已花費超過 10 億美元,在俄亥俄州托萊多建造了世界上技術最先進的直接減量工廠。與進口金屬(如豬鐵)相比,該工廠生產的熱煤鐵的 CO2 密集量減少了 70%。

I wish to thank Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, and United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Katherine Tai, for negotiating a deal that respects the importance of maintaining strong Section 232 measures to the benefit of U.S. national and economic security.”

我要感謝商務部長吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)和美國貿易代表戴凱瑟琳(Katherine Tai)大使談判了一項重要性的協議,該協議尊重維持強有力的第 232 條措施以使美國國家和經濟安全受益。」

